For sure, these little persons each have there own personalities and interests allready, and it changes over time, so you'll be inventing new ways to teach all the time.
My little one loves LR, but sometimes he thinks some of the catagories are boring too. You can always replace the color pictures with pictures of objects in those colors instead, when the picture comes up say, look a RED tractor or BLUE sky etc etc. Some other ideas I used was to put the computer's sound off and sing the set to him instead or take one of his stuffed animals and let the toy "do the talking" for that set + kisses from the toy inbetween or the toy claps or giggles etc. A talking sock also worked well for us or having real objects close by that you can piont to or give to your child during a lesson. While we were doing clothing for instance, I would have some clothing items at hand, during colors I had his mega blocks with me etc. Try to have fun (for real, because they know when you're pretending to have fun.
There's so many words for him to learn from the LR Sem 1 & 2 plus extra catagories you can buy or downlaod for free, if your baby isn't learning colors, I really don't think that it will matter in the long run.
How is the LM going? Mine really thinks LM is boring, many days we don't even do it.