Well done for being so organised!
My boy is 10 months now and because he was quite a difficult baby to look after (mainly a poor sleeper and highly active), in my sleep deprived state all the early learning research I did during pregnancy went out the window and I was just on survival mode. Now that he is much better in terms of sleep and not crying so much, I am motivated to teach him more things. I am a full time mum so no more excuses!
I did however manage to always take him out, to the shops, book store or library if weather is bad or to the park if weather is good. Also to playgroups as he really enjoys them.
However, when we go to the library or bookshop he tends to be in "exploration mode" and not the slightest bit interested in reading, so that is pretty disruptive for others e.g. he will craw up and grab people's legs where they are trying to read or take everything off the shelves... When we are home I read 5 or more books to him everyday, often in one go (although admittedly I have to keep the narrative very brief and turn the pages super fast or else he loses interest) and he enjoys it so I guess it must be the excitment of being out that distracts him. So maybe I should leave the library and book store for now and wait until he is a bit older?