Here is the thread with some more ideas and discussion: I found another site with great
children songs with values in Chinese ( Mandarin). The fun part is that you can find
the same songs in English (and some even in
Spanish and Portuguese) on the same site. So it is a neat, because you can have an idea what the song is about, even if you do not speak Chinese ( like me
) Also it helps you baby to be exposed to upbeat familiar melody/rhytm but in different languages, -- very good for learning.
Some are Christian and Bible songs, others are songs with values, stories or just for fun.
I tried playing them to my daughter, she loved them! I did not expect she would show that much interest. Right now, I just playing them in Chinese and Russian, and checked out the lyrics in English to know what they are about. I think it is a great idea as it is getting her used to the sound of Chinese, so when we will start teaching it to her, she will be more familiar with it.
Here are some of the links for example: -
Chinese -
English -
Spanish(The way I found english versions of the songs ( with lyrics), I just took the name of each song that I wanted to find and looked it up in the alphabetical list of english songs. It takes a bit of time, but it worked.
Hope others will enjoy these as much as we did!
There are also some
great Children’s music videos with values which are done in a
few different languages, you can see the sample songs here, however the actual DVD ( it is a 5 DVD series) has all the music videos with each video on
English, Spanish, Portuguese and French, ( too bad they dont have Chinese
word facts at the end of the video, which are done according to
Doman’s method, also on those languages ( fruits, vegetables, toys, things we wear, etc)!
My baby loves these, and from what I read from Domans institute it is one of the excellent ways to be able to present the child with the same materials in a few different languages of your choice. So I though to share that.
We also did a few LR presentations ( and are working on more) using the words and action words from these music videos, so it worked really great for us…