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EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Re: Should babys start reading different lenguages at the same time?
on: February 09, 2010, 08:06:00 AM
I think the earliest you start with chinese the better because it would be much easier for them to remember the characters. We have been showing Valerie Little Pim and Wink to Learn. She does very good with both programs. The only issue is that I have no clue of chinese, so it is hard to know how much she is really learning. Again, as I have said before, to certain point it is just an act of faith. We do the same thing with German. I'm thinking about getting Little Pim in German, but I'm not 100% since I was hoping she will associated Little Pim with Chinese. Any thoughts on this anyone?
Also keep on mind that the yonger they are exposed to the language, more likely to not have an accent.
You can definetly do both LR and LM at the same time. That is what we have been doing and I think it works. Now, I try to show them twice a day but some time we can only do it once. The adantage is that the program keeps record of where you are at.
Parents' Lounge / Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello from Colombia
on: December 10, 2009, 12:09:50 AM
Hola Sandra! Bienvenida al foro. Gloria y yo somos de Colombia tambien. Yo empece estimulacion con mi bebe cuando estaba embarazada y retome cuando ella tenia tres meses. Ella acaba de cumplir el ano y pues ya esta hablando algunas palabritas, mezcla el ingles, el espanol y dice "no" en aleman ![LOL]( Tambien usa su lenguaje de senas el cual empezamos a introducir cuando ella tenia tres meses. EL otro idioma al que la estamos exponiendo es el mandarin. En cuanto a tu rpegunta cuando empieces a trabajar, si es mas dificil, yo trabajo tiempo completo y cuido a Valerie. Desde que empece a trabajar tiempo completo no he podido hacer la misma cantidad de actividades que solia hacer, pero hago lo que mas puedo. Se ve que vas super bien encaminada y qeu has hecho bastante cosas productivas con tu bebe. De todas maneras este foro es excelente pues siempre salen pregunticas adicionales y aqui hay gente con mucha experiencia. Mucha suerte!
Products Marketplace / Product Partners / Issues getting replacement TweedleWink DVD's
on: December 03, 2009, 05:39:40 PM
Hello Everyone!
I was trying to find the thread about exchanging your old Tweedle Wink DVD's 1-4 for the improved version, but I couldn't find it.
Anyways, has anyone actually got their new DVD's? I placed an order for Vol. 7 more than a month ago and requested that they send it along with the improved DVD's. I sent my copies immediatly and it has been more than a month. Not DVD's, not response to my follow up e-mails. Anyone has had luck getting the DVD's back?
Downloads + Collaborations Discussions / General Collaborations / Re: Looking for German voice
on: December 03, 2009, 05:29:12 PM
Please let me know if you find someone. For months we looked for people that could help us with materials in German and we didn't have any luck. There was one father that was married to a girl from Switzerland, but they just had their baby, so as most of as know, no time.
Have you found good materials in German?
Parents' Lounge / Coffee Corner - General Chat / Re: What was your baby's first year present?
on: November 21, 2009, 05:23:09 PM
Thank you for your input. We have a grand piano that we just need to color code with labels so she can learn with it. She loves it already.
We rae having a birthday party and I though about building her a bear at the bear-build store, but my hsband doesn's think she will appreciate it because she is too little. Now that you mentioned, I'll keep it again in my list of ideas. I think is cute.
Parents' Lounge / Coffee Corner - General Chat / What was your baby's first year present?
on: November 21, 2009, 07:46:59 AM
Hello Everyone! Valerie is turning one in a week from today and we have not been able to come up with a good present for her first birthday. I would like to do something that she can keep through the years, something meaningful. I would like to hear from other people what they did or what they are thinking about doing for this special occasion. Any ideas? Anyone?
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Re: Basic guidelines when teaching Chinese to children under eight
on: September 17, 2009, 01:38:26 PM
I KNOW i won't harm my child by having her surrounded by many languages, but will she really benefit from this (I don't speak chinese or japanese, so there isn't any backup aside from those dvds..)
Based on what I have read the benefit is that once they study the language they will have no accent. This is huge! Believe me, I'm still learning English, but my biggest issue is my accent which I'll never be able to get ride off even in 20 years when I'll have lived longer here that in my native country. ![Sad]( I don;t speak two of the languages I'm teaching my daughter, but I'm confident that even if she mixes the languages at the beggining she'll qickly figure out which words belong to which language. We say this all over this forum, our children are geniuses! The youngest we expose them to languages the easier is going to be for them.