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Author Topic: Right Brain vs. Left Brain  (Read 36549 times)
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« on: July 12, 2011, 10:06:26 AM »

Hello all,
I'm a little confused, and this topic would have definitely been posted before. I have a 20 and 8 month old who are doing pretty well with LM/LR D17 (although my 8 month old prefers banging on the keyboard rather than concentrating - sometimes smile )

I called up a Tweedlewink representative recently, as there is a center close to home, to ask about the program. I was interested to know more about the classes and that it doesn't contradict with LR/LM.  Now, he told me that LR/LM are more WHOLE BRAIN (left and right) programs rather than being RIGHT BRAINED, and that Tweedlewink classes are RIGHT BRAINED centered.

Am I doing the right thing by starting the children on WHOLE BRAINED programs like LR/LM?  Or should I go in for right brain programs like Tweedlewink? Can I mix?

Aren't we supposed to concentrate only on the right brain now?............. I need some feedback!!!



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« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2011, 05:10:41 PM »

What I've seen of LM is much more right-brain (quick flashing) than whole-brain. The word-flash and picture-flash of LR are also right-brain. If you're worried, switch off the multisensory part.

I find my son is much more interested in RB multimedia than WB, but he will watch both.

There is a lot of debate about RB vs WB. I just go with what my son likes most smile

There is more information in these threads:

Hope this helps smile


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« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2011, 05:24:41 PM »

Sorry, the one about encyclopedic knowledge isn't really relevant, I just happened to be reading it when I was making links  rolleyes


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« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2011, 03:13:24 PM »

Thank you for shedding some light on my concerns. I think I understand, but I dont want to make a mistake.

Ok, so with my 21 month old, right now, I've just started the LR/LM program, and also twice daily YBCR (which is left brained). Should I stop YBCR, as I do not want to stimulate the left brain too early!!! He's physically VERY active, and started walking when he was only 8 months old (amazing!) but does this also mean that since he's already 21 months old, he's already left brain dominant? Oh no!!!

With my 9 month old, as I'm doing LR/LM and YBCR. shall I completely omit YBCR as it's left brained?

What are the other right brained programs available?

Thank you sooooooooooooo much MummyRoo!!!


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« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2011, 04:04:51 AM »

Hi jasmine,

I had the same concern as you. My DS started TW at 9 month and LR at 11 month. YBCR on and off. (the clips were too slow for him or rather maybe because he knew the words but usually he does not pay attention unless the singing comes on  LOL )

Before starting TW, I had consider Schicida (too long a waiting list) and Heguru (too jammed). In the end I was glad I chose TW. Reasons being:

1. Closer to home, bout 5-10 min. No traffic jam  LOL (I am a full time working mum)
2. Very gentle. TW has incorporated Montessori methods into its program which I love love love
3. Clean and friendly environment. My DS is very happy there. (Most important)
4. The course is well structured with different topics each week. So, I just ahem *steal* the ideas for our daily home practice, no need to brainstorm  Wink

So, I just incorporated LR, LM and LC into our daily practice (under math and language). When he is distracted, I usually hasten the multisensory part to make it more right brain.

Are you based in Malaysia/Singapore? There are many centers offering right brain classes if you are.

Hope that helps



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« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2011, 08:03:34 AM »

hi jessica
Yeah I'm in Malaysia, and there's a TW class around the corner from my home, it's just that the timings are such that I'm not able to fit it into my schedule as I'm a working mom as well. Problem is I don't have very supportive parents or relatives when it comes to early learning and unfortunately my VERY supportive husband works overseas most of the time, with an erratic schedule (cannot trust to bring to TW). So it has to be me to bring for the classes, and I cant Sad

I decided to get the TW DVD's and trying to get it second hand, you know anyone selling? but your advice was great, and the multisensory part, I have been speeding it up, and now they LOVE it!!!

schichida, OMG waiting list is more than a year(crazy!) and heguru, I think I need to leave home an hour earlier than the class itself, parking in the shopping complex and lugging the 2 babies in is not a joke!!! TW is probably the next best choice. Are you in Malaysia as well?



