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[08 Jun] NEW: Vietnamese Curriculum for Little Reader! (More...)

[15 May] Hello Pal Social Language Learning App Has Launched! (More...)

[3 Mar] Update: Hello Pal now Beta Testing! (What We've Been Up To) (More...)

[11 Feb] Sign up for our Little Reader Vietnamese Beta Testing Program! (Sign ups open until FEB. 15, 2015 ONLY!) (More...)

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[17 Sep] Give a child the gift of literacy this Christmas: 20,000 children need your help! (More...)

[29 Aug] Little Musician wins Dr. Toy Awards! (More...)

[29 Aug] VIDEOS: Perfect Pitch at 2.5y, and compilation of Little Musician toddlers! (More...)

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[03 Aug] Welcome NEW FORUM MODERATORS: Mela Bala, Mandabplus3, Kerileanne99, and Kmum! (More...)

[03 Aug] Winners of the Little Reader Video Contest (Part 5)! (More...)

[25 Jul] Bianca's Story - What happens 10+ years after learning to read as a baby/toddler (More...)

[27 Jun] Updates on our Early Education for Every Child Foundation (EEECF) (More...)

[27 Jun] Join the Little Reader Video Contest (Part 5) (More...)

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[30 Apr] Winners of the Little Reader Video Contest! (More...)

[28 Apr] The Early Education for Every Child Foundation - Help Us Make a Difference (More...)

[20 Apr] Little Reader Curricula on your iPad or iPhone - now possible with iAccess! (More...)

[12 Apr] LITTLE MUSICIAN - now in OPEN BETA TESTING (with a complete curriculum) (More...)

[12 Mar] *NEW* Little Reader Content Packs now available! (More...)

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[20 Jan] BrillKids Featured Parent: Tonya's Teaching Story (More...)

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[08 Dec] Little Reader Touch promo EXTENDED + Lucky Draw winners (More...)

[01 Dec] Affiliate Success Story - How Elle Made $4,527 in Sales in just 30 days (More...)

[22 Nov] Little Reader Touch now available in the App Store! (More...)

[09 Nov] Winners of the September 2011 Video Contest (More...)

[01 Nov] Another free seminar and updates from Jones Geniuses (More...)

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[02 Sep] Little Reader Wins Another Two Awards! (Mom's Best Award & TNPC Seal of Approval) (More...)

[05 Aug] Little Reader Deluxe Wins the Tillywig Brain Child Award! (More...)

[28 Jul] LITTLE MUSICIAN beta-testing NOW OPEN! - Sign up here. (More...)

[14 Jul] Little Reader Wins Another Award! (PTPA Seal of Approval) (More...)

[13 Jul] Jones Geniuses FREE Seminars & news of Fall classes (More...)

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[20 Aug] Little Reader Chinese Curriculum Add-on pack - Now Available! (More...)

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[24 Jun] Need help from Native Speakers of SPANISH, RUSSIAN and ARABIC for Little Reader curriculum!

[01 Jun] Deadline for Submission of Entries for the LR Video Contest - Extended Until June 30! (More...)

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151  Products Marketplace / Product Discussions and Reviews / Re: Anyone has "sing to learn Chinese DVD" from wink to learn comment? on: August 17, 2009, 03:15:18 PM
My daughter has been watching Little Pim for months and she has always done great with it. Once in a while she is "done" with the video before it is over, so I just stop it and leave it for later (usually is almost at the end). She watches it twice a week.

We just got the wink to learn set and she has been doing very good with the lessons. I think it helps they are short and she really pays attention even though there are some words she already knows. She is not too excited about the sign to learn DVD. She watches it for a couple of songs and she is done. I think mostly I'm going to use it as a background music (even though I'm not to excited about the singing  wacko ).
152  EARLY LEARNING / Early Learning - General Discussions / Re: International Baccaulerate program on: August 14, 2009, 02:37:10 PM
Thank you so much for the information. I have been thinking about homeshooling, but I have a couple of years to make a final decision and this looks like a great option. K2U!
153  Products Marketplace / Product Discussions and Reviews / Re: Anyone has "sing to learn Chinese DVD" from wink to learn comment? on: August 14, 2009, 02:22:08 PM
buy the whole package they are great, my baby love all of them. she can sit and watch whole sing to learn dvd.

i don't know vol 2 and 3 out already, do they offer any discount to old customers? i change email so get no ads from them.

I got an e-mail with a $8.90 discount. The coupon code is SINGAPORE. It expires on August 31st.

