OMG that is crazy expensive. In amazon the set costs US$24. Do you have a friend in the States that can buy it from and just mail it to you? Here is the link the DVD's, I think they are good. I have this set and I think is a great combination of right and left brain techniques. I need to show them to her more often. The issue is that we have so many DVD's and so little time ( since we try not to let her watch more than an hour of TV a day), that it is hard to watch it very often. I think kids change with time. When my daughter was little she loved YBCR videos, then no so much. Aroung 9 months she loved her BST videos, now, no so much, but she is again a bit into YBCR. No her favorites are the tweo leap frog videos about Letters and Word factory. She can watch those over and over if we let her.
Hope this helps a bit.