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[27 Jun] Updates on our Early Education for Every Child Foundation (EEECF) (More...)

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241  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child Math / E-mail from IAHP- Teaching math in different languages on: July 02, 2009, 10:04:27 PM
We had discussed this issue somewhere else and came with diffeent conclusions, but I still wasn't sure about what to do. Everything came back when my mom came to visit and she saw us doing the math flash cards in English. She was "worried" about Valerie not learning enough Spanish  rolleyes Anyways, I e-mailed the Institute and this is the answers I got

Fortunately, math is the same in any language. It is not part of the reading program. You can do the math program in Spanish for 2 sessions and then you can say to you child that you are going to show them again, but this time speak in English. It will not matter to your child. She is receiving the same information in English as she received in Spanish. It actually does not confuse the child who lives in a bi-lingual household.

I wasn't sure if she meant doing the 2 sets three times in one language and three times in the other or mixing them  wacko (maybe may English wasn't good enough to understand her message confused ) So this was her response:

I am trying to tell you that it doesn't matter if you do the math in Spanish or English. If you do the math 3 sessions a day, one of those times you can switch to speaking in English. It does not confuse the child. If it makes you feel better, just say to your child, this time I am going to speak in English and do the 3rd session in English.

You can do your sessions in Spanish one day and switch to English the next day. You do not need to repeat just because you switched the language. Your child is taking in math facts and it doesn't matter if you present these facts in English or Spanish. The child is learning the math not the language.

I hope this gives some light to the other people trying to teach other languages and following the math program  smile
242  Parents' Lounge / Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello everyone on: July 02, 2009, 05:27:51 PM
Hello tagy!

Welcome to the forum!  smile Congratulations on your baby and welcome to motherhood!  smile You can start using infant stimulation cards at any time now. They are recommended to be used up to 4 months. This has been a hot topic lately, so you are going to be able to find all the information you need for infant stimulation cards in the following links:

Please let us know if you have any additional questions.

Hope with get to see you around!  laugh
243  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child Encyclopedic Knowledge / Great source when making animal's EK flash cards with POI on: July 02, 2009, 02:32:28 PM
I'm thinking about taking my daughter to the zoo this weekend. I decided to look at the Denver's Zoo website to have an idea of what kind of animals we were going to see so maybe I could take some of the animal flash cards I have. Anyways, there are so many that it will take me forever to go through the website, BUT I found what I think a is great source when making animal's EK flash cards and you need a real picture and POI.

The website is

When you are at the website go to the tab that says animals and plants and you can pick which category you want to see (mammals, reptiles, fish, birds, invertebrates, plants). There is a drop down box where you can pick which animal you want to see, once it comes up you have the picture and great information for POI's. Which you know are accurate! The pictures are good, but they usually show just the face of the animal and not the whole body, so you may want to search for a different picture, but at the end if you don’t find another one there is one.

I'm sure there are other zoo's websites that may have the same info and it may be a good idea when wanting to check different regions.

Hope some people find this helpful too!  big grin
244  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Re: Teaching German on: July 02, 2009, 10:50:54 AM
Here is another a link I found of some catchy german songs......

Nice site! You are right the songs are very catchy. I love that they have a flash presentation of the phrases while you play the demo.
245  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child to Read / Re: Baby Anson Can Read on: July 02, 2009, 03:12:54 AM
first of all,wow,valeri ann is sooo beautiful,cute little baby.   smile .I'm not focus to other language except english language while teaching my daughter,wonder why she still can't able to speak,the word she always speak is "ayah"(father) and "bu"(mother),and yesterday she suddenly say "CUP" immediately after she saw the flashcard with cup.  big grin

i reallyyyyyyyy can't wait to hear my baby can speak.

