My baby is almost starting to grow out her infant seat. I loved and used the infant seat with those new types stroller frame. These frames don't have much use without the infant seat. With the infant seat on the stroller, I can face the baby towards me and talk to her while I walk.
I am curious, how do parents here esspecially ones that are supporters of early education talk to their baby with forward facing strollers, where the baby faces forward and not you. Now when we transition to a normal stroller, I am not liking the idea of my daughter not facing me. I know there are rear facing strollers out there, but they are expensive, even if I buy a used one, they cost about 100 bucks. And when I have a second baby, then I'll need a double stroller, which are again forward facing. So eventually, there is no way out of it.
Do 1 year olds even want to face their momies?....
Maybe, I am making a issue out of something that is not much of an issue. I am a full time working mom so I am glued to my baby when I return home and I like to be interactive with her even when we go out.
Infant carriers are not a possibility for me cuz one year olds can be too heavy for back.
thanks in advance for any suggestions.