Hello Nikki!
Thanks for raising this topic, it'll help us put a clearer perspective on how to Edit Pictures in Little Reader.
I'm glad that you were resourceful as to go to the help topics, and since you have already followed the directions there, I've got an idea of what happened. After having chosen ADD A NEW PICTURE, you may have failed to delete the old one. So here's what you do:
2. Highlight the word you want to edit.
3. Click on EDIT to open the editing dialogue box.
4. Click on NEW in the picture panel (middle panel of Edit Word Menu) - Locate the photo or image file in your computer. Click Open. Your selected image will then appear on the preview box.
And one last note, since what you wanted to do was not ADD a picture, rather you wanted to EDIT the existing one so it gets replaced,
5. On the picture panel, select the image that you want to remove, and click DELETE.This will effectively replace the old photo with the new one you just put in.
On another note, you may also just choose to EDIT the image instead and replace it with your new one, instead of adding a new one. Little Reader is capable of taking in several pictures for one word, which is why the ADD A NEW PICTURE is there - this will enable you to play different pictures of the same person, animal or object each and every time you playback that word.
I hope that helps! Please let me know how it goes! :-*