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« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2011, 02:28:02 PM »

Hi Jasmine,

Yes, I am from Malaysia, Klang specifically. I hope you are nearby smile

Like most of the mummies here (brillkids), I agree that that the road of early education is very lonely, esp in my area. When you meet a like minded person, it is an occasion to celebrate. We do have something in common, I was in middle of MRCPCH when I had my baby, and how things has changed. I've postponed everything to spend more time with my son.I am currently on a break and doing locum PRN. Luckily, my husband is supportive, financially and spiritually. Haha, I am sure he thinks I am a little bit cuckoo but he'll just close one eye. My MIL thinks I am on a secret mission to open a kindy  smile

When I was with the hospital, the schedule/calls was crazy.  Half the time, I was so exhausted I couldn't keep my eyes open, let alone spending quality time with my DS. So, i understand what you are going through. I guess it is about the sacrifice you are willing to make and prioritizing. What I did was, I attended TW on Thursday and requested for no calls on wed (to avoid postcall zombie-ness) and Thur. It is tough and I felt guilty when I am away. So, my final decision of quitting brought some much needed calmness, balance and routine to my life. Some ppl handle the stress better and I hope you can.

Some advise on the TW dvds. You can sample it on youtube first and see how your children enjoy it bcoz my DS and I find it a little boring. But that's just us.
And in response to your math question, just go with the programme. the equations will come later on. I usually do 2 sessions together coz my DS love his math and dots. Always stop before they lose interest so that they will anticipating the next lesson.

Best of luck and hugs for being in the same shoe  big grin


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« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2011, 05:41:49 AM »

Yes I'm from Klang too, what are the chances? And yeah, I was talking about the TW in Botanic! smile Anyway, looks like we're on the same page... it has been for the past few months that I've been seriously thinking about taking a short sabbatical from work...   I work in Bangsar, so travelling is a killer (can you imagine?) , 2 babies under the age of 2 and pregnant with the third. Please don't lecture me, OCP's didn't work, and I currently have an IUCD in-situ! Still thinking about it, not sure how life will be just being at home with the babies, will I get bored? Maybe you should tell me how it is, how long has it been?

Regarding the TW youtube sample(there's only one), my babies seem to like it, I've been playing it for them for the past week but now they're bored.. smile are any other things to do besides LM to teach them math? Not sure if they are grasping anything... I mean it all looks like a bunch of dots and fruits to me!!!

Oh yeah, and btw... MRCPCH, HTAR, Jessica TLL.... ONE AND THE SAME??? smile



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« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2011, 12:38:44 PM »

Hi Jasmine,

Jumping in here a little late... but if you if you are still looking for perspective, here is what I understand...

Within right brain education itself, there are differing philosophies. In Malaysia, there are three main schools - Heguru, TweedleWink and Shichida. There are lots of other schools incorporating right brain, but I hesitate with those because most are just jumping on the band wagon without really understanding what right brain education is all about.

In terms of philosophies, Heguru and Shichida are very similar because they began from the same source - Makoto Shichida. They have diverged slightly but most of the philosophies are still very similar. TweedleWink is the one that differs the most but they, too, incorporated what Makoto Shichida taught about right brain with Montessori concepts included.

For the TweedleWink program, they focus more on developing the right brain initially (infants and toddlers) but they eventually shift to a whole brain program as the left brain begins to emerge. With right brain education, the aim is to develop the whole brain and the connection between the two halves because you need both right and left for your child's genius to emerge. You not only need both to function properly, you also need both to work together well - hence the focus on developing the corpus callosum (the connection between the two hemispheres).

With Shichida and Heguru, the activities they do in class incorporate activities that TW believe are also left brain developers and they still get good results in terms of right brain development, so I wouldn't worry about the fact that you are doing left brain programs. I think the key is to make sure that you do not neglect the right brain and you will be fine. I did TW classes with my younger son and at home we do LR/LC/LM and TW DVDs (my younger son loves the TW DVDs). With my older son, he does Heguru. Although he has does flash cards and the TW DVDs in the past. He didn't enjoy the TW DVDs as much so I think it is very much an individual child thing.

Do keep going with LM for Math because it may not seem like they are grasping anything but believe me, they are. It looks the same to us because our eyes have lost that ability to discern those subtle differences, but young children can pick it up. The problem with working with babies is that you seldom see output and it is easy to lose track and wonder whether there is any benefit from the programs you are teaching. Sometimes it can take anywhere from half a year to a year or more before you see the results of your teaching. But if you stop, by the time you see the results and realise you should have kept going, you would have lost a lot of time. So please don't lose heart.

