BrillKids Software / Little Reader - General Discussion / Re: Trying to translate LR lessons to Spanish
on: July 28, 2009, 03:16:57 PM
I exported each category, then imported it back and then started making the changes. I created the sound file for the word and then sound files for the phrases. I created a folder called " Spanish Curriculum" and have been saving the categories there. I would be more than happy to share with you the categories that I have translated already. I'm from Colombia, so there may be a few words that are called different in Spain. At this point I'm not sure if I'm going to create the curriculum following the Brillkids original curriculum format or I'm going to show the categories one by one. I'm afraid creating a day by day curriculum will take forever, but I may be wrong FYI, My English curriculum hasn't been affected by the exporting-importing.
Parents' Lounge / Introduce Yourself / Re: New Dad checkng the site out
on: July 27, 2009, 05:20:42 PM
Welcome to the forum GreyStreet! ![smile](http://forum.brillkids.com/Smileys/emoji/smile.png) It's great to see dads interested and involve in their babies brain development. You are going to find a lit of interting information here, infant stimulation cards is just the beggining of the amazing things our precious babies can learn. Please let us know if you have any questions!
EARLY LEARNING / Early Learning - General Discussions / Re: crawling track, what age?
on: July 27, 2009, 12:20:21 AM
We had a couple of issues. One, our baby was in a harness her first three months of life, so there was not way to put her on her tummy safely. Then, we we started putting her on her tumy on the floor (because our floors are clean enough to do it) and she would just go in circles (which she still does). That is why we decided to get the crawling track, which I regretted not getting it earlier because at the point we got it, she could only use it properly for a few weeks before she figured out how to get on her back. The expense...the track at Doman's site is very expensive, but we had it built and even though it was much cheaper, I know some people here have been able to build much cheaper. Anyways, all of us do what we think is best for our babies and the crawling track sounded like a great idea.
EARLY LEARNING / Early Learning - General Discussions / Re: material swapping
on: July 24, 2009, 01:55:31 AM
Right now I'm not interested in swapping materials, BUT I wanted to give a little advice to the people that are going to be trading Tweedle Wink (since they are kind of pricy). These DVD's seem to break easy when pulling them out or in the box. I think it may have to do with the box. They even come with a note telling you to remove it with care. Right after I got my set I cracked my Vol. 1 > ![Sad](http://forum.brillkids.com/Smileys/emoji/sad.png) as you can image I was very upset. So just make sure you take good care of them once you borrow them so you don't have to replace them.
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child Math / Re: Need help in GD math
on: July 23, 2009, 07:34:37 PM
katarinka, I had the same issue with my daughter when she was about your daughter's age. I stopped the math program for about two weeks since she wasn't enjoying it. Then we started again and she was full speed again! Back then we used to sit my dd on her rocker or in her high chair so she could see the cards well and we weren't worry about her going sideways. Regarding the equations, again, we had to wait a little bit longer to start them becuase she didn't seem interested. I continued with my math flash cards (the numbers) and then one day I just started again and she was fine with it. I broke the equations in three sessions with three equations each. SOmetimes nos I can show them back to back and she is fine. So we are not 100% up to Doman's schedule, but we have followed her lead and it seems to be paying off. She is now doing problem solving with my husband and is doind great. Now she is doing subtraction and gets very excited when she since the minus ![LOL](http://forum.brillkids.com/Smileys/emoji/lol.png) We do the numbers with flash cards and the equations in LM. Hope this helps a bit!
Local Support Groups / Español / Re: Como ver en español un tema Por ej. Debate Early teaching...
on: July 23, 2009, 12:16:27 PM
2010BEBES, Hasta ahora veo tu mensaje, no se si ya recibiste una respuesta por otro lado, pero bueno. La verdad creo que la unica manera de incluir un link en espanol en un articulo o post que ya existe es crear otro post con la traduccion. Si quieres que la gente que vea el mensaje original sepa que esta disponible en español entonces puesde hacer "reply" y colocar un msanje incluyendo el link the tu nuevo post con la traduccion. Espero que esto sea lo que estabas necesitando. Dejame saber si tienes mas preguntas. Que tengas buen dia
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child to Read / Re: about to give up teaching my son to read!!!help
on: July 23, 2009, 11:57:30 AM
liz79, I can totally understand how you can feel overwhelmed. My best friend works full time too and as much as she wants to do it, it is hard because she doesn't have the time or the energy when she comes back from work. We discussed different option for her from YBCR, Doman's flash cards, LR and LM. Our conclusion was that her best option were LR and LM because the curriculum. You really don't need to do much preparation, just turn on your computer, start LR and voila! You can start teaching. I know if a huge investment, but just think about the time you have invested and the frustration you are feeling. The other think with LR and LM is that people constantly are uploading new files that you can show your baby. If these program are completely out of your budget, I would recommend buying Doman's kits. I got the math one and we absolutely love it! I regretted not getting the reading kit, but I got LR. This basic kits are only $50, that after material, prep time and printing is a good price (However, I have never seen it, I'm going based on the quality of the math cards). Keep it up! Don't quit because based on your message I can tell you will feel terrible for quitting. Just do as much as you can. There are people here that have the time, the resources and the organization skills to do a lot more, but each of us do what we can and doing some is definitely better that doing nothing. One more thing, life comes in the way sometimes, so don't stress about it. I wanted to do this everyday religiously, but there are things that happen in life that you need to take care off. So I try to be consistented, but if one day I only have time to do the first part of the course, I don't kill mylsef over it, I just do the other half the next day. We had to take a break from math flash cards for two weeks (becuase my daughter wasn;t into it) it was ok, was we started again she was totally into it. Always come here for support. This is what this forum is for, to help each other in this wonderful and bumpy journey! I'm sure you will find the answer for you and will do great! Karma to you for being honest and looking for help!