There is a pretty good analogies app by BrightKids NYC I believe, called Figural Analogies. That one comes to mind off hand and demonstrates the answer so the kids know *why* it is what it is. Tangrams apps are great, too. Owen loves Sheep Mania which is logic/puzzles but it's a little game-y to me so I only let him play it sometimes. I will check it and see what others we have on there. The Brainpopjr App offers a free educational cartoon every week that explains a new topic even if you don't subscribe to their website. Not logic, but the words are shown on screen so it will build vocabulary. Along with Tumblebooks stories, they are offered through many public website links, just select "Ipad" as your language. It's vocabulary building through exposure, but not direct flashcard/vocabulary building (and some may consider them "twaddle" as they are not classics, but that doesn't really phase me too much. Everything in moderation!)
Thanks Mela Bala for the heads up on the free apps!
I love free.