I used to be able to create override settings that would apply to each session, but it still only showed words for the Word Flash session, Word/Media for the Multisensory sessions, and only images for the Picture Flash session.
Is this still possible? If so, how do I do it?
I think there might be some confusion as to what Override can and cannot do. What you describe should not be possible with Override. Override settings (right now anyway) give you only ONE set of settings, which you can see when you click on the cogwheel settings button next to the Override button. From there, you can choose which of the many settings you want to be activated to override. So you may choose to just override one function, and the rest will not override anything. For example if you want to turn the Pointer ON for all lessons, you activate the Pointer option, and turn it on. Then you make sure your Override button is ON.
But say you only want the pointer during Multisensory lessons and not for word flash lessons. What you would have to do is to turn Override OFF during word flash lessons, and back on again during multisensory, because if you don't, EVERYTHING will have the pointer ON.
Unfortunately, this is a limitation in the current Override feature. There is no way you can, say, apply one set of Override settings to word flash lessons, and another set to multisensory lessons.
In future versions, you WILL have the ability to do that - you'll be able to store different Override settings, and choose which type of lessons to apply it to. Maybe v1.7? It's definitely on the list of 'to-do's' anyway.
Also, why do some of the common settings have two toggles on them?
Rotate Media
Pronunciation On
Pic Audio On
Video On
As you will probably understand by now, the first toggle is whether you want to activate this setting to override your lessons' settings. After you turn it on, you must choose how you want LR to override. If you turn pronunciation on, then all lessons will have pronunciation turned on, and if off, all lessons will have it turned off.
If you count the global set on/off setting, those common settings have like 3 options, which is really confusing.
This setting merely allows you to activate all settings on or off instead of having to click on each of them individually.
Not only that, but the last 3 setting have the ‘On’ qualifier. It doesn’t read like a natural sentence at all.
Whether it is ON/OFF, or just have a check box for on/off, these settings are all just duplicated from the Playback Settings to try to make it familiar to you, and they are like that in the Playback settings for different considerations (including space).
Finally, why is Pic not the full word, Picture? A small pet peeve of mine…
You mean Pic. audio? Ah, that harks back to the days where the interface was smaller, and we didn't have space to put the full phrase. Right now, for people with small screens, it CAN still be shrunk to that size, in which case having 'picture audio' would not fit...
In Words>Letter Case, the ‘Original case’ setting doesn’t appear any different from the ‘Capitalize first letter’ option.
What does Original case mean, anyway? Wouldn't toggling that entire setting OFF use the letters exactly as they were typed in the original slide (i.e. Original case)?
Let's say I had one word "U.S.A" and the next word "China". If I choose capitalize first letter, then it would appear as "U.s.a" and "China", but original case would look like "U.S.A" and "China", and lower case would be "u.s.a" and "china". Making the override 'off' just means that LR will look to the Category's or lesson's playback settings to see what to apply.
In Picture Flash Mode settings, why must there be two on/off toggles for one setting? When the first toggle is off, shouldn’t that be enough to say that setting is off? Why the duplication of controls
I think you can probably answer this yourself by now after reading the above!
I understand how it can be confusing, because we are dealing with several levels of controls. We were going to write up an extensive guide to explain this, but unfortunately, so many things to do, so little time (as always)...
, so we were hoping that most people would figure it out themselves in the meantime, and if not, ask and we shall answer, like what we're doing now!
Let me know if there's any more confusion. If there's any suggestions you have to make it better, please let us know!