EARLY LEARNING / Early Learning - General Discussions / Re: crawling track, what age?
on: July 20, 2009, 07:10:16 PM
Skylark, When we got it and we were putting her in the track about twice a day and it depended on how she was doing if we had her do it once or twice. We inclined it a bit to help her. We put a wooden egg in front of her that she needs to catch and that is her motivation to move. We like the egg becuase when she tries to catch it it rolls so she needs o keep going ( ![LOL](http://forum.brillkids.com/Smileys/emoji/lol.png) ). Now, I have to report she is not crawling yet ![Sad](http://forum.brillkids.com/Smileys/emoji/sad.png) , which I have to admit (with shame ![Sad](http://forum.brillkids.com/Smileys/emoji/sad.png) ) is probably our fault because we have not been putting her in it for a while. She started kind of climbing the track and rolling on the sides so she could be on her back. Even though the crawl track has walls, she quickly figured our she just had to push herlself a bit and will be on her back. I really regret not getting it earlier and we will definetly have our next baby on it since the beggining. Now, the other thing is that my daughter wants to stand up all the time, she doesn't pull herself yet, but she loves us to put her on her feet and she is grabbing the border of her playpen so she ca stand up. My mom said I didn't crawl, so I'm a fraid she may be the same I have to say that with time she got better and better about being on it for longer periods of time. I'm not sure if this helps. Good luck with it! You may be more consistent than me and get better results.
Downloads + Collaborations Discussions / Foreign Language Little Reader Lesson Downloads / YBCR Spanish Vol 2-2
on: July 17, 2009, 12:31:33 PM
Here is the second set of the third file for the translation into Spanish of YBCR videos. I had to split this file in two sets because is quite large. Also, I would suggest you create some playlists to divide each set because each set has 25 words that still a lot to show in one session. I'm a native Spanish Speaker and the sound is good quality. Each words has a least two pictures, but most of them have three. I hope you enjoy it. PS. Don't forget to download the first set - YBCR Spanish Vol 2-1
Downloads + Collaborations Discussions / Foreign Language Little Reader Lesson Downloads / YBCR Spanish Vol 2-1
on: July 17, 2009, 12:25:40 PM
Hello Everyone! Here is the third file for the translation into Spanish of YBCR videos. I had to split this file in two sets because is quite large. Also, I would suggest you create some playlists to divide each set because each set has 25 words that still a lot to show in one session. I'm a native Spanish Speaker and the sound is good quality. Each words has a least two pictures, but most of them have three. I hope you enjoy it. PS. Don't forget to download the second set - YBCR Spanish Vol 2-2
EARLY LEARNING / Early Learning - General Discussions / Re: Photo eyeplay creation...
on: July 16, 2009, 08:23:16 PM
OMG! I quoted myself wrong This is the question I was wondering if you saw Martina,
Thank you so much for all the files, for LR and the pp. I love them! Now, I would like to create one with my mother-in-law singing in the background. Do you know how I can crate it with the photoplay file you did in pp, but in LR? or how I can add te song in the background of the pp while the slides are changing?
Thanks in advance!
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Other Topics / Re: what is the best method to teach decipiline
on: July 16, 2009, 02:08:51 PM
This is a link for "Discipline and Reward Techniques". I think all of them are for toddlers, not with babies. http://www.supernanny.com/Advice/-/Supernanny-techniques/-/Discipline-and-reward.aspx?_pbg=plContent_ctl00_rpArticles&_pbg_size=8&_pbg_page=1&_pbg_mode=search&_pbg_sortd=created_date&_pbgauthor_type=&_pbgCategoryID=295This one gives some inside about discipline techniques for both, babies and toddlers: http://www.parents.com/toddlers/development/behavioral/gentle-discipline-for-babies-and-toddlers/?page=1This was a little extract regarding time outs: Most of us think of a time-out as a discipline strategy for older kids, but some experts say that you can use a version of it from about 9 months on, especially for more serious offenses. Let's say your child bites you on the shoulder when you're hugging her -- something that many older babies, unaware of the pain that can be inflicted with their new teeth, do at least once. Say, 'No biting!' and sit her on your lap facing away from you for one minute. "Losing your attention is a severe penalty for a baby or toddler," says Dr. Brown. "When a minute is over, repeat the phrase 'No biting,' and then give her a hug and move on. A young child might not connect the consequence with the behavior at first, but if you respond that way every time she bites, she'll catch on fairly quickly." By the time toddlers are 18 months or so, you can put them in a time-out in their bedroom for two minutes if you have a gate you can put up to block the doorway. "You don't want to close the door, because it can be frightening to young children to be left alone," says Dr. Rimm.