Yup, I wiped up a lot of wee today!
Some days he is great, we can go the whole day and he wont wee on the floor at all. Other days it's bad, like today. The reason today is that he is just learning to say 'Uh,Oh!'. So instead of coming to tell me he needed a wee (clutching at relevant bits and shouting) or wee'ing when I put him over the toilet, he was waiting, then wee'ing on the floor pointing at it and shouting 'UHOH!!!!!' Fairly cute but very annoying.
If you are considering EC'ing it would be helpful if you weren't too squeamish about wee. I have wooden floors. I have prefold nappies in every room for mopping and anti bac spray for quick cleanups. I could choose to have him wear a nappy all the time and still EC. Many parents do this. There is no reason why you would have to leave their bums bare. but it is summer here and I like him to be barebummed. And usually it wouldnt be a problem.
As for poo this varies a lot from child to child. I am fortunate that mine has been very good in that repect. He doesnt poo in his nappy, or on the floor, only in the toilet. I have missed it maybe twice in the last six months, and that was my own fault for not listening to him!
So yes it may be a little more work but training a three year old not to poo in their pants can be very difficult as well. It varies so much from family to family, I think its just a case of try it ansd see if it works for you.