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[22 Mar] Important Announcement Regarding License Keys and Usage of BrillKids Products (More...)

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[08 Jun] NEW: Vietnamese Curriculum for Little Reader! (More...)

[15 May] Hello Pal Social Language Learning App Has Launched! (More...)

[3 Mar] Update: Hello Pal now Beta Testing! (What We've Been Up To) (More...)

[11 Feb] Sign up for our Little Reader Vietnamese Beta Testing Program! (Sign ups open until FEB. 15, 2015 ONLY!) (More...)

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[13 Aug] The Early Education for Every Child Foundation (EEECF) is now a registered charity on AMAZON SMILE! (More...)

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[09 May] Free Little Reader, Price Changes, and Promotional Discounts! (More...)

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[13 Mar] Get your FREE Chinese Curriculum Update for Little Reader! (More...)

[20 Feb] FINALLY, introducing our Spanish Curriculum for Little Reader! (More...)

[24 Feb] We're looking for Content Checkers and Testers for our Arabic Curriculum! (More...)

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[24 Jan] Check out our NEW Thai Curriculum Pack for Little Reader! (More...)

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[19 Dec] Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! NOTE: BrillKids office closed on holidays (More...)

[16 Oct] Announcing the WINNERS of our BrillKids Summer Video Contest 2013! (More...)

[04 Oct] Get Little Reader Touch on your Android device! (More...)

[19 Jul] BrillKids products now available for purchase at our Russian Online Store! (More...)

[31 Jul] BrillKids Video Contest Summer 2013 - Deadline EXTENDED to August 31st! (More...)

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[22 Apr] Little Reader Touch Version 2 Now Available (More...)

[21 Mar] French Curriculum available now for Little Reader! (More...)

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[07 Feb] Update to Little Math Version 2 now! (More...)

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[22 Jan] Important: About Sharing License Keys (More...)

[07 Nov] Update to Little Reader v3! (More...)

[19 Oct] We're Looking for Translators for our Little Reader Software (More...)

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[25 Sep] CONTEST: Get A Free Little Musician by helping EEECF reach your friends and colleagues! (More...)

[17 Sep] Give a child the gift of literacy this Christmas: 20,000 children need your help! (More...)

[29 Aug] Little Musician wins Dr. Toy Awards! (More...)

[29 Aug] VIDEOS: Perfect Pitch at 2.5y, and compilation of Little Musician toddlers! (More...)

[09 Aug] Get Soft Mozart Coupons from the Points Redemption Center! (More...)

[03 Aug] Welcome NEW FORUM MODERATORS: Mela Bala, Mandabplus3, Kerileanne99, and Kmum! (More...)

[03 Aug] Winners of the Little Reader Video Contest (Part 5)! (More...)

[25 Jul] Bianca's Story - What happens 10+ years after learning to read as a baby/toddler (More...)

[27 Jun] Updates on our Early Education for Every Child Foundation (EEECF) (More...)

[27 Jun] Join the Little Reader Video Contest (Part 5) (More...)

[04 Jun] Being a Successful Affiliate - Now easier than ever before! (More...)


[30 Apr] Winners of the Little Reader Video Contest! (More...)

[28 Apr] The Early Education for Every Child Foundation - Help Us Make a Difference (More...)

[20 Apr] Little Reader Curricula on your iPad or iPhone - now possible with iAccess! (More...)

[12 Apr] LITTLE MUSICIAN - now in OPEN BETA TESTING (with a complete curriculum) (More...)

[12 Mar] *NEW* Little Reader Content Packs now available! (More...)

[01 Feb] Join the March 2012 Homeschooling Contest: Create a Monthly Theme Unit! (More...)

[27 Jan] Join the BrillKids Foundation as a Volunteer! (More...)

[20 Jan] BrillKids Featured Parent: Tonya's Teaching Story (More...)

[17 Dec] Dr. Richard Gentry joins the BrillKids Blog Team! (Read Interview on Early Reading) (More...)

[08 Dec] Little Reader Touch promo EXTENDED + Lucky Draw winners (More...)

[01 Dec] Affiliate Success Story - How Elle Made $4,527 in Sales in just 30 days (More...)

[22 Nov] Little Reader Touch now available in the App Store! (More...)

[09 Nov] Winners of the September 2011 Video Contest (More...)

[01 Nov] Another free seminar and updates from Jones Geniuses (More...)

[16 Sep] SPEEKEE is now a BrillKids partner product! Get Speekee coupons at the Coupon Redemption Center! (More...)

[02 Sep] Little Reader Wins Another Two Awards! (Mom's Best Award & TNPC Seal of Approval) (More...)

