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[08 Jun] NEW: Vietnamese Curriculum for Little Reader! (More...)

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[3 Mar] Update: Hello Pal now Beta Testing! (What We've Been Up To) (More...)

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[24 Feb] We're looking for Content Checkers and Testers for our Arabic Curriculum! (More...)

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[04 Oct] Get Little Reader Touch on your Android device! (More...)

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[31 Jul] BrillKids Video Contest Summer 2013 - Deadline EXTENDED to August 31st! (More...)

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[22 Apr] Little Reader Touch Version 2 Now Available (More...)

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[17 Sep] Give a child the gift of literacy this Christmas: 20,000 children need your help! (More...)

[29 Aug] Little Musician wins Dr. Toy Awards! (More...)

[29 Aug] VIDEOS: Perfect Pitch at 2.5y, and compilation of Little Musician toddlers! (More...)

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[03 Aug] Welcome NEW FORUM MODERATORS: Mela Bala, Mandabplus3, Kerileanne99, and Kmum! (More...)

[03 Aug] Winners of the Little Reader Video Contest (Part 5)! (More...)

[25 Jul] Bianca's Story - What happens 10+ years after learning to read as a baby/toddler (More...)

[27 Jun] Updates on our Early Education for Every Child Foundation (EEECF) (More...)

[27 Jun] Join the Little Reader Video Contest (Part 5) (More...)

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[30 Apr] Winners of the Little Reader Video Contest! (More...)

[28 Apr] The Early Education for Every Child Foundation - Help Us Make a Difference (More...)

[20 Apr] Little Reader Curricula on your iPad or iPhone - now possible with iAccess! (More...)

[12 Apr] LITTLE MUSICIAN - now in OPEN BETA TESTING (with a complete curriculum) (More...)

[12 Mar] *NEW* Little Reader Content Packs now available! (More...)

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[20 Jan] BrillKids Featured Parent: Tonya's Teaching Story (More...)

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[08 Dec] Little Reader Touch promo EXTENDED + Lucky Draw winners (More...)

[01 Dec] Affiliate Success Story - How Elle Made $4,527 in Sales in just 30 days (More...)

[22 Nov] Little Reader Touch now available in the App Store! (More...)

[09 Nov] Winners of the September 2011 Video Contest (More...)

[01 Nov] Another free seminar and updates from Jones Geniuses (More...)

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[02 Sep] Little Reader Wins Another Two Awards! (Mom's Best Award & TNPC Seal of Approval) (More...)

[05 Aug] Little Reader Deluxe Wins the Tillywig Brain Child Award! (More...)

[28 Jul] LITTLE MUSICIAN beta-testing NOW OPEN! - Sign up here. (More...)

[14 Jul] Little Reader Wins Another Award! (PTPA Seal of Approval) (More...)

[13 Jul] Jones Geniuses FREE Seminars & news of Fall classes (More...)

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[17 Dec] Aesop's Fables vol. 1 - New storybooks from BrillKids! (More...)

[13 Dec] Infant Stimulation Cards - New at the BrillKids Store! (More...)

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[01 Jun] Deadline for Submission of Entries for the LR Video Contest - Extended Until June 30! (More...)

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271  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Other Topics / Re: Infant Stimulation Cards on: June 30, 2009, 12:26:05 PM
Infant estimulation cards are recommened up to 4 months of age.


It may be too late to show infant estimulation cards to your 8 month old baby, but you can start showing him some other type of cards like words and BIT (pictures). Which one you start with will depend on which method you want to follow.


Has you eye doctor recommended any kind of exercises for your baby's eye? I have the same problem and when I was a child I had to cover the "good eye" with an eye patch and go through the newspaper and with a pen fill up the o's  blink  I'm not sure if they have come with new technics or if they have discovered if there is anything you can do about lazy eyes.
272  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Re: Pimsleur program on: June 27, 2009, 06:14:50 PM
We got the first CD's for Mandarin to see how it worked. My husband has listened to them and he has learnt somethings (he has great ear for languages). I think it depends if you can pick up a language just by listening. In my case, it hasn't quite worked because I'm a graphic person, I need to see it in order for my brain to remember it  wub You are supposed to listen to the CD and repeat. I use it for my daugher inthe background when she is playing or something.

I'm not sure if this helps you at all, but it my experience so far.  unsure
273  EARLY LEARNING / Early Learning - General Discussions / Re: Infant Stimulation Cards - What age should I start? on: June 27, 2009, 06:10:23 PM
Hi Kims_mymmy!

