FOR ALL EXISTING USERS OF LITTLE READER, PLEASE READ THIS!If you do not have that much old content you'd like to keep:If you do not have that much old content you'd like to keep, then we would strongly recommend that you do this:
- export whatever Categories or Playlists that you DO want to keep
- copy the exported files somewhere safe - do NOT leave it in the Import-Export folder!
- Uninstall LR COMPLETELY (check both boxes when asked if you want to also delete your word and media libraries)
- Download and install LR 1.5.200 cleanly.
If you have a lot of content which you want to keep:Due to the many improvements and added functionality, users who wish to retain their old Media Library will need to follow an additional procedure to convert their Library to our new format. But don’t worry, this guide will take you step-by-step through the process!
BACKUP YOUR DATABefore you begin installing the latest version of Little Reader, kindly navigate to:
My Documents\BrillKids\Little Reader HOME\… Here you’ll see two folders,
Data and
Media Library. Just in case of any accidents, kindly make backups of these two folders by copying and pasting them in a safe place outside of the BrillKids folder. Remember put them in a location that you won’t forget!
Now you can begin downloading and running the latest Little Reader installer. When installing the new build, you will be prompted to retain your old Media Library.
INSTALLATION PROCEDURESign in to your BrillKids Account, and go to your Account Management page here: through Steps 1 through 3, making sure to complete one step at a time.
Step 1: Download and Install Your Software.Click on the software you want to download. (For upgrading Little Reader, please click on the purple button. This will start the download process.
Do not interrupt your internet connection while you are downloading the software.
After completing the download, double-click on the file to extract the installer, and double-click on the installer to begin upgrading. Again,
do not interrupt the installation process by trying to install something else while it's being completed.
Please follow the prompts and ensure no folders are open, and no programs are accessing files anywhere in the Little Reader Media Library.
Click OK, and Little Reader will begin importing to the new database. This may take a few minutes, but do not try to run Little Reader, as the software will load up once the importing is complete.
Once Little Reader has loaded, it will check for updates online. You will be prompted to download a Starter Pack along with any available updates. The Starter Pack will contain all of your Course lessons.
Click YES to proceed and download your Starter Pack.
After completing the installation, go to Step 2.
Step 2: Download and Install Your License Key.Please make sure you have INSTALLED YOUR SOFTWARE FIRST before downloading and installing your license key!Click on the button which corresponds to the license key file you want to use for your computer. This will start the download process.
Do not interrupt your internet connection while you are downloading the license key.
Once you have finished downloading it, double-click on the LRD-LIC file to begin importing your key to Little Reader. If you do not have Little Reader open, it will force the application to open, and will import itself automatically.
After importing the license key, it will activate itself by communicating with our servers. Again,
do not interrupt the activation process by disconnecting your internet access.
When you have successfully imported your license key, your Little Reader should display the gold bar in the Home Screen. Go to Step 3.
Step 3: GET YOUR CURRICULUM CONTENT.This is the step where you download all the media files you will need to play your curriculum. You can choose to download your BrillKids curriculum content in parts, so you won't have to be connected to the internet for too long; if your internet connection is stable, you may also choose to download all the content at once.
Just click on the download buttons here to download the content. These files will pretty much behave int eh same way as downloading a category file from the Little Reader library, and will ask you to save or open the file. Either way, it will import itself automatically to your Little Reader once you have finished downloading them.
Note: It's usually best to try downloading them one at a time. If you encounter any problems, feel free to let us know by posting here in the forum or
sending an email to our technical support team, and we will gladly lend you a hand as soon as possible.
Thanks and happy teaching!