Dear all:
It is so wonderful to see all the discussions here. You know, there is really no fix rules. If there is one rule, then that will be "don't force" your child and follow their lead. If your child is very young and not able to give you feed back yet, then just show each lesson once or twice will be good. With your toddler, if he wants to watch the lessons over and over again, then please honor that.
Every child is different on their brain development. Left brain loves repetition, and it is perfectly fine. Even though we said we do right brain education, but in truth, we are doing whole brain. As long as we honor the child's natural development, we are doing good.
We have seen over and over again in our centers that the more the parents relaxed, the more joy and the progress they see in their children.
The FAQ in our support site is great, and please take sometime to browse it and soak up the information. :-) released our DVD8 a month ago, and here is just one of the feed backs we got from a Singapore parent:
We got the DVD and the new lessons are too's superb...specially
the sound section in Science, L-31. How the different pitches, frequency
and decibles are shown is amazing.We've only seen this in science center.
Also it has some of my daughter's favourite topics like dinosaur's.
Great work!! Keep up the good job!!
Waiting for the next one....
Another good news is that our DVD9 is also ready for production. If you are impressed
with the science in DVD8, our fractals in DVD9 will amaze you further...