Hi guys

a new review

I think this is highly adaptable to any age
http://www.writeshop.com/I reviewed their two Story builders:
World of people
http://www.writeshop.com/store/proddetail.php?prod=0022-people& World of animals
http://www.writeshop.com/store/proddetail.php?prod=0023-animalsWhat they are essentially is aids for imagination, creativity and story writing/telling. They include card templates that should be cut out and several ideas for games to be played with them.
Each one has a set of templates for the different elements of the story; the character, character trait, setting and plot. By mixing and matching these cards in games and activities, very interesting , enjoyable and entertaining stories are built. Each set has a general theme, one about people, their proffesions, actions and so on and the other about animals.
An example sentence/idea created would be: A [puzzled] [caterpillar] in the [basement] [goes on vacation]. The four words/phrases in brackets were chosen randomly just to show the potential and to make the idea of the builders more concrete.
These story builders, while very simple in concept, are tremendous fun and highly adaptable to suit children all along the spectrum; from the creative to the not-so-creative and from those who love writing to those who struggle with it!