Thank you so much! You are so sweet! I love my little girl  big grin

Regarding your baby, I was asking about the languages because babies that are learning other languages (even just one besides native tongue) may take a little bit longer to talk. It doesn't dall the time, but it is normal. Here is a little extract from the multilingual website:

Speaking Later. While there's no scientific evidence that proves multilinguals begin speaking later, many parents estimate that there is a three to six month delay compared to monolingual children the same age. If you think about it, it makes sense that a child learning two or more language systems might take more time, since they are actually learning twice as many words. Even so, six months is a small price to pay for the ability to speak two or three languages! 

You may want to read this article about late talkers:
246  Parents' Lounge / Coffee Corner - General Chat / Re: files unknown? on: July 02, 2009, 12:45:24 AM
.CAT files can ONLY be open with Little Reader. I'm sorry you will not be able to play it if you don't have LR.
247  Local Support Groups / Español / Mensaje para PY Re: Palabras sin traduccion exacta on: July 01, 2009, 01:58:23 PM

En alguna parte lei que eras profesora y pense que quiza tu me podrias ayudar con esta post. Tambien, cuando le estas ensenando cosas como medias, zapatos y palabras asi a tu hija los haces en singular o plural primero o los combinas?

248  Parents' Lounge / Coffee Corner - General Chat / Re: Brainy Baby Sale on: July 01, 2009, 01:56:17 PM
2010BEBES shared this link in another post and I thought it may be good to have it here too since it seems to be the best deal when thinking about getting these DVD's
249  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Re: Top 10 mistakes when raising bilingual or multilingual kids on: July 01, 2009, 01:38:13 PM
I'm glad you enjoyed the post. I got it from this site:

It has a lot of information about raising multilingual children. It is a good source to go to when you have questions. I think you will find it very helpful. Wink
250  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Top 10 mistakes when raising bilingual or multilingual kids on: July 01, 2009, 12:56:48 PM
I found this article in a website and I thoug it was short and to the point:

- Don't teach -- make it fun and natural.
- Don't make a big deal of the languages -- but do explain the usage.
- Don't correct -- just repeat the words correctly.
- Don't ask your child to "show off," -- but praise him if he volunteers.
- Don't mix languages yourself -- a consistent language system provides structure, predictability, and security. This in turn promotes learning.
- Don't rely on recordings -- speak or sing to your baby directly and intently.
- Don't be shy -- use your language in public even if you sometimes feel embarrassed.
- Don't make abrupt changes to your child's language environment -- go slow and explain what's happening.
- Don't wait to expose your child to a second or third language -- the earlier your child starts, the easier it will be for everyone.
- Don't wait! We really mean it! If not now, probably never.

But Do: praise, encourage, and have fun!

251  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child to Read / Re: Baby Anson Can Read on: July 01, 2009, 12:44:30 PM
qisdhe mom,

Are you teaching your daughter more than one language? (It looks like it, but just want to make sure)
252  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Re: Teaching German on: July 01, 2009, 11:31:11 AM

Thank you for sharing! That video is sold by Brainy Baby. They are selling the VHS tape for 99c and the DVD for $7.99 for whoever want to buy it. I'm thinking about it. I have toa dmit I hadn't thought about checking the library before buying it. The library in my town doesn't have any of this products, so my mom has to get her in her city for me. That is why I don't keep it in mind. blush

I got a little bit confused with your idea. What is your idea?  unsure
253  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child Encyclopedic Knowledge / Re: Anybody doing the encyclopedic knowledege program? on: July 01, 2009, 01:40:13 AM
Ok, thank you!
254  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child Encyclopedic Knowledge / Re: Anybody doing the encyclopedic knowledege program? on: July 01, 2009, 01:33:25 AM
Could you give me an estimate of the size of the flash cards? My mom is going to help me to find them. Since I'm going to Denver until the weekend, I don't want to risk them to be gone. My mom wants to have an idea of what she os looking for.

Thanks for the list. I'll le you know if my mom finds some different.
255  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Other Topics / Re: Infant Stimulation Cards on: July 01, 2009, 12:32:33 AM
Wow! I didn't know there was a surgery for it now (I guess I'm getting old  LOL ) The good thing about it is that there is nothing aesthetics about it.
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