[05 Aug] Little Reader Deluxe Wins the Tillywig Brain Child Award! (More...)

[28 Jul] LITTLE MUSICIAN beta-testing NOW OPEN! - Sign up here. (More...)

[14 Jul] Little Reader Wins Another Award! (PTPA Seal of Approval) (More...)

[13 Jul] Jones Geniuses FREE Seminars & news of Fall classes (More...)

[30 Jun] Little Reader Wins 2011 Creative Child Awards! (More...)

[11 May] The *NEW* Little Reader Deluxe - now available! (More...)

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[08 Jan] Little Reader available on the iPad today! (More...)

[17 Dec] Aesop's Fables vol. 1 - New storybooks from BrillKids! (More...)

[13 Dec] Infant Stimulation Cards - New at the BrillKids Store! (More...)

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[27 Aug] Traditional Chinese Curriculum Add-On Pack for Little Reader - Now Available! (More...)

[20 Aug] Little Reader Chinese Curriculum Add-on pack - Now Available! (More...)

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[16 Jul] WINNERS OF THE VIDEO CONTEST: You, your baby and Little Reader! (More...)

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[24 Jun] Need help from Native Speakers of SPANISH, RUSSIAN and ARABIC for Little Reader curriculum!

[01 Jun] Deadline for Submission of Entries for the LR Video Contest - Extended Until June 30! (More...)

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[25 Mar] Introducing the all new Little Reader Deluxe Kit from BrillKids! (More...)

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[09 Mar] Little Math 1.6 and Semester 2 are now available! (More...)

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46  Products Marketplace / Product Partners / Re: New Product! WINK to LEARN: Speak & Read Chinese 6-DVDs (Enhanced Version) on: July 26, 2010, 04:57:31 AM
Fantastic, my son loves his wink to learn dvds will be contacting your customer service re the 1 -1, what a fantastic offer for your customers - good on you guys, we were already loyal because we loved your products this has just cemented why! smile

Thank you very much for your kind words, TmS. Please email us at [email protected]. We will guide you the simple steps from there.

Have a wonderful week ahead!
47  Products Marketplace / Product Partners / Re: New Product! WINK to LEARN: Speak & Read Chinese 6-DVDs (Enhanced Version) on: July 26, 2010, 04:54:34 AM
Dear Hazel,
I've already received the enhanced version today. Thanks for the quick process for the replacement. My son loves it so much.

Thank you very much for your kind feedback! We are really glad that your son likes the enhanced version. We look forward to serve you better.

For your info, we will be launching our Speak and Read Japanese and Speak and Read Korean flashcards-based DVD series in Aug. We hope to help more children being multi-lingual from young!

48  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Re: Simplified Chinese versus Traditional Chinese on: July 17, 2010, 06:12:49 AM
Dear All,

You may find both Simplified and Traditional flashcard-based free video lessons via our website. For your convenience, please find the weblinks for the different Chinese formats:

Simplified Chinese (commonly used in China and South-east Asia):

Traditional Chinese (commonly used in Taiwan and HK):

Meanwhile, if you need any further assistance, please feel free to email us at [email protected]. Have a blessed weekend!
49  Products Marketplace / Product Discussions and Reviews / Re: Educational DVDs for 3 year old on: July 17, 2010, 05:53:56 AM
Thanks a lot for your precious ideas, Karmie. We will bring this forth to our product development team.

Wishing you a beautiful weekend ahead!

50  Products Marketplace / Product Discussions and Reviews / Re: Educational DVDs for 3 year old on: July 14, 2010, 11:58:38 PM
Wink to learn,

Will you be making any more DVDs like the Wink to Learn Animal DVDs?  I bought three titles when I was in Singapore (I would have bought the lot if I saw them all) and I thought they were terrific.  It would be terrific if it covered other subjects.

Thanks a lot for your kind comments, ShenLi. You may like to order the remaining 3 titles from our online store. International shipping costs is absorbed by us!  smile

Our WINK to LEARN Animal DVDs comes in two languages i.e. English and Chinese (contains both Simplified and Traditional Chinese). Feel free to visit our website @

51  Products Marketplace / Product Partners / Re: More Wink to Learn Coupons - Available at our Forum Shop! on: July 14, 2010, 12:18:00 AM
Dear all,

Based on our records, we have more than 10 online Brillkids coupon yet to be utilised. Nevertheless, if there are a need for more coupons, we will coordinate with the great people from Brillkids.

