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EARLY LEARNING / Early Learning - General Discussions / Re: Parenting is not about flash cards
on: April 06, 2010, 05:23:10 AM
This is the first time I have been dissapointed in a post from this forum. I love this forum because the women, and men, here are sharing their experiences and love for helping their children reach their full potential. I have belonged to many forums. And when the topic of educating a child in the early years of life comes up, people either brag and brag about how smart their child is and say nothing productive, or put down parents who are interested in the topic, thinking they are crazy people trying to push their babies to become geniuses. I am a mother of two girls, and I DO take time out of my day to provide an educational experience. But I DO NOT push it on them. And I DO NOT think parenting is just about flash cards. I just wish to give my children the best that I can. Sorry if that sounded rude, just stating my opinion about this wondurful forum
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child to Read / Re: What to do next? Need help with DS who loves his letters.
on: April 05, 2010, 04:59:06 AM
Lol, I meant GL as good luck. But anyway. I also labeled a lot of things around the house. And I don't even point them out all the time. She just reads them when she is interested. I think that is the goal. Having a lot of different sources of reading available so he can choose when to read the words himself. And when he points out the letters let him where that sound is in the word. When he points out the b in bed, tell him that says "buh" like in bed. Also when you read a book with the word bed in it, point it out. I can't really think of anything else. But basically just keep a lot of sources going. Words on the wall, things in the house labeled, words pointed out in books, LR, and whatever other games you like. Oh... We play the "label me" game. I wrote body parts on cards. Then I lie on he floor and have her label my body parts. I used to have to read her the word, but now she can read most of them on her own. Also, if you come up with any good ones let me know. I am always looking for a new approach.
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child to Read / Re: What to do next? Need help with DS who loves his letters.
on: April 04, 2010, 02:32:17 AM
I did letters and phonetic sounds with my daughter before we did a whole word approach, I didn't know much about whole word approach until recently. She reads the words as a whole, but will also point out letters and say the sounds. I don't know if these will work for you, but my daughter didn't like the doman method of flashing the cards. She likes YBCR but she knows most of her words from the other activities we do. I taped words onto the wall with a picture of the word next to it. That way she reads it when she is interested. Then after about a week I take the picture down. I say a week but it depends on how fast she gets the words and how many we have up at the time. Then we read the words without pictures for a week and then I retire those words. Another thing we do is make videos of her words. I take the video camera and she points out the words as I record. Then she watches it on the computer. She LOVES watching herself in the video. She is starting to know more words now so I also put up sentences to show her how to read from left to right. Another activity we did was draw a person and label her body parts. She also helps me show words to her younger sister, so she reads them then too. Im not sure if this is what your looking for but it is working for us. GL
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child Math / Does my baby get it?
on: March 30, 2010, 03:06:34 AM
Omg, I post a lot. Lol. That's because I wanna make sure I'm doing this right. I have been doing the doman math method of dots with my 5mo old. She always looks away. I can get her to look at them for a second. By puttin it in front of her vision. Or shaking the paper. But she doesn't seem intersted. Should I keep goin or wait til she is older?
EARLY LEARNING / Homeschooling / New to homeschooling
on: March 28, 2010, 05:21:51 PM
I have recentyly began thinking of homeschooling my little ones. I have 2 girls, 2 1/2 and 5 months. I know nothing about homeschooling. Help me please, . Is it too soon to think about homeschooling? When do I start? Where do I get materials? How does it All work?
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child Math / Tweedlewink math along with doman method
on: March 26, 2010, 05:08:09 PM
I have been doing the doman math method with dot cards for my 5 mo old and my 2 year old for a few weeks. I was thinking of buying the tweedlewink math video too. Math only cuz they are so expensive. Should I introduce the video now? Is it a good idea to pair the two together at the same time?