Hi Mandabplus,
I love flashcards!!! I have a set of Eli. I had to laminate them in order to be able to work with them. They are in German. I have my own flashcards. I look them on images and print them. I am doing them in colour as well. I agree. Quality is important.My husband could print them in his job, but it is not the same. Now I want to collect the flashcards of LR with the words in English. I am going to spend some money, but I think that my daughter will be more motivated with the different colours that appear in them.
I think that showing significative objects or concepts is something important. For this reason, I have taken into account what she already knows.
I am going to look for the flashcards that you have named in your post. But I think that I should spend my money in DVDs instead, such as babysit. I have seen the website, and babysit is in my country, in Barcelona. It is a pity that they lack of German DVDs. I am considering the possibility to teach my little sunshine both Languages, English and German before going to the school. There is a very good school, a little far from my house, Deutsche Schule. The level of both languages is high. Here only few people speak German and I think that learning German would be a very good option. Many German people visit my island. I would teach her both languages. First, she would go to a state Kindergarten and later, Deutsche Schule. If she lacks of level she would be not admited. I have forgotten a lot. I want to begin to teach her, perhaps in 6 months. I had a good level. What a pity!!!
According to you, is it better the same size for all my flashcards?