EARLY LEARNING / Parents of Children with Special Needs / Re: Special needs kids?
on: September 25, 2008, 03:02:30 PM
In sensory room there is a big room ful of cushins .There is a swing and he jumps into a box full of plastic balls,there is a tunel with small light in .turning colours.there is like a hammerok and he gets in it and turn around. then I take him in a white room and in all white cushions .hamerrok ,there is like tube bubbles going up,and water matresses,when I take the day after he is calm ,in the same area then i take him 2 hr in the pool.the first thing that helped jake .when I brought him and they anilized that he was autistic he was like a cabbage. no emtoins always looking sad and worried.now he looks happy and he smiles although he does not speak yet when he smiles like telling me keep going nanna
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child to Read / Re: Flashcards on furniture
on: September 24, 2008, 08:30:55 PM
I liked the idea of putting just a word and read it .he likes to go open the fridge .hope he leaveS them .Yesterday after doing his name on his copy books for school, took me over 30 mins and in 1 min he pulled them .Ithink he hates stickers .I even put verklor on the duchboard of the car so that going somewhere Iput picture . He pulled them too.the best thing I found flash card that i am loading from little reader .Well done to all.
EARLY LEARNING / Parents of Children with Special Needs / Re: Special needs kids?
on: September 24, 2008, 02:15:37 PM
Today I,m very happy ,he stayed all day. last year his facalitater made him that schelud you told me,but in summerwas used to play sing nursery rhymes , take him to multi densory room , go in the swiming pool,he got too much attached. Most of all my husband and me went to weekend break and left him with his father.When I came back he did not let me not even to go to toilet .He gt upset and get tantrum.this mornig Isat made him the slide show before we left for the bus ,sat him near a girl he likes and she went down with him to class. that story telling realy works with these kids . thanks
EARLY LEARNING / Parents of Children with Special Needs / Re: Special needs kids?
on: September 23, 2008, 11:18:56 PM
MY GRAndson too is listed with special needs .he is autistic . he has speech delay . i am finding site very usful although he is already 5. the most that worries me is when having tuntrum. he having them because he does not want to stay school.After 3 months summer holidays .Will he settle again ? can u give hints what i shall do.
BrillKids Software / Little Reader - General Discussion / Re: 10,000 points...YOU CAN DO IT!!!
on: September 21, 2008, 06:04:09 PM
I have dounloaded many useful words if i will not get the 10000 points , I lose every thing that Idounloaded? Today I uploaded a social story :going back to school .hope it works with your kids ,as it is working with mine .I am very happy because it is my first time doing a power point and I never went to learn the computer. I am a grandmother too .yes i did it .but bless my day Ihave been on it since 730 morning it took me 12hr
The BrillKids Forum / Forum Feedback + Questions / Re: A HOW-TO Section
on: September 19, 2008, 06:49:29 AM
Thanks i just tried to doun load the social story of my cat that i did .when i asked u how is it that it is not coming where i dounloaded the other u told me that it is not yet appruved. it is appruved maybe because it is on power point .thank for your patience but i never went to any courses and out of school over 30 years now .thanks again.