I found this article very interesting. Some of you will enjoy it. It's not specifically EL but opens a lot of doors all the same.
http://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2014/03/5-year-olds-can-learn-calculus/284124/I have been searching for math games and ideas to extend on my children's mathematical understanding in a play based or hands on way. Two of my children (7 and 9) really get a lot of benefit from physical hands on manipulation of math ideas. We use paddle pops for regrouping, abacus for addition and subtraction, counters for patterns etc. if anyone knows any good bloggs or websites with more advanced math concepts with physical objects I would love to see them.
My kids get up much earlier than me (they are up with the sun) and I often leave them art ideas set up on the table. It would be awesome to leave some math ideas set up on the table sometimes too.
I havnt read the books in the article yet. Has anyone else?