I learned that lesson the hard way with my elder son. I was teaching him sign language. I gave up after two months thinking it wasn't working. Six months later, I saw his first sign and I was kicking myself for wasting six months during which I could have taught him so much.

BTW - I'm a stay home Mom and I find I am too busy to be bored. It is exhausting and the only thing I really miss sometimes is real adult conversation. That's where it is important to maintain your adult relationships and keep in contact with other adult friends so you don't lose your sanity from dealing with halflings all day.


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« Reply #9 on: July 23, 2011, 05:06:00 AM »

Hi Shenli,
Thank you , thank you for your post! K to you!... I have been reading up on most of your posts, and am extremely interested in this right brain education, my husband used to think I'm nuts but now I guess he does see the difference in my 21 mo son. He is able to point to words on the screen and read it out aloud (as he does most of the time, quite a little show-of). So I guess the husband is officially converted! and I have only been doing this for over 3 weeks! Mainly LR/LM, intially also with YBCR but I stopped it after 10 days when I discovered that it was LB. I have been bouncing back and forth with purchasing the TW DVD's and class timings are a bit of a hurdle for me Sad Both my babies seem to love the sample TW when I play it for them.

Now, my 21 mo old attends a Smart Reader Juniors playschool for about 3 hours every weekday morning, where ALL activities are LB. He also started walking at 9 months and for the past 6 months feeds himself. This probably makes him very LB dominant ( similar to your son)... but as you mentiond in your earlier post, I have to agree that RB stimulation is VERY IMPORTANT.

In another post, I wrote down the following as right brain activities recommended:

    * Imaging
    * Flashcards
    * Linking Memory
    * Mandala
    * Tangrams
    * Memory Grid
    * Quantity Recognition
    * ESP Games
    * Reading

Tobitani focuses more on imaging and eye training:

    * after imaging
    * eye exercises
    * 3D stereograms
    * meditation

Regarding the above (your post), what programmes offer these exersizes? Any idea? Purchasable in Malaysia or online?


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« Reply #10 on: July 23, 2011, 07:47:32 AM »

Hi Jasmine,

It's Jessica TLL, LOL 
Was wondering if it was you earlier on.

I'll be starting locum on weekdays from nine to five soon. I am just not a stay at home mom type smile There are many working mothers here who manage beautifully. For me, the combination of  HTAR, my son, my hubby's business (I oversee the admin and accounting), my MAID and on calls was driving me crazy. There was no 'me' time. I am happy now and so is my son. There is finally a rhythm to my life.
Just in case you are wondering about where to get the right brain materials. Check out the following links (lots of shichida stuff, grolier like stuff,mandala, doman like flashcard but most of the products are from China, use under supervision only type) (kindy and montessori stuff, tangrams, puzzles) Mom made flashcard, ESP, linking/space/peg memory It's in chinese but you can translate (Johor based company) They have many chinese books and some sets for right brain
Flashcard: print for free/ purchase during sale otherwise not worth the price
Wooden toys and puzzles: Thinktoy (expensive)  Wait for Toys R us warehouse sales (Beautiful wooden xylophone for RM 10 wakekeke)
Popular bookstore has some memory grid and flashcards (made in Singapore) and Jusco has some memory matching game (made in India)
Books: I restrain myself from non-sale buying but i usually fail (miserably).  MPH sale 28th-31st July. Popular sale at Ikano now (flashcards at 20% off) and Aurora Laminator for RM150 only (Original RM 299). I wanted to buy another Laminator since my poor laminator has been overworked and currently sent for repair.

Happy shopping!!

If I missed out on anything can someone please add on?

Also, please don't stress yourself out so much. Children are amazing. They will learn no matter what. And don't worry bout being left brain dominant, with your effort and home practice, you will balance both hemispheres. In my opinion that is the whole point of 'right' brain education. If you are only right brained, you would be a savant smile . I too was stressed when my son started walking early but then again he started rolling and crawling early as well. I had to remind myself that every child's development is different, so let them grow at their speed and gently support.


