Here's the 1st Grade Lesson 1 Clip so you can see what I mean about it gettting a little bland & text/word heavy sometimes, although done in a high quality way. This is a very good example of the lessons on the DVDs.
And here's the song I was trying to explain. There are some songs, I just wish there were more. My DD really likes them.!
I just put in the FUNDAMENTALS DVD. I could see how it might be okay for an older child, but I don't think it's really that great for my kids. It has a bunch of loosely woven fairy tales adapted to "teach" colors, shapes, numbers, etc. However, I don't feel they are straight forward enough, particularly for a baby, small side chatter and a little too "busy" overall. I don't think I'll even put it on again for my 22 month old unless I am desperate for 30 minutes or whatever of time and I need to occupy her with a rarely seen DVD. The DVD's seem a lot more entertainment than education to me, I MUCH prefer the preschool prep series to teach the basics (shapes, colors, letters). My daughter is very into it right now but I don't think it has enough redeeming qualities to get a repeat performance in my house.