Hi everyone,
I just thought of starting this new thread so that we could share our 'Soft Mozart' experiences with everyone.
My experience with music: I love music but cannot read it. I tried to learn guitar when I was young but never completed it. So I was very anxious about how I was going to introduce a musical instrument to my son so that he takes more interest in it.
While I was reading about both SM and PW, I found out that Ms. Hiner lives in the same city! Imagine how excited I was
. I was following most of the music posts on the forum but didn't feel like reading more on the PW vs SM thread. I didn't want these things to sway me one way or the other and wanted to find out more details myself.
So yesterday, I visited Ms. Hiner to see if she could explain a couple of things in layman terms and I also wanted to see how my son responded to the program before I bought it. She is a very nice lady and came across more as a music teacher rather than a businesswoman. That set the stage for the rest of our conversations. My son's response to the software was amazing! he LOVED the spider game (I don't know the actual name) and within minutes, was able to recognize the pictures on the keyboard (Door for Do, Rain for Re....etc). It seemed simple enough to handle. When she saw his interest in the keys and playing the game, she started teaching him rightaway...
Needless to say, we bought the program and my son is all over the keyboard now
What we liked:
1. Both Solfege and alphabet method can be taught- For me, solfege was a plus because that is very similar to the 'sa re ga ma....' in Indian music. We plan to introduce him to the Indian raagas and feel that this may help him. Also, I think it is much easier to sing with do re mi than a, b, c...
2. Color coding- 2 different colors are used- treble clef (green) and bass clef (brown)- just like the colors of a tree. My son is more of a 'picture ' person than a 'color' person and I thought many colors would confuse him.
3. The pictures of the door, rain etc are familiar and hence he will start with the known, then the unknown and then abstract...like Doman advised.
4. The notes come to the 'focus line' which will help him since he will not have to look all over the computer. At this age, the fewer the rules and distractions, the better.
5. The lines (staff) have been thickened to make the line and the space of the same width- this way, it is easier to find out where the note falls- I tried this myself and it helps. Later, when the kids learn to read music, the lines are brought to their normal form.
I would recommend that you see the you tube videos and see if you can visit some music studio to see how your child responds to the software. They have details of other locations on the website. Some of the cables required can be bought on Amazon for less. Casio and Yamaha keyboards are good- 61 keys, keys that don't light up and preferably not touch sensitive.
PS: I haven't looked at PW in details so I don't know if these things are included on PW too.
Will keep you posted on our progress.
Hope this helps,