We started Jones Genius when my son was 25 months. We like the math part because we can do different things at our own pace e.g- he learnt 1-20 forwards and backwards before even being able to identify all numbers correctly ( or atleast tell me correctly- sometime my son like to test me
). He likes putting the dots on the numbers with playdough, beans, stickers etc, so it is anways engaging. I like the fact that he gets to see what the numbers represent, so it is a good mix of abstract and absolute. I thought the double dot technique (touchmath) would be confusing for him at this age.
Jones is good for addition and subtraction since it is built on the number dots and there is no other variable/manipulative required- I dont know if I have explained myself well.
We are doing the Singapore curriculum with this for patterns, sequencing etc- that too at our own pace and using our own sequence
I will probably get the rightstart abacus at some point to show him the numbers for skip counting.
We have been taking a lot of breaks in between, so I wont be able to give you a correct timeline etc. We are working more on phonics now.
Even my son is very active and I make good use of his- I make him jump on his ABC vinyl mats (Lakeshore learning) and we are trying that with phonics and word blending too
he absolutely hates workbooks.
For phonics, I needed a good curriculum, so we used Jones Genius initially and now HOP- he looks at the DVD's as he is playing and I reinforce the same words with DadDudes fleschcards. I go through the letters used in the words and use them in different ways- so last week it was the letters m,a,t, p, s,f (mat, sat, fat, pat)- I do starting sounds, ending sounds etc with these, somwhat like the Montessori alphabet box. One thing leads to the other and the curriculum just builds itself
Even I used to get stressed initially when I would read about all the different curricula that everyone is following, so I sat down and made a checklist of what I want to teach my son and what is being done by others and realized that we had done enough- just not in the order and sequence that everyone else was doing.
There are some good posts by moms who homeschool and those that don't- just use their routine as a guideline and build your own curriculum on that.
All the best