Okay! So I finally received a response back from Karen Quinn (recall: over a week ago I placed a telephone call to Testing Mom enquiring as to how BK members outside of the US might join as members!)
I will copy the information below from her emailed response, but she assures me there will be no problem:
BONUS! She also added that as the cost of shipping the game overseas can be cost prohibitive, that if you send an email to her at the TestingMom@gmail address, she will check on the individual shipping costs and has offered to "discount the game to make the transaction affordable!"
Below are the contents of two emails from Karen Quinn. The first is at the bottom in response to my phone call, and then the followup is above it!
Hi Keri,
If your international members are interested in joining TestingMom.com, the easiest thing for them to do is to pay for the membership they want through PayPal. Let them know that they should join TestingMom at the FREE level to get the 100 practice questions. When they do that, they will get their own user name and password to access the site. They can go to the "Buy Now" Page and decide what level of membership and duration they want. If they have a PayPal account, they can log into their account, put our email address in -
[email protected] - and pay TestingMom for whatever membership they would like. Then, please ask them to send an email to Michael McCurdy and let him know what membership level they were signing up for and he will activate their account for them. Michael's address is
[email protected]. This is the simplest way for international members to access our program.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Karen Quinn
Begin forwarded message:
From: Karen Quinn <
[email protected]>
Subject: arranging for international members
Date: December 25, 2012 2:37:08 PM MST
To: Kerileanne99
Cc: Michael McCurdy <
[email protected]>
Hi Keri,
I wanted to thank you for your call. I am not sure how to arrange for international members to join our site, but I will ask my partner, MIchael McCurdy, and I'm sure we can arrange it for the people in your early learning forum. Can you let me know what countries they are from? We may have to make special arrangements with our credit card providers to accept credit cards from international markets. It's something I can check into. With the game, it can be very expensive to ship internationally. If you could ask the people who are interested in buying the game to email their addresses to me, I can check on the cost to ship there and then, I can work to discount the game for them to make the transaction affordable.
I'll be back in touch after checking with Michael on international memberships.
Karen Quinn
Author, Testing For Kindergarten
Karen Quinn
Author, Testing For Kindergarten

hope this helps!