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Local Support Groups / Español / Re: Adaptación al currículum español
on: August 12, 2010, 06:16:21 AM
Hola Gilma En cuanto pueda escribiré unas notas sobre el método que estoy empleando para enseñar a leer en español a mi hijo tomando como base el curriculum de LR. Hace poco elaboré una traducción con todas las categorías salvo las correspondientes a fonética e historias cortas. También he diseñado playlists que siguen exactamente la misma estructura que el curso original en inglés. Esos archivos no se pueden compartir a través de la página aunque te he enviado un mensaje privado explicándote cómo puedes conseguirlos P.D. De momento te mando únicamente las categorías ya que los playlists aún están en fase experimental y me gustaría terminar primero con las categorías que faltan.
Parents' Lounge / General Parenting / Re: Babies' size
on: July 10, 2010, 02:31:11 PM
The doctor would definitely tell you if the baby was too large because that would put his health at risk. As long as you are feeding him healthy (which includes NO cow milk, sugar, meat, etc.) and communicating your concerns with the doctor then he should be fine.
If breastfeeding remember he is drinking what the mother puts into her body. If you are not feeding him every 3 hours or so then his body may be storing more fat for the missed meals as well.
Until his six months our son was breastedfed and we also feed with formula following the doctor´s advice and because my wife haven´t got enough for the baby during the first months. Only when he was six months old we have been progressively introducing other foods, and never cow milk, sugar and meet, so we have been very carefully thast his feeding was always healthy. And of course my wife always have been caring a lot her own feeding during pregnancy and breastfeed too
Parents' Lounge / General Parenting / Re: Babies' size
on: July 09, 2010, 06:30:34 AM
I am very grateful for your help. I have downloaded the chart and I guess that the term "percentile" refers to a percentage compared with other children of the same age. My worry was mainly due to the weight issue but now I see that it is proportional to his height (though neither my wife nor I are tall) So I will not worry more until the next visit to the doctor. Thank you very much again.
Parents' Lounge / General Parenting / Re: Babies' size
on: July 08, 2010, 05:16:43 PM
According to the book that I use for reference for 6 month old boy average weight is 8-8.75 kilograms / 17.5-19.5 pounds height 66-70 cm
girl average weight is 7.25-8.5 kilograms / 16- 18.5 pounds height 64-69 cm
Hope this helps!
Thanks a lot for the info NadiaD. Could you give me the title of the book? Don't you take him to the doctor? The doctor should tell you what's normal and where your baby rates. If not, then ask! That's why they measure babies.
Hi Nhockaday. We have just taken him to the doctor a couple of weeks ago, but he only told us that he was a little big for his age. Our baby was born on his expected date with a weight of 3.50 kilograms and now with six months was 9.85 kilograms. According with the info given by Nadia I think that perhaps is too much. Anyway the doctor said that both weight (9.85 kgs.) and weight (73 cms) were very good but i´m looking for a second opinion.
Parents' Lounge / General Parenting / Re: POLL Starting age you taught languages different than home language
on: July 07, 2010, 09:34:20 AM
- What languages are those. ENGLISH MANDARIN FRENCH - Which are the father's and/or mother's NATIVE language. SPANISH - Maybe one of the parents, grandma or caregiver speak the language you are teaching. FATHER English MOTHER English AUNT English; French - Maybe you only use other material like LR, powerpoints, videos etc but you do not speak that language. VIDEOS, BOOKS, LR, POWERPOINTS - What is your home language. SPANISH
Products Marketplace / Product Discussions and Reviews / Re: SparkAbilities
on: July 02, 2010, 06:46:42 AM
Hi! I'm Jana the creator/producer of Sparkabilities. Just wanted to let you know that even though the DVDs are not in the PAL format, they can be played on computers. It's an option that has worked well for other customers. Just thought I would let you know.
Also, we are planning to release all of the DVDs as iPad and iPhone apps in the next few months. So, there won't be any format issues there! There is a Babies 2 app in the iTunes store now that contains segments from the Babies 2 DVD and interactive flashcards that correspond to the movies. A Babies 1 app done in the same format should be released very soon.
Please, let me know if you have any other questions.
Thanks so much for your interest,
Hi Jana. Are you planning to release your DVDs in other languages like spanish? Thanks a lot ![smile](
Parents' Lounge / Introduce Yourself / Re: Hi everyone, I am excited to find this website and join the forum!!
on: July 02, 2010, 06:37:46 AM
Thanks a lot aangeles!!!!!!!! I was looking for Zhima Jie mainly because they were more oriented to chinese culture and way of life, but if American Sesame Street have a good dubbing as you say then they are a very good option too!!! I grew up with american version dubbed in spanish ![smile]( and i remember what i liked those characters, although in my time elmo did not yet exist I´ll check the link. Thanks again
Parents' Lounge / Introduce Yourself / Re: Hi everyone, I am excited to find this website and join the forum!!
on: July 01, 2010, 11:43:17 AM
Sesame Street and Pooh cartoons in Chinese. Would be interested in finding out what else other parents are using to teach Chinese... Hi aangeles!! Could you tell me where to find Sesame Street cartoons in chinese? As I know "Zhima Jie" (芝麻街) finished in 2001, and I´ve been looking for that TV series since last year but without success. Are there DVDs from Zhima Jie or american Sesame Street translated to mandarin?
Parents' Lounge / Introduce Yourself / Re: Hi everyone, I am excited to find this website and join the forum!!
on: July 01, 2010, 11:33:43 AM
Thank you all for your warm greetings!!
Yes, not only moms here, I am sorry! There are also dedicated dads here too! Good for our babies:D
I apologize if somebody could misunderstand my words. I was only joking ![smile]( Really all of us (mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, and so on ![LOL]( ) are here to achieve a common goal: our children's happiness. Thanks a lot for the link with children songs and games in Chinese. I have a lot of material to begin teaching mandarin to my son, but I barely know a few words ![Sad]( I´m trying to find time to learn a little but I realize that it isn't enough Anyway I think although he won´t speak mandarin at least we will learn a few characters and be familiar with the different tones of Mandarin. Have a nice day