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« Reply #11 on: July 24, 2011, 04:44:56 PM »

Hi Jasmine,

Jessica's given you some great links already. I should add that if you are really short on time, then probably the best thing you can do is to read to your children. Read as much as you can and from as many sources as possible - e.g. classical literature, general knowledge books, . One mother I know reads from Wikipedia and her daughter is brilliant! Shichida and Heguru also recommend reading because children can absorb the information regardless of whether they appear to be listening or not (TW calls this peripheral learning - when children learn things they don't appear to be consciously paying attention to).

Flashcards - obvious places are the free resources on BrillKids. I also have some you can download:

Then there is the right brain education shop -

Linking Memory - I have some which I made here:

Mandala - you can get from

I also have some I made which I can email to you if you can PM me your email addy.

Tangrams - Toys 'R' Us sells a set for RM20 (it's made of cardboard, though). There are nicer sets around but more costly. My boys play the tangram apps on the iPhone/iPad. Jigsaw puzzles and other similar type puzzles are good alternatives, too.

Memory Grid - You can make your own very easily. Here are some of mine: You can also get the Photographic Memory Kit - (also seen it selling in Kinokuniya).

Quantity recognition - the recommendation from the sensei in Heguru is to scatter a random quantity of items and ask your child to tell you how many there are without counting.

ESP games - you can follow the ones here (You can buy some of these cards for RM5 in Daiso - in the games section under Magic Tricks).

After imaging - the Wink kit from Right Brain Kids contains an after imaging activity (they call it PhotoEyeplay).

Eye exercises - you can download these eye training cards; you can also get the eye training cards from the Wink Kit from Right Brain Kids.

3D stereograms - google 3D stereograms under "images" and you will find lots you can print out. Alternatively, there are the old Magic Eye Books which are probably the most popular.

Your children are still quite young so not all of these will be applicable right now. The best is still reading and flash cards. If you are showing your children the TweedleWink DVDs, they have eye training (the flower at the start) and imaging (at the end of the lesson). You can slowly try to incorporate linking memory and memory grid for your older child - you do the activity while your child watches to see how it's done. Simple jigsaws and tangrams can be good, too.

Hope that helps!


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« Reply #12 on: July 24, 2011, 05:06:06 PM »

Great ideas here!
Which Right brain apps do you use on the Ipad?
We have a small selection of puzzles, but I think that's left brain-I can't find the type of puzzle I want, it's either for babies or very difficult (such as famous paintings)
We play memory together. (left brain too I believe?)
She's not fond of stories unless the illustrations move around like a cartoon.

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« Reply #13 on: July 25, 2011, 05:13:46 PM »

Hi Hypatia,

Right brain iPad/iPhone apps we use:

- Tangrams by Little White Bear (Little White Bear has some other great puzzle games, too)
- Let's Tan
- My First Tangrams (for my younger child, although my older son likes to play it, too)
- MemBox (it's exactly like the Memory Grid activity)
- Improve Your Memory

The links are here if you have trouble finding them:


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« Reply #14 on: July 29, 2011, 12:17:47 PM »

ShenLi, Jess TLL!

Sorry for the late reply and GREAT BIG THANKS!!! Was away in Manila and Jakarta... hopping back and forth  cuz hubby works all over the place. Some great ideas there,haven't checked it out yet, but I will!!! So happy that there are people around who KNOW about stuff and don't just give the the "wierdo" look when I start rambling away about early learning, I have NO friends I can talk to about this because I end up being completely hammered down by them telling me to stop "torturing" my children.

Anyway, I got a great gift from an older friend, Groelier fun thinkers, Smartbrain and Words,Words,Words book. What do you guys think? Too early to start?

Jess TLL, So happy to hear that's it's you! It was such a mystery to me from the beginning!!! Resigned or unpaid? Do get back and get the MRCPCH, we need more people like you in Paeds!!! and just for a little bit of info, I use a hard card holder which is transparent to hold all my A4/ B5 sized flashcards, so simple and reusable... I have about 20 of those, under RM30 for all so whenever I want to retire my old flashcards, i just remove them and place new ones in it. Can get from Popular AEON. Cheap and easy solution for me, no need to take time to laminate la. Lazy me!!!


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