You can also get a 5% discount coupon here for only 250 loyalty points. I'm not sure if you can combine them, but my guess is you can't.
154  BrillKids Software / Little Reader - General Discussion / Re: Feedback please - LR Curriculum's Word Flash lessons - Too long? on: August 12, 2009, 01:40:52 PM
Hi KL,

My baby is 8 and a half months and I do think the lesson is a bit too long. I have been pointing underneath the words to keep her attention. I think 9 or 12 words may be a good number.

Hope this helps!  smile

PS. You are right, my dd loves the multisensory lesson, the phonics not so much...
155  Downloads + Collaborations Discussions / English Free Downloads / Re: My latest stuff on: August 11, 2009, 03:30:45 PM
Thank you so much for sharing! It's great having you back in the forum  smile
156  Products Marketplace / Product Discussions and Reviews / Re: Right brain/left brain dvd on sale on: August 10, 2009, 05:04:45 PM
koala girl,

Thank you for sharing the info you found. However, I think this may be a better value since it seems to include those two DVD plus some other ones. I was checking the info in amazon and it says the set includes 450 minutes and as far as I know each DVD is 45 minutes, so I think this may be more cost effective.

157  Parents' Lounge / General Parenting / Re: How do you put your baby to sleep? on: August 07, 2009, 01:30:52 AM
I'm not sure if you have a "routine. Based on everything we read a routine is the most important thing to have a "good sleeper". I can see your baby is older so I'm not sure if my experience would help. Anyways, since my baby was two monthls old she starting sleeping in her own room and her own bed (crib). Everynight we bathed her, feed her and put her to bed. We never waited for her to be asleep. Sometimes she was, sometimes she wasn't. Now we just feed her her solids before we bath her, read to her, gave her her bottle and once she is done we put her down. Sometimes it can take her up to half hour to fall to sleep, but she is just talking and then all the sudden she falls to sleep. Sometimes she wakes up and even if she cries we don't pick her up. Usually she doesn't cry for more than 5 -10 minutes, if she does she may be hungry, so we just feed her a couple more ounces while she still in her crib and usually that fixes it. Same thing, sometimes she wakes up in the middle of the night, she usually fuzzes for a couple of minutes and is back to sleep.

Now, I did have a lot of issues with her naps. She didn't like to nap, but she was tired, so about two months ago I started puting her down when I knew she was tired. At the beggining she would cry up to 15 minutes of so, but after a couple of days she knew it was time for her nap and now she doesn't cry anymore. She is rested so all of us have a wonderful day.

One of my friends recommened this book: Solve Your Child's Sleep Problems: New, Revised, and Expanded Edition by Richard Ferber I never used it, but I lend it to a friend and she loved it.

Hope this gives you some ideas... smile
158  BrillKids Software / Little Reader - General Discussion / Re: Trying to translate LR lessons to Spanish on: August 05, 2009, 12:26:06 PM
How exciting!  smile What a lucky baby to have parents so proactive about her/his education.  yes It is great you guys are preparing everything in advance, it can get pretty overwhelming.

Regarding the German, I though about the difference, but since it is so hard to fnd materials I felt I didn't have many options. She has been watching Muzzy that is German set of DVD's, but I really need to find something else...

159  BrillKids Software / Little Reader - General Discussion / Re: Trying to translate LR lessons to Spanish on: August 04, 2009, 04:54:17 PM
That makes us two...not idea about phonics  LOL I'll do some research later on and I'll let you know what I come up with. I would love to share our files, but I'm not sure what they may think here sice they are thinking about releasing a Spanish curriculum. Once we have more files we can PM KL to see what he thinks.

I have not done Doman's course,  but would love to do it. If you have the opportunity to do it, go for it. I have heard great comments about it.

We are also trying to teach our baby German besides English, Spanish and Mandarin, but it is hard to find materials in German. There is someone here that lives in Switzerland and is going to start working on some files at the end of the month. I'm really looking forward to them. I'll be great if you guys can share some of your German materials once you have done some. There is thread here that have some information about links and places to find German materials.

How old is your baby? In your profile shows like your wife is pregnant, but I'm not sure if that was accurate.

Anyways, let's stay in touch and we'll keep each other updated regarding progress or questions.

Have a wonderful day!  smile
160  BrillKids Software / Little Reader - General Discussion / Re: Trying to translate LR lessons to Spanish on: August 04, 2009, 11:44:31 AM

I agree about the course, it would take forever....

The two colors for syllabels is used with phonics, which brings up another issue and it is that we are going to have to do our own research about teaching phonics in Spanish because the words are going to be completely different. It is not going to be just translation. I would say, let's just stick to the categories and once we are done we can figure out what we want to do abotu phonics. What do you think?
161  BrillKids Software / Little Reader - General Discussion / Re: Trying to translate LR lessons to Spanish on: August 03, 2009, 11:15:12 PM
Hi Napa!

