Hi I just came across these organization and their websites and thought some of you might be interested in it. I hadn't heard of the neurodevelopmental approach before.
http://www.specialhelps.com/index.htmlhttp://www.centerforneurodevelopment.com/Specialhelps.com had some interesting articles. They had one on ADHD/ADD and one on Autism, too. One thing I found intersting was that Specialhelps.com sited Doman (and they sell the Doman books in their "store" section). It was intersting to me, as I had been reading
Brain Gym and
Seeing Is Achieving, and this Neurodevelopmental method seems to combine these with other things I'd read in Doman's
Physically Superb book. My children don't have developmental issues, but I find the information helpful for them, too, and thought I'd pass along the info.