Thank you very much for your kind support!
52  Products Marketplace / Product Partners / Re: New Product! WINK to LEARN: Speak & Read Chinese 6-DVDs (Enhanced Version) on: July 14, 2010, 12:15:01 AM
Dear all,

We have a number of customers who are pleasantly surprised with our one-to-one replacement scheme. This is real! If you are already one of our existing customers, please email us at [email protected]. We will take you through from there.

A product question from a number of customers pertaining the newly released Speak and Read Chinese (Enhanced Version). This set of 6-DVDs contains all the lessons in both Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese. This means that parents have the option to choose the format that they would prefer via the DVD menu instruction.

Please feel free to let us know your enquiries. We are here to serve you better.
53  Products Marketplace / Product Discussions and Reviews / Re: Educational DVDs for 3 year old on: July 14, 2010, 12:09:00 AM
Dear Plarka,

You might want to take a look at our Encyclopedic DVDs in collaboration with Singapore Zoo (one of the world's best zoos rated by and Jurong Bird Park. This set set off child in acquiring more than 600 facts on animals and birds and hence introducing more than 800 words/phrases to your child. You may like to take a look at the preview video via

Have fun learning together with your child!
54  Products Marketplace / Product Partners / Re: New Product! WINK to LEARN: Speak & Read Chinese 6-DVDs (Enhanced Version) on: July 05, 2010, 05:39:15 PM
Dear All!

We have a number of satisfied customers from Brillkids contacting us via email on the return procedures. We are here to serve you better.

We had also updated the latest parents' guide in our website as well. Kindly refer to this weblink to download the guidebook as well as the curriculum taught within the program.

Have fun learning with your child!
55  Products Marketplace / Product Partners / New Product! WINK to LEARN: Speak & Read Chinese 6-DVDs (Enhanced Version) on: July 03, 2010, 06:37:13 AM
Dear Brillkids members,

I am thrilled to inform you that we had recently launched our Speak & Read Chinese flashcard-based 6-DVDs (Enhanced Version). Let me share with you the improvements that we had made:

- This set of 6-DVDs contains separate flashcard lessons for 3 formats of Chinese used in different parts of the world i.e.

(1) Simplfied Chinese format: commonly used in China and South East Asia
(2) Traditional Chinese with Standard pronunciation: commonly used in HK
(3) Traditional Chinese with Taiwanese pronunciation: commonly used in Taiwan

This is the only Chinese flashcard-based program which gives this amount of freedom and flexibility to select specific Chinese formats according to your child's needs. If you had sent your child to a Taiwanese Mandarin language school, you are able to select the lessons under Traditional Chinese (Taiwan). This way, whatever your child is learning in school or playgroups is reinforced at home. This goes like for the other 2 formats.

- There are 48 lessons compared to our previous version of 36 lessons. This means 30% more contents!

- Out of these 48 lessons, there are more than 20 lessons end with a Chinese children song which is in sync with the particularly thematic lessons. Check out website for free preview videos ( Seeing is believing. Songs are simply so essential for learning as children are simpy drawn towards music!

- Better sound quality and more accurate  pronunciation

We had tested the lessons on a large group of children. The results is fabulous!!!

The next question: How about those customers that had bought our Speak & Read series previously. Believe it or not! We are doing a 1-to-1 replacement for you! Hurraty! Email us at [email protected] and we will assist you from thereon!

We are here to serve you better!

56  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Re: Basic guidelines when teaching Chinese to children under eight on: July 03, 2010, 06:26:48 AM
Dear Dads and Mums,

Thank you very much for your kind patience with us. I am thrilled to inform you that we had recently launched our Speak & Read Chinese flashcard-based 6-DVDs (Enhanced Version). First question: What's the differences or improvements?

- This set of 6-DVDs contains separate flashcard lessons for 3 formats of Chinese used in different parts of the world i.e.

(1) Simplfied Chinese format: commonly used in China and South East Asia
(2) Traditional Chinese with Standard pronunciation: commonly used in HK
(3) Traditional Chinese with Taiwaness pronunciation: commonly used in Taiwan

This is the only Chinese flashcard-based program which gives this amount of freedom and flexibility.

- There are 48 lessons compared to our previous version of 36 lessons. This means 30% more contents!

- Out of these 48 lessons, there are more than 20 lessons end with a Chinese children song which is in sync with the particularly thematic lessons. Check out website for free preview videos ( Seeing is believing.

- Better sound quality and more accurate  pronunciation

We had tested the lessons on a large group of children. The results is fabulous!!!

The next question: How about those customers that had bought our Speak & Read series previously. Believe it or not! We are doing a 1-to-1 replacement for you! Hurraty! Email us at [email protected] and we will assist you from thereon!