I'm back! Ok, so far I have translated the following categories:

- Action Words Progressive
- Action words 1
- Common animals 1
- Parts of the body (head)

I will start again this week. So just let me knos how you would like to do this to see if we can get it done faster....

I think I can translate these categories this week:

- Action words 2
- Colors 1
- Common Animals 2
- Fruits

Again, I'm not sure if putting the curriculum day by day may take too long or we should start showing categories. What do you think?  unsure
162  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Re: Teaching languages - E-mail from Doman's Institute on: August 03, 2009, 02:42:34 PM
Hi Joha, Wink
This is pertaining to the email from IAHP, what exactly is meant by this??

Keep the two languages separate. Consistency is important. You do not want to teach a reading program in English or Spanish every other week.  unsure

P.S.> How are you showing  it???

Autumn smile

Hi Autumn and qisdhi mom!

I'm sorry for the late reply, but I just got back from vacation.

What she meant by that is that you want to do the programs simultaniusly even though you keep the lessons separate. So for example you show the whole category in one language and later that day or the next day you show it in the other language. In our case the two core languages are English and Spanish, so I show my daughter certain playlists in English and then later that day I show her other categories in Spanish. Ideally I would like to show her the same categories, but I honestly have not had the time to translate all of them and the brain development was more important to us than the fact she was learning the same words in both languages. I'm hoping that the fact that we are showing her all the flash cards with pictures will help her conect the dots and realize that is the same thing but in a different language  blink I have been translating all the words from YBCR videos, so she sees them during the same period of time she is watching certain volume. For German and Mandarin, it is a complete different story since we don't speak the languages and don't have enough materials. However, we do every Monday and Wednesday only materials in German (besides her regular English and Spanish) and Tuesdays and Thursdays only materials in Mandarin.

Please leet me know if I was not clear enough  unsure or if you have any other questions.

Hope this helps a bit  smile
163  Local Support Groups / Español / Re: SALUDOS DESDE SUIZA DE UNA MEXICANA - on: July 30, 2009, 04:54:00 AM
Hola Isa! Bienvenida al foro! Vi tu mensaje privado tambien.

Me encanta la idea de formar un equipo para ayudarnos en la creacion de las presentaciones en los tres idiomas. Yo soy Colombiana entonces puedo colaborar con la traduccion de materiales en espanol y tambien en ingles si se necesitan. Mi Aleman, es cero!  Sad Pero estoy haciendo todo lo que puedo para exponer a mi bebe al idioma al igual que con el mandarin. Mi nena acaba de cumplir 8 meses y hemos estado haciendo diferentes cosas de educacion temprana desde que tenia 3 meses y medio.

Te agradezco la informacion que enviaste acerca del otro programa. Lo voy a estar revisando y luego te cuento. Dejame saber si tienes little reader. Hay algunos archivos que yo he creado o tradicido al espanol, pero estan en el formato que solo puedes abrir con LR.

De lo de tus presentaciones en powerpoint con palmchristy esta excelente. En que idiomas las tienes?

Ahorita ando de vacaciones, pero cuando regrese te mando un mesanje para que nos pongamos deacuerdo a ver como podemos inciar la traduccion de los materiales.

De nuevo bienvenida! Estaremos en contacto!  smile
164  BrillKids Software / Little Reader - General Discussion / Re: Trying to translate LR lessons to Spanish on: July 30, 2009, 04:40:22 AM

That sounds great! yes  I'm on vacation right now, but I'll PM you when I get back so we can coordinate a bit better how we want to do this.

Talk to you soon...
165  EARLY LEARNING / Early Learning - General Discussions / Re: So overwhelmed and confused! on: July 28, 2009, 07:24:45 PM
Hi arminta7!

What a blessing to have all these months to get ready for your baby not only with the regular stuff, but with his/her early education. I found about these programs when my baby was 3 and a half months old. Today she is turning 8 months old (time flies). Anyways, I have read and bought a lot of the products and if I had to do it all over again, knowing what I know now, the first programs I would get will be Doman's reading and math kits. I did get the math kit and we still using it and love it. I regretted not getting the reading one. It is great because is ready, you can follow a program, you know the information is accurate and when your baby is young you are not exposing him/her to the tv. I'll print a lot of infant stimulation cards and I would definetly check into a crawling track. We have one that we are going to use with our next baby. Once your baby is older I would do YBCR. Besides these, a lot of music and play time. I'm not sure which books you have read, I would recommend "How smart is your baby" and "How to multiply your baby's intelligence" both from Glenn Doman.

You'll do great! Just follow your instict...   Wink

Hope this helps a little bit   smile
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