Welcome to the forum! It is great to see you found this wonderful site during pregnancy. That is going to give you enough time to get ready with you materials based on what you want to do. Here are so links about infant stimulation cards. I think they are going to be very helpful, but please let us know if you have any additional questions. smile
274  BrillKids Software / Little Math - General Discussion / Re: Little Math Curriculum (Semester 1) + Build 1.5.211 now available! on: June 27, 2009, 04:08:09 AM
OMG! That is what it was. I can't believe I didn't think about that before. (I feel so dumb! Sad ) Thank you so much genochye! Karma to you! smile
275  EARLY LEARNING / Early Learning - General Discussions / Re: connection between right brain training/early learning and acquisition of skills on: June 27, 2009, 03:50:18 AM
Well my friend you definetly have a little genius  Wink I have to be honest with you I'm in awe of how well you daughter communicates with you. That is awesome!  yes  We did a lot of prenatal estimulation and our daughter has been very alert since day one too, but unfortunatly being wet doesn't bother her a bit  nowink I have to be constantly checking her diaper because she would never complain because of it. So far we have been able to know when she is hungry by using signing language. When we make the sign for milk, cereal and eat she will smile at us if she is hungry otherwise she will look away.

Anyways, I may give it a try. It does sound like a lot of work though  wub I'll let you know what happens.

Congrats again on your daughter!  yes
276  BrillKids Software / Little Math - General Discussion / Re: Little Math Curriculum (Semester 1) + Build 1.5.211 now available! on: June 27, 2009, 02:43:51 AM
I didn't work. I even went ahead an uninstalled LM and installed again, but see attached the screen I get when in courses. I can't send you and error report because I don't get an error.  confused
277  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child Math / Re: Hello Everyone on: June 26, 2009, 08:06:18 PM
Hi Vivian!

Welcome to the forum!   smile This is a link for a power point presentation for the red math dots:;id=6685

Hope this is what you are looking for!

Let us know if you have any other questions!
278  Parents' Lounge / Coffee Corner - General Chat / Re: Anyone from Brazil? on: June 26, 2009, 08:02:02 PM
I think L and J is from Brazil. Now, I don't know if he/she lives in Brazil. You may want to PM her/her.
279  Local Support Groups / Español / Re: ACTIVIDADES PARA DESARROLLAR MEMORIA FOTOGRAFICA EN LOS NIÑOS on: June 26, 2009, 07:51:30 PM
Definitivamente va ha ser mucho mas facil hacero con LR. Yo he hecho presentaciones en power point y en LR y con power point tienes que hacer varias cosas para lograr que el sonido funcione bien (quita bastante tiempo). Tambien recuerda que se recomienda mostrar las flash cards al azar y aunque eso se puede hacer en pp tambien quita bastante tiempo. Con LR solo con un click cada vez que le presentes el set a tu bebe va a estar en un orden diferente, anadir sonido, imagenes y videos es super sencillo.

Espero que te haya ayudado un poco.

Dejame saber si tienes preguntas y si hay algo en lo que te pueda ayudar.
280  BrillKids Software / Little Math - General Discussion / Re: Little Math Curriculum (Semester 1) + Build 1.5.211 now available! on: June 26, 2009, 07:21:56 PM
I downloaded it, but the courses tab is empty  confused Could you please let me know what I did wrong?  huh

281  Local Support Groups / Español / Re: ACTIVIDADES PARA DESARROLLAR MEMORIA FOTOGRAFICA EN LOS NIÑOS on: June 26, 2009, 03:30:58 PM

Gracias por compartir los videos. GloriaD compartio un par de presentaciones en powerpoint con madnalas. Aqui estan los links:;id=5702;id=5804

Ya que mi nena solo tienes 7 meses, estuve buscando otras maneras de estimular su memoria. Acabo de ordenar productos del website the memory magic. Ya les contare como me va  smile

Cuentame como vas con las presentaciones en Aleman  smile
282  EARLY LEARNING / Early Learning - General Discussions / Re: Sign of Great Memory & Proof of Learning on: June 26, 2009, 03:20:13 PM

First of all, congratulations on all your achivements! It s great to see how organized you have been ( I wish I was that organized  Sad ). Anyways, I was looking at your blog and have a couple of questions:

1. Your baby stand up when she was 2 months old. Did you use a crawling track or just tummy time?
2. How did you measure how many feet your baby had crawled? Was the beginning of the measuring tape at her hands, knees of feet? (I know, weird questions, but I want to start tracking down how many feet my daughter is creeping)

Thanks for your help!
283  Parents' Lounge / Coffee Corner - General Chat / Re: Mother in law.... on: June 26, 2009, 02:45:48 PM
I knew it!  LOL
284  BrillKids Software / Little Math - General Discussion / Re: Little Math Curriculum (Semester 1) + Build 1.5.211 now available! on: June 26, 2009, 02:23:38 PM
Woow! This sounds great! Thanks again for all the time and effort put into the curriculum.  smile
285  EARLY LEARNING / Early Learning - General Discussions / Re: connection between right brain training/early learning and acquisition of skills on: June 26, 2009, 01:14:44 PM
I have to admit. I did hear about the "diaper-free" techinique even before I was pregnant. By the time our baby was ready to come to this world, my husband and I discussed it and it sounded overwhelming to us being new parents  huh  so we decided not to do it. Now, I think I may give it a shot.

This article has the basics and some helpful information

This one has the steps to start "elimination communication"

I'm still interested to hear Skyrlak experience.
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