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Parents' Lounge / General Parenting / Re: How did you come up with your baby's / babies' name/s?
on: August 10, 2008, 08:56:49 PM
'Ashley' came from my Dad's family. There are 5 other 'Ashley's in the last 4 generations, that we know of. I live in the UK, and we wont get to see my family very often, so I really wanted to have that link there. My Dad got to write my Ashley on the family tree in our family Bible and I know it meant the world to him...
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Other Topics / Re: Potty Training
on: August 09, 2008, 08:03:16 PM
Be careful with the little seat that fits over the toilet.... my oldest, at 12 months, when I was 8 months pregnant with number 2, put this over her head. Then she tried to pull it off.... and had a fit about it. There she was, kicking, screaming, trying to pull this off, but unless you calmly pull it straight up, it wont come off. So I had to physically restrain her arms, and carry her around the house until I located a hacksaw. (not easy at 8 months preg)
Moral... take a hacksaw to your seat incase they put it over their head... then its easy to get off!!
Oh, I soooooo shouldn't be laughing at that....but I am (forgive me). Ashley wears his as a hat. I shall take your advice and check tmrw to make sure he can't get it all the way over.
Parents' Lounge / Introduce Yourself / Aussie in London
on: August 09, 2008, 11:32:48 AM
Hi, my name is Karli. I'm originally from Australia (NSW), came to the UK for a holiday in 2001 and now here I am...31, married and living in the suburbs with a baby!!!! Livin' the Dream I was blessed enough to have an amazing home-birth with my son 15 months ago and am enjoying being a SAHM. I plan to start work (honest)as birth support, breast-feeding support sometime ....soon, but at the moment, he is still breast feeding and I dont really fancy leaving him in a daycare centre. We started thinking about teaching him to read about a month ago and this site has been a blessing. He is absolutely obsessed with animals and will watch the Little Reader until I beg him for a turn on the computer! So far he canread about ten animals, makes the sign or noise for them, and I am sure he knows more but doesnt know the sign for them. Now just waiting for his communication skills to catch up with his brain!!!!!
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Other Topics / Re: Potty Training
on: August 09, 2008, 11:03:31 AM
Another key I think is 'showing by example' . Ashley loves to watch me and his big sister though he sometimes tries to get a little to close In our culture we have hang-ups about carrying out our 'business'. It is seen as a private thing that we have to hide and so first children especially dont get to see other kids 'go'. So when we sit them on the potty for the first time at 2, they're like 'What am I meant to be doing here???????' A shame I think.
Parents' Lounge / General Parenting / Re: Do you allow your kids to watch TV
on: August 09, 2008, 10:58:13 AM
Ashley is 15 months and will watch an animal documentary for about 15 minutes before wandering off to play. He isnt just sitting gazing at it, but climbing on the couch being a monkey, rolling about being a snake etc. I think its great that he gets to see these animals that he otherwise would miss out on...
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Other Topics / Re: Teach my baby to pup at the toilet
on: August 09, 2008, 08:31:06 AM
I think firstly that this is a practice that varies wildly in different cultures. In the ' First world' we leave our babies in nappies a lot longer than in developing countries. We have lost the knowledge and/or motivation to get our kids out of nappies early. We all have expectations of our babies and this is one of the biggest issues we face in childrearing. To Wewei. your baby's digestive system will change quite a lot as you introduce solids. In time you will find a new rhythmn to his bowel movements. Just be patient with him and it will all settle... Good luck
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Other Topics / Re: Potty Training
on: August 09, 2008, 07:25:17 AM
On a positive note, signing is a great idea and I wish I had started with my son a lot earlier. the main problem we have at the moment is that often when he shouts to tell me he needs to go, I misread him as shouting because he wants to go on the computer (Little reader! ), wants to feed, wants to show me his toy , wants me to stop washing up etc. If he had the sign it would be much easier. Also,I have friend who is doing this for the third time. her first two children were fairly easy and were out of nappies by 16 months. However this last one doesn't want to cooperate and loves to poo in his nappy and wee on the floor. My point is that kids are individuals as well, if its not working for them, then just carry on at their pace and you never know it might just all fall into place one day!
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Other Topics / Re: Potty Training
on: August 09, 2008, 07:13:22 AM
....... > ............ Ok....Firstly I can totally believe that there are those poison nappies as there are some totally sick people out there but I have to say that you CANNOT force a child to potty train if they are not ready. If you are going to start assisting your child to wee on a potty or in the toilet from an early age you must first get your head around the concept that the baby is just doing what it wants to do...I believe it is the MOTHER who is being trained. Trained to read the baby's cues, or even just to make time to take the child to the toilet. This may seem like a lot of work but it is what you make it. Some mothers do decide to go completely nappy-free and are always aware of there children's needs. More mothers (and Fathers!!!!) decide to keep their children in nappies but keep the children in mind, if they miss it, they miss it... Others decide simply to hold their children over a pot once a day, upon waking in the morning etc. So it doesnt have to be an all consuming task. I have potty trained a few children in my years as a nanny and I believe that it is just as much work and a lot more pressure potty training a 2 or 3 (or 4 ) year old. By then there are so many other factors-emotional etc. I have a friend who is a Clinical Hypnotist and he says this is a perfect example of how it is harder to UNLEARN a habit than it is to start a new one. He thinks children are trained to pee IN their nappies when we ignore their cues. How many of us have seen a child start to wee or po and rushed to put a nappy on? We then turn around after years of encouraging this behaviour and say ' Right, thats wrong now you have to do this potty thing' By then they have no concept of holding etc. Sorry for the rant!!!!! Can you tell I've spent a lot of time talking about this.
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Other Topics / Re: Potty Training
on: August 08, 2008, 09:18:51 PM
I have been EC'ing Ashley since about 3 months. At first it was part time, but now he is 15 months we are down to one nappy a day. And usually that one is because I dont want to get out of bed for that first 6am wee!! We use cloth nappies and it's true that they are much more aware of being 'wet' and therefore get the 'cause and effect' of weeing. A few months ago he would start to go then stop, try and take off his nappy, and then continue once I held him over the toilet. We have had ups and downs, for example when he started walking I missed a lot because he was too busy to stay still long enough to wee. I think it is important not focus too much on getting them nappy-free, more on making the potty-using enjoyable. Every tinkle in the toilet is one less nappy to wash!!!
BrillKids Software / Little Reader - General Discussion / Adding a Download to Library
on: August 07, 2008, 09:55:13 PM
Hi, firstly the instructions on how to create a category in the Frequently Asked Questions were very clear and I DID IT! But now I am trying to download it following the link from the English Library 'Add a download' and it is telling me an 'error has occured' and 'I am not allowed to add a download in this category' Please help as I am all inspired!!!