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EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child Math / Re: Fingering with Soroban
on: October 06, 2016, 05:43:42 PM
My boys are currently on abacus grades 5 and 6. Because of the abacus they are far ahead in "regular" math grades. Kael (8yr) is doing 7 th grade math and the twins 7r olds are doing 5th grade math. We started soroban with other courses out there and stumbled our way to Abacus Brain Gym and haven't looked back once. Because of Abacus Brain Gym their speed and accuracy was easily accomplished. They now do instant mental addition, subtraction, multiplication and division including decimals. has available courses online. They teach the grand master curriculum. The only online platform with the full grade level (10-1 with 1 being the hightest) curriculum and all three learning paths-reading, listening and flash anzan. After teaching my boys for a while with their program I became a certified teacher for them and now run 2 schools in Houston. Of all the programs out there ( I tried all the ones available at the time) Abacus Brain Gym is the only one that delivered the results you see on the Youtube videos with kids doing mental soroban math.
Regarding finger movements the method is:
For earth beads/lower beads: plus is "thumbs up" and minus is "finger down" For the heaven/upper beads: always use finger for plus and minus.
EARLY LEARNING / Early Learning - General Discussions / Re: We Can Do by Moshe Kai with guest Robert Levy discussing Saxon Math.
on: April 13, 2016, 03:18:14 PM
Hello Robert,
I am pleased to hear you live in Houston. We live in Houston too and are on the Saxon path. My 8 yr is currently on 8/7 and my 6yr old twins are on 6/5. I started my kids on soroban abacus mental math with Abacus Brain Gym and thanks to that training they learned to love math. I know you mentioned math isn't fun, but my kids love doing Saxon and math. I credit that to Abacus Brain Gym though, because their mental math speed and competence set them on a solid path.
It would be wonderful to get the opportunity to meet with you and learn from you. Please let me know if you would be interested in meeting.
BrillKids Software / Bug Reports / Re: Installation problems
on: July 30, 2011, 05:56:56 AM
Oops I forgot to title my first bug.
LMs is up and running again. I ended up getting a hold of my husband and he told me to restart the computer and before doing anything else to unistall LMs. I did and it went through that time. I re-downloaded the program and it was all working fine until it started to freak out and a blue screen with a bunch of stuff came. He told me to restart the computer again. I did, and LMs started to work again. It hasn't crashed on me again and it seems to be working fine now. So I don't really know what that was all about but I thought I'd give you an update on what is happening.
BrillKids Software / Bug Reports / Re: Installation problems
on: July 29, 2011, 10:57:39 PM
Hi there, I installed LMs and everything seemed to be working great, I was working my way down the folders and playing through them when they started to get stuck and play all jumbled up. I then tried to esc (which took a while to go to the main playlist screen) it was still getting stuck so I exited LMs and tried to restart the program only it didn't let me. I couldn't open LMs. I restarted the computer twice and that didn't help. I then thought I could unistall and reinstall but it's telling me I have to close the program in order to uninstall only the program isn't opened. I don't really know what to do from here. I would ask my husband for help to see if it's my computer or LMs but he's gone for the weekend so I'm wondering if someone could help me out. Thank you.
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Re: LR Chinese - How is your child responding?
on: March 26, 2011, 06:33:12 PM
Hi there, I'm doing the LR in Chinese with my boys and I have to say it's incredible how much they like it. (My eldest is 3yrs old and my twins are 21 months.) I think it could be because it's completely different for them but they will look at the cards in total amazement. I've been wanting to put them on video because they will repeat the words along with LR and sound so cute. I think pronunciation wise they are doing better than with the English semester! I believe they pronounce the words very well at least in sounds like it to me. I was amazed at how much they were learning so fast. At one instance we were flashing the cards when we came to this one character and my son wasn't pronouncing it properly I repeated the sound of the character for him thinking maybe he didn't hear well, but he continued to say " bloop bloop" I know I shouldn't force anything of them so I let it pass and moved along the course. When we came to the multi-sensory part of the program the character was followed by a picture of it and it turns out the character was a fish. It was amazing for me to see because I realized that he was saying "bloop bloop" because that's their favorite way of saying fish. I was so excited to see that they were indeed learning and so quickly. I hadn't realized he was saying the correct word cuz I didn't know that character was a fish (I don''t speak any Chinese) and just thought he wasn't pronouncing it like the program was. Another time the same thing happened except this time is was a cow. I payed closer attention realizing he knew what he was doing, and next thing you know it turned out the be the character of a cow. It's super cool for me as a non Chinese speaking mom to see my children picking it up and it inspires me to continue. I'm greatly enjoying LR in Chinese and I would recommend it to any mom that is interested in teaching multiple languages. It's so easy ESPECIALLY if you don't know the language yourself. Makes me think I'm going to have to learn it myself though, just to keep up with my kids. ha! Gotta know what they're up to when they start speaking with each other in Chinese.