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256  EARLY LEARNING / Early Learning - General Discussions / Re: home made curriculum in other language than english on: February 05, 2012, 07:00:36 PM

I had the exact problem rondaniel is having, I posted this exact message a day ago on another post, hope it doesn't bother any of you.
Here's my way of translating the categories:

1. Open Little Reader
3. Click on Categories
4. Open the folder BK English Course (Semester 1)  (for example)
5. Click on Action Words 1 (for example)
6. Left click on clap (for example)
7. Select Save As...
8. Rename the card and save it
9. Now you have two clap cards, select the new one and make sure it has the name you just gave it. (double click on it the check on the OTHER tab)
10. Change the text and other things, record your voice or even add photo's, vids, sounds etc. delete all the sound files you don't want, but don't delete mp3 files that have an fx in the name like "bk wild animals fx - cat1.mp3" those you want to keep, it's for example the sound of a cat.
11. Save the card and repeat 6..10 for the entire category
12. Left click on Action Words 1 (for example)
13. Select Save As and rename your new category.
14. Now the two categories have double the amount of cards they should have (both categories have the english cards and the translations' cards) so for the Action Words 1 category, delete all the translated cards and for the translated catgory delete all the english ones.
15. Repeat for all the 60 odd BK Categories.

Once you've got all the categories translated, you wait, there's a new version of little reader coming out that will allow you to select categories and auto generate a course, but heck knows when the new version is coming, I'm more excited for Little Musician to come out!!!

I hope this atleast half helps, but if someone has a better way I'd be just as glad to hear it.

257  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child Music / Re: Singing Do Re Me Fa So La Ti Do on: February 05, 2012, 06:13:23 PM
I was afraid that putting stickers on the xylophone might change the pich or sound quality, but yes indeed, marking the notes Do Re Me is a good solution
258  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child Music / Re: Singing Do Re Me Fa So La Ti Do on: February 05, 2012, 12:55:20 PM
No musical training, but I can figure out songs on the xylophone by ear, then the xylophone is marked C D E F G A B C, I memorised C = DO (you can make an O with the C) D = RE (you can make an R with the D) E is for ME, F is for Fa, G is for SO (again you can make an O with the G) A for LA, B for Ti (can you see the small letter t in the B) silly way for me to remember it, but that's how I do it, once I can play a little song, the I just sing Do Re Me along
259  Parents' Lounge / General Parenting / Re: Character Development - What are your top picks? on: February 05, 2012, 09:52:09 AM
I want mine to be gentle, loving and caring and above all respect himself and all others, therefore I try to always act that way towards him.  I'm a positive discipline mom and lean towards attachment parenting.
260  Parents' Lounge / General Pregnancy / Re: What is the ideal age gap for second child birth? on: February 05, 2012, 09:46:56 AM
I think girls should be 3 years old and boys should be 4 before the new baby arrives.  I would say start trying for your next sometime this year, but only if you feel ready to.
261  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child Music / Singing Do Re Me Fa So La Ti Do on: February 05, 2012, 09:35:48 AM
I've got a Child's Xilophone with notes from Middel C to High C.  I play many little baby songs on it and sing with it, like Twinkle little star becomes "Do Do So So La La So, Fa Fa Me Me Re Re Do" etc.

I don't have any other music teaching tools/books or anything, I'm waiting for LMs to come out, (does any body know when that is?)

I got this do re me singing idea from posts here on Brill Kids, but is it a good idea?  I know my xilophone is on key, but I'm not too sure I am. mellow

I'd love to hear from you guys, especially the ones who are using Soft Mozart and other programs and techniques designed for young kids.
262  Parents' Lounge / For Guests - No Membership Required / Re: flash cards/old Doman method on: February 05, 2012, 09:08:11 AM
I would say that if your boy loves the activities, then you as the mom and teacher are doing a great job.  There's actually so many techniques that works for young children learning to read, Doman himself said that the magic is in the child and that mother knows best, so just continue with what you're doing right now and when you find some way that seems better to you, then change accordingly, but don't stop, time is precious.

I'm no expert but my guess would be that you can use all the same material and flash cards that you already have with any new techniques that are developing.

Sorry, my english is ugly too  LOL
263  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Other Topics / Re: Are you going to teach chess? on: February 05, 2012, 08:55:05 AM
I've got a big set and let my 1 year old play with it, show him where the pieces start and how they move with hand signs and noises for each.  The king is fat and moves with a slow thump thump, the knight neighs and the queen move fast with a swish swish etc. that only to make it fun for the baby.

I let him watch videos of people playing chess, we made a couple of our own, but that takes too long.

I made very fast 2D chess animated gif files for him to watch, he loves them, I couldn't attach one as an example because they're 1meg files, but I use these every day because it takes little time and my baby enjoys them so much.
264  EARLY LEARNING / Early Learning - General Discussions / Re: What is your why for teaching early? on: February 04, 2012, 09:05:08 PM
I don't think anyone can love my kid more than I do, therefore I don't think anyone can take care of him better than I can, so that's why I'm a full time mom.  So here we are, Wilhelm and me, what to do all day long (and days can sometimes be long! LOL) One of the biggest reasons I have teaching activities with Will is to give me something to do with him during the day.

