There are two books with different periods and composers from those periods. They have information on the periods and the composers, along with snippets from one or more of their pieces. The first song will be the actual music, and the second song will be the music + lyrics. The lyrics are catchy and include the composers name so you will remember who wrote it when you hear it again. Here is what they recommend I normally read what info it has and then play one or two pieces a day. I play the same pieces again the next day. I think you can do it however you want.
I like it, and so does Gabriel. I have learned to recognize several pieces just from listening to them.
And their site has a lot of info on the program was a threat including good comments about this product, including the one above from nhockaday. Does anyone know at what age you could start playing this CD to your baby?
The website talks about a 6 year schdule, but starts at kindergarden. My baby is almost 6 months old and I want to introduce her to music, so I'm looking for some good music products since I'm music clueless
My first instict is that it wouldn't hurt her to listent to the CDs, but I'm not sure if there is a first step, second step type of process you should follow.
Any suggestions?