We are here to serve you better!
57  Products Marketplace / Product Partners / Re: WINK to LEARN Animal DVDs - In partnership with Singapore Zoo and Bird Park! on: February 24, 2010, 01:49:39 AM
Dear Brillkids members,

WINKtoLEARN is pleased to announce the launch of her WINKtoLEARN Animal Encyclopedic DVDs with the support from Singapore Zoo and Bird Park. These DVDs come in English and Mandarin and they help your child to further immerse in the fun language learning journey. On top of this, these DVDs help your child to learn more than 300 facts and 500 English/Chinese words/phrases through real life videos and pictures of animals.

Click here to view our free video previews:

What's up for Brillkids members? Enter coupon code "Brillkids" and enjoy a straight 5% discount for all animal DVDs via On top of this, we will include a set of 3 beautifully photographed baby animal flashcards. This is exclusively for Brillkids members alone! This special launch promotion will end on the 14th Feb. Grab the deal now!

Singapore Zoo is one of the world's best zoos by Forbes Traveller. Start your child on his discovery journey right now!

Meanwhile, please feel free to email us at [email protected] if you need any further assistance.

Dear All, , we are happy to extend the 5% Brillkids coupon code to all our programs including the new animal DVD series. This special promotion will expire on the 31st of March 2010.

Check out our website @

58  Products Marketplace / Product Partners / Re: WINK to LEARN Animal DVDs - In partnership with Singapore Zoo and Bird Park! on: February 08, 2010, 03:43:43 PM
Hi. I just saw the information on the wink to learn website yesterday.  I have just 1 dilemma and I need your help in resolving my dilemma.  My daughter has just only turned 2 recently - and I am seriously considering purchasing the Tweedlewink package (7 DVD package) which in itself is quite a cost.  I LOVE the Wink to learn animal pack CD options because in the absence of animal planet or national geographic (i dont have both channels)... wink to learn seems the best option.  My only concern is that she might be just a little too young for these CDs and i could possibly purchase them much later.
Currently, I am just about to purchase the MemoryMagic deluxe set at a discount.  Like I said, I also was planning on getting the Tweedlewink - these two are currently my primary requirements.

Would you please tell me, if possibly Wink to learn might come up with an updated set of these CDs after say about 6 months - so my daughter would be more ready to take in the boi or Poi that your DVDs have to offer.  Also, perhaps you might have a larger super saver bundle where i could club some of your other products in it.

Please let me know if this is possible.  Being a brillkids member, I will always be happy to use my points to purchase your package at any discounts you can offer.

Dear Indidee,

Thank you very much for your kind enquiry. Our animal series is almost like brand new in the marketplace and I must say that the product development team had done a great job in creating this new series. Rest assured that this DVD series is very suitable for children from 2 onwards as this is one of the sample size that we had tested before launching this new program. Hence it's very unlikely for WINKtoLEARN to update this series in the next 24 months.

Yes indeed, it's like a mini-national geographic or discovery channel. The only difference is that this series is indeed created for the benefit of children and it's the only children DVD series that contains more than 120 fascinating animals and birds.

As for the larger saver bundle, please send us an email @ [email protected] and we will try our best to customize something that meets your requirements and of course budget.

59  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Re: Basic guidelines when teaching Chinese to children under eight on: February 05, 2010, 09:39:35 AM
Dear wenjonggal,

Thank you so much for your kind feedback. The 15th Feb promotion is indeed a Free Threatened Species DVD for online purchases above S$80. As for the free international shipping, we had already shifted the liner to the bottom. Hopefully this avoids confusion like you had kindly highlighted.

If you need any further clarifications, please feel free to contact us.
60  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Re: Basic guidelines when teaching Chinese to children under eight on: February 05, 2010, 06:53:07 AM
Any updates as to when the traditional Chinese version will be released? I was told originally that the release date was Dec 2009 then it was pushed back to the end of January 2010. Also, will the entire 6-DVD set be available all at once or will it be one DVD at a time? I hope it will finally be released in time for me to take advantage of the free shipping promo!

Dear aangeles,

Thank you so much for your kind enquiry. We apologise for the delay in our product launch. Over the past few months, the product development team had been extremely busy with the production and launch of our new animal DVD series. The full range will be made available by next week. Currently they had embarked on the final stage of the revised edition for our Speak & Read Chinese series. For sure, all the 6 DVDs will be launched together at the same time and we will notify you via email immediately.

Since you are interested in the Chinese series, please feel free to take a look at our Animal chinese DVDs. These DVDs contain both simplified and traditional Chinese.

If there is anything else that we are able to assist, please feel free to let us know. We are here to serve you better.
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