Mom2ross - thanks very much for your tips, they were very helpful!
Tooltips is a great idea. Will see what we can do with that.
We will be releasing v1.6 quite soon which should help you in one aspect - it will have a Settings Override button on the play panel that if turned on will enable you to use 'master override' playback settings (that you specify) that will apply for all lessons you play back, or if turned off will just let you revert to the settings that are provided for each Category/Playlist.
-Not sure why the control for Playback and Word settings is called "Playback"...when it encompasses both word AND playback settings. I guess there is another menu item called "Settings" and it doesn't include word or playback settings...I'm just feeling a little scattered with the word "settings" showing up in a couple of places and not 100% consistently.
hmm, maybe we could call the main panel "PLAY"? And maybe we could change the file menu's "Settings" to "Options"... will have a think!
Thanks again and do let us know if you have any further feedback - the good, the bad, and the ugly!