Last night, I happened to stumble upon the fact that Preschool Prep Co has come out with three levels of Meet the Math Facts DVDs!
I saw them while looking for simple addition songs on YouTube and found them just in time, as my 2 year old daughter is super interested in addition right now. We've been playing with dice and other math manipulatives lately, and I think these videos will help cement these concepts.
Level 1 includes sums 0 to 8. Level 2 includes sums 9 to 12. Level 3 includes sums 13 to 20. The DVDs feature new captivating characters that PP is known for and children love. We watched a few of the previews, and as expected my daughter was hooked! We are huge fans of PP
Anyway, I'm placing my order today, and I will write another update after a couple of months.
I hope you guys are as excited as I am!
Please post your own reviews here if you've already been using them.