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EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Re: isiZulu - Who's teaching this as a foreign language
on: February 29, 2012, 09:52:00 PM
Hi MamaofWill
Thank you very much for Zulu translations, I am also using them.I've been wanting to teach my kids to read isiZulu for a long time now but was unable to because of time and resources. We actually speak isiZulu in the house, We live in England.You have actually inspired me to go ahead and do it.
About you teaching your little 1, i would suggest that you find a Zulu nanny/tutor who will come once a week for about an hour or so who will read to your son Zulu books and play with him. hope this helps.
Parents' Lounge / General Parenting / Re: Born in 2011-moms and babies
on: February 28, 2012, 08:22:39 PM
For Spanish I am using: Babybit, Speekee and have downloaded some files from LR, Lets sing and learn in Spanish, which is a misic CD for kids. Babybit is a 1 year curriculum on 4 DVD's that teaches babies and toddlers to read Spanish, it is very good, i would certainly recommend this one. Speekee is also very good, within 1 week of watching it my 3 year old was counting in Spanish, I was also singing with him "Hablo Espanol". LR files are also very helpful.
For Chinese I am using: LR Chinese, which I also think is very good since they also have a 1 year curriculum, Wink to learn Chinese, wink to learn Speech and Drama DVD's, Sing to learn Chinese from wink to learn, Magical chinese, Little pim DVD 1,2 and 3, i don't use DVD 4,5 and 6 because they have pinyin, Baby learns chinese.
My son learnt to read Spanish, chinese and English from DVDs and online resources. I agree, DVDs, CDs and online resources can never replace human interaction, BUT they do lay the foundation for those of us who want our kids to learn these languages and don't speak them ourselves. All these resources do help a lot when you don't have anyone who speak that language at that moment.With my 1st son, the tutors i found all said they they take kids from 4 years.I could not wait for my son to turn 4 before I could expose him to these languages.I know my kids won't be fluent by just watching DVD's, but they do learn to read from these resources.
You can also go through the forum and other posts to get more information about teaching a language that you don't speak, there are other parents on this forum who've done it.
Parents' Lounge / General Parenting / Re: Born in 2011-moms and babies
on: February 28, 2012, 04:20:56 PM
Hi Sarekha
Thanks a lot. I am doing what I did with my 1st or wish I did. With 2nd language. I am teaching my kids Chinese, French and Spanish and I don't speak any of those languages. What other language would you like to teach your little 1?At the moment I am mainly using DVD's, CD's, Audio books LR and other online resources.As they get older i am planning to find a tutor for them.
Parents' Lounge / General Parenting / Re: Born in 2011-moms and babies
on: February 28, 2012, 12:49:29 PM
My son is 5 months old. We are doing YBCR, LR, LM, LR Chinese, Baby learns chinese, Starfall. When he is 6 months I am planning to add French, at 9 months Spanish, 12 months Zulu. I am trying to follow LR, LM and LR Chinese curriculum, which is a 1 yr curriculum, when we finish it we will do it all over again untill he is 3, I will also continue using other materials. He also listens to french and spanish music, which I play for my 3 yr old. He sits and listens when I teach my 3 yr old Zulu, French, Spanish and Geography. I downloaded flags of Africa file, I also do that with my 5m. I am planning to add continents soon.
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Re: Need Materials for Teaching Child to Read in Spanish
on: January 19, 2012, 05:25:48 PM
Leo, Check out the Reading Amigo site, We specialize in Spanish language reading. I love to help kids become fully bilingual in Spanish, so please message me with any questions. Or post here, and everyone can share in the conversation. Hi,I love your product, do you mail to UK England?
Parents' Lounge / General Parenting / Re: DS's going to a preschool. 3 half days/week or 5 half days/week?
on: September 07, 2011, 04:11:46 AM
Thanx a lot for your input, it really is not easy sending him to preschool. He will be going 5 days a week, 3 hrs a day. first week I'll stay with him for about an hr, 2nd week I'll leave him for about an hr and see how he gets along. I am still not sure though if thats the right thing for him. I am also xpecting my 2nd baby anyday now, so I don't want him to feel like I am pushing him away because of the new baby.Is 3 yrs not too early for him to go to preschool? Plus next yr he is starting school, which means this is the last yr I'll have him "full time" all to myself, that is if we decide not to take him to preschool. At preschool they won't be doing a lot of educational stuff, its just playing and socialising with other kids.
EARLY LEARNING / Early Learning - General Discussions / Re: My daughter isn't comfortable at preschool
on: January 14, 2011, 06:26:46 PM
My son turns 3 in July and is supposed to start nursery in September, so I started doing research whether that is the best thing for him, I also read a book by Steve Biddulph, 'raising babies'- should under 3's go to nursery? Steve suggests that the best environment for the child is home, untill they are comfortable with going to nursey, I would suggest that if your daughter is not comfortable, keep her at home untill she is atleast 31/2 or 4 and try again. That is what I am going to do with my son anyway. Try to do research on advantages and disadvantages of sending kids to kindergaten, then try weighing your options and decide whats best for your daughter