« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2015, 03:03:59 AM » |
Hi and welcome to the Forum, wonderful to have you here!
Did you already get Little Reader Pro or were you just looking at the sample free curricula?
To answer briefly -- yes, the cards in LR retire and new cards are added, in progression. The cards that were retired will be reviewed later in the cycle. But the best thing about LR and what I used a lot is its customization feature.
You can use high quality Doman Style flash cards with illustrations, video, audio, different font type and color, all prepared for you, AND arrange to show them in progression and review cycle that will work the best for your child. With PRO version you have FULL control over that -- you can chose which categories to show, whether to show just the words or words followed by picture, or video, whether to introduce sight words, what kids of font to use, how many times to repeat the words and how many and when to retire. So you have a choice to show the LR course as it, pre-made for you, or using it to suit your particular need or even customize it by adding a picture of mom, dad, sister and brother to start with.
So just try customizing it, and ask questions any time you need clarification, we will be happy to help!