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Parents' Lounge / General Parenting / Re: What brought you here?
on: May 13, 2013, 04:30:38 PM
Thanks for the post. It's exciting to read about how others got here. My story started when I got pregnant and with my husband decided that he will be bilingual. After my son was born we started to use both languages. And then one of our friends told us that they bought the YBCR for their little one. I didn't know if it would work or not but I just couldn't stop thinking about it and also that that would be great if I could teach him to read in my language so he could not only speak but read in two languages. So I decided to give a try. He was 13 months old at that time. And exactly 1 month later he started to recognize the words. I will never forget that moment, and I am happy that my husband was there too. First I just couldn't believe it! And of course I was searching on line for articles about how to do it, about opinions if I'm doing the right thing here and that's how I found this website and I couldn't be happier. I still am and feel very lucky because I 've got the support and help I needed an could never get from anybody else since they think...but you guys know exactly what I'm talking about. My son is 4 years old, speaks and reads in 2 languages, the English is a lot better though, about 2nd-3rd grade level. I love that he loves reading and how excited he is when I bring home new books from the library( we can't go together as much anymore since he's in school all day). We are working on our third language (spanish) and math and started violin a few months ago. We still do Mandala almost every morning and play chess with "No stress Chess" a lot. Since he is in K 3 all day it makes us more difficult to do everything I want to but we do our best and can't wait for summer when we can do even more like we used to. Sorry for the long post.
Parents' Lounge / General Parenting / Re: About the happiness
on: April 21, 2013, 07:26:01 PM
Thanks for this topic, thanks for sharing your thoughts. My son is 4, goes to k3 full day. He reads at about second grade level. In the school he has a reading lesson with the school's reading specialist and they go through the first grade level with grammar and everything. I am happy about it but for us it also means that yeas, by the time he will be there, he should skip a grade and start in second grade. I am ready for that but also know that he is a sensitive boy and socially not as advanced as academically. So getting ready, I am 'training' him every possible way, every day. Mostly talking and analising situations we see, read or experience in our every day life, encouraging him. I am almost positive that if I had to choose now, I would probably choose him to stay with his same age classmates, because I want him to learn those social skills. In a way I think it's even more important than being advanced at reading or math...I can help with those at home even after home. But being self confident, strong emotionally, it is really important and can affect every single part of his life now and later (I am also happy that I don't have to make that decision today though).
Parents' Lounge / General Parenting / Pillow or no pillow?
on: March 22, 2013, 02:08:39 PM
My son is 4 years old and he"d never had pillow yet. And he was perfectly fine that way. But my husband says that he needs a pillow just because everybody uses it. I tried to read about it but couldn't really find anything about the subject. I would like to know what you think. Just because its our costume I don't want him to have a pillow. But it might be good for his spine? I don't know but of course I want the best for him. Thank you for your opinion in advance.
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child to Read / Re: How to make them realize that they can read sightwords on books?
on: March 12, 2013, 02:58:19 PM
For me (and my son) it really helped when I try to use his knowledge, showing him right away that reading is a tool for something. So, when Easter came, Easter Bunny left a little note for him, using the words he could read at that time. Same thing with X-mas. Or, when i lost my voice for a day and it was really hard for me to talk I wrote him little sentences or just a few words what to do.. He loved it and we played it a lot even when I got my voice back. It also worked for me using different font words. The game was to find the same words on different cards. Sometimes I didnt even printed out I just used a marker with different colors or sizes....I agree that variety and movement is really important. And being silly. I know it's frustrating sometimes. Hope I could help. Good luck.
EARLY LEARNING / Early Learning - General Discussions / Re: Word magnets for kids - any recommendations?
on: March 12, 2013, 02:37:44 PM
About the word magnets. A few years ago I found magnet words in the dollar store. I just saw them again the other day. I don't know if you have dollar stores by you. I love the item. one sheet contains about 25-30 words and could buy at least 2-3 different kind. Its the "teaching tree" brand. They also have the same thing with numbers and alphabet. I love dollar store (since everything is$1) !!!!
BEYOND EARLY LEARNING (for older years) / General Discussions - After Early Learning / Re: kindergarten and your early reader
on: February 06, 2013, 03:17:47 PM
Thank you for this topic. I was just thinking to write about the same thing. My son is 4 now and reading at about 2-3 grade level. I don't know exactly, because I have no idea how to measure it. I just go to the library and try to choose a big variety of books for him. He started K3 full day in a charter kinda school last september. The teacher found out quickly how advanced he was and offered us an option to have reading lesssons with the school reading specialist. We were really happy that they were so flexible. Since then he still have a 15-20 minute lesson every day learning mostly the first grade grammar/ spelling...he also brings home a little home work every day so I can see where they are. I am really impressed with the school that they are willing to deal with advanced kids. About your problem: have you talked to her teacher? We did and asked their help.....and I also try everything I can to make him work more at school. He just found a book a few days ago and he loves it so I didn't have to encourage him too much to bring that book to school so he could read the story to his friends ( I asked the teacher about it and she was partner again) and then they could play it out.
BEYOND EARLY LEARNING (for older years) / General Discussions - After Early Learning / Re: Teaching Your Child Chess
on: January 03, 2013, 04:24:20 PM
Thank you for starting this topic. I've been thinking and searching for a while to find the way to teach my 4 yr old son to play chess. I've just ordered no stress chess and found an app called DinosaurChess. I love it and my son loves it too. it has little lessons about the pieces and you can play right away choosing your level. After we learn something new we usually go get daddy's chess game and try to use it. So far works great.
EARLY LEARNING / Early Learning - General Discussions / Re: Need help to buy an iPad
on: September 25, 2012, 09:38:33 PM
That's a good question too, thank you. I would also like to hear about good apps for early education. I remember for example that someone was talking about chess app one time. I would love to try it with my son. But also interested in math and music and reading and language too.