Dear KMum & All,
Thanks for sharing that thread link. I usually try to utilize a great feature of the forum and perform a "search" for answers to my questions before beginning a new thead, and must have inadvertently missed it.
This is good to know that it helps with delayed speech. At the beginning of November 2008, my twin girls were 18 months and were evaluated at 13 months for communication skills. This is due to "their own twin language" and we are a bilingual household (I speak English and my husband speaks Arabic). The Early Intervention Coordinator and various specialists, along with their pediatricians, are not too worried and know that they will catch up. It is only a matter of time and me learning specific teaching skills/tools to help them along the way.
So beginning in January 2009, we have a teacher coming once per week to help develop their language skills and a few other small benchmark delays for developmental areas related to physical and adaptive that were slightly off. In December while waiting for her first visit in January, I learned about YBCR, the Doman method & IAHP, and this excellent forum. And I have been learning a lot and began their program recently. I am still learning how to use LR Lite and it is excellent. I cannot wait to upgrade soon - I am trying to work some bugs out of my computer and am afraid of losing it.
At any rate, the teacher is also a reading specialist and I told her about YBCR and the Doman method, as well as this site/forum. Since she is very interested in early education, she is also excited about it and saw a nice improvement in their speech within one week. It seems like the more they are exposed to, the more they absorb.
I will defintely ask her about these videos in the morning.
Thanks again!