Hi all,
My little one is growing too fast! He has now entered the world of "preschool" (which, in reality isn't really much more than a title in our house, as we're doing it "homeschool style"!).
Anyway, I just wanted to tell you about a great resource that I'm using called Memoflix (by MonkiSee). We started our year off with a unit on Transportation and found ourselves with an opportunity to go to the international airport for lunch. We sat in the observation deck and ate a very, very expensive airport sandwich and enjoyed seeing the planes land, take off, refuel, etc. In addition to seeing the check-in counter and baggage claim area, we spoke to someone who had just gotten off a plane and she even showed my son her passport with all her stickers. Had I thought earlier, I would have used the Memoflix DVD to pre-teach some vocabulary, but I didn't so we used it as a review. My son loved the section on "Airport" and was so thrilled to see similar things that he had seen on his fieldtrip. Our Memoflix DVD will become a regular part of our pre-school lessons this year. I am so glad I have it!
What it is: sessions covering a vast quantity of subject areas - ten words, ten pictures. You can use it as you like, but we like that we can take it with us anywhere and use anytime. There are several reviews of it if you do a search in our forum. If you're looking for an easy push & play learning opportunity for you and your kids this is it. Plus, it is very reasonably priced!