Wow, you are an amazing care provider, wish you were here! The Learning Program got us through a certain stage, someone mentioned it here now we are looking into the Brill for reading. The flash cards are a real winner & music seems to go along ways with my son with Ds (4.5). Just wanted to mention to make sure she gets a spine xray before to much trampoline jumping as some of our children can have a condition called Atlantoaxial Instability (AAI). Here is a link about it When I was reading your post I was thinking vision should be looked at. You ma be able to have an eye Dr come to your home as a Day Care Eye Health Day Get parents to sign permission, next have a dentist get the idea. This way maybe she can get her eyes looked at?
Hypotonia is a definite factor in many of our children & makes stamina lower and physical tasks more challenging. If she has any heart conditions that will also make her tire easily. I read the word Mongoloid somewhere & was a little taken back, that is such an outdated word, where was that from? Anyways I wanted to recommend Talk Tools to help in her speech, they are fabulous with oral motor therapy (low muscle tone also in jaw & mouth and small mouths make tongues seem large). Here is the program we are doing, we are using the starw heirchy & the horn heirchy: Soemone else mentioned DownsEd, they are amazing. They have done research on how the person with Down syndrome learns and have a trade marked program called The Learning Program I am new to Brill kids but noticed they have some great flash cards & powerpoint presentations perfect for our children. I can't wait to get started!My son is very into the computer since we introduced him! Hope this helps, keep us updated on her progress!