Secondly, I had learning difficulties, it damages selfconfidence, and having to go to extra lessons and spending hours on homework meant I couldn't do other activities, like sports etc. so I was missarable in school and hated it - I would not want my child to go through that.
265  BrillKids Software / Little Reader - General Discussion / Re: Copy the curriculum? on: February 04, 2012, 07:59:00 PM
I'm also new here but I want to do 3 languages and here's my way of translating the categories:

1. Open Little Reader
3. Click on Categories
4. Open the folder BK English Course (Semester 1)  (for example)
5. Click on Action Words 1 (for example)
6. Left click on clap (for example)
7. Select Save As...
8. Rename the card and save it
9. Now you have two clap cards, select the new one and make sure it has the name you just gave it. (double click on it the check on the OTHER tab)
10. Change the text and other things, record your voice or even add photo's, vids, sounds etc. delete all the sound files you don't want, but don't delete mp3 files that have an fx in the name like "bk wild animals fx - cat1.mp3" those you want to keep, it's for example the sound of a cat.
11. Save the card and repeat 6..10 for the entire category
12. Left click on Action Words 1 (for example)
13. Select Save As and rename your new category.
14. Now the two categories have double the amount of cards they should have (both categories have the english cards and the translations' cards) so for the Action Words 1 category, delete all the translated cards and for the translated catgory delete all the english ones.
15. Repeat for all the 60 odd BK Categories.

Once you've got all the categories translated, you wait, there's a new version of little reader coming out that will allow you to select categories and auto generate a course, but heck knows when the new version is coming, I'm more excited for Little Musician to come out!!!

I hope this atleast half helps, but if someone has a better way I'd be just as glad to hear it.
266  Parents' Lounge / Introduce Yourself / Re: Greetings from South Africa on: February 03, 2012, 05:03:57 PM
Hi Scruff,

I don't know about other people but for me, once I started doing one session a day for about a week, I felt like I could do more, then after doing 2 sessions per day for a couple of days, I felt like I can work in an extra one, now I'm doing 3 sessions a day (the LR and LM curriculums' and extra EK things I've made myself and downloaded from the LR library) that's a total of about 15 to 20 minutes a day (spread out in 3 sessions that is) and I still feel like there's space for more (so I'll be introducing Afrikaans and Zulu reading later on, I feel we can make time for those, but I'll maybe only do the reading and no EK sets)  And then I'm waiting for Little Music to come out, I don't know how much time that's going to take up but after the success I've had in just one month of LR, I'll deffinately be doing LMs!

Go for the Chinese! Just think how cool it would have been if you could read/write Chinese.  And I'd say, talk or read or sing to your baby in Afrikaans, even if it's just a little bit, don't worry about your accent, any exposure to language is good exposure.  My husband is English, when my 1 year old is with him, he calls me Mommy, and says things like "dat one" "dere", then when he's with me, "dat one" turns to "daai ene", "dere" becomes "daar" and he calls me "Mamma." So even at this young age, he knows the difference, and you'll probably notice the same with your little one once she's older.  You can even hear the difference when they babble, with his Dad it sounds English, with me Afrikaans and with our maid, he makes babbeling sounds with clicks in them "q", "c" and "x".

I didn't order the software to be posted to me cause I figured it will probably get stolen hahaha, I just downloaded it, it didn't take too long.
267  EARLY LEARNING / Early Learning - General Discussions / Re: DRAWING with CRAYONS on: February 02, 2012, 01:11:32 PM
What brand of black/green paint is good for paining a wall to draw with chalk on?
268  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child to Read / Re: Image on flash cards on: February 01, 2012, 09:52:07 PM
I tried teaching my baby to read from around 6 months with a pure Doman method with homemade cards, it didn't look asif my baby was learning anything, he wasn't interested and I wasn't motivated to continue making cards.  Started LR a month ago, my baby cries for more and has learned lots of new words and he "reads" over 40 words allready, so for us, adding pictures, videos and convenience made all the difference in the world.
269  Parents' Lounge / Introduce Yourself / Re: Greetings from South Africa on: February 01, 2012, 07:50:28 AM
Hello Scruff,

I'm South African too, we live in Alberton, pleased to meet you.

I've only just started LR and LM too, we're at lessons #27 today for both and I've started translating the LR course into Afrikaans wich I plan on starting to teach my 1 year old in 2 months time.  I also plan on teaching Zulu (aiming to start that in about 5 months, so there will be 3 months gap between each of the 3 languages), my maid agreed to help me translate, would you be interested in such translations or will you only be doing the UK English version with your baby.

You're lucky to start so early, I'll bet your baby will be reading in no time.  In only one month's time my Afrikaans speaking (not that he speaks much yet) little lad already recognizes over 40 reading words in english and he knows what they are (he will point to pictures or words when you ask him where they are, or point to things in the house/on his body etc, but I only do 1 or 2 words at a time and try and keep it very playful, so he doesn't feel tested.)

Good luck and enjoy it!

270  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child Encyclopedic Knowledge / Re: Encyclopedic knowledge: my way of doing it. on: January 28, 2012, 08:07:32 PM

okay, let me refrase, I'll make a point of posting if I've got ANYTHING to add.
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