Okay so miss Sophia has started in cycle 1. She is doing great with the math in fact she has almost completed two math workbooks in 3 weeks and is coming home and not arguing about doing ixl. In fact asking to do it. She asks that I sit with her and do her math book with her, which is me just sitting next to her while she does her maths. She does not seem to be too interested in doing much else and her teacher seems to be letting it go for the time being.
This gets on my nerves and frustrates me buuuut I have to let it go and let the teacher do her job. If at the parent teacher interview later on this term and I see Sophia is not progressing like I would hope then I can have a discussion with my husband about bringing her home.
I have already been fobbed off by the teacher about Sophia's reading level. Apparently its okay to drop 11 lvls in reading??!?. I asked for Sophia to be given lvl 25 + but apparently there are no books that are at her psychological level. So I just sign off the books Sophia brings home and and I get her to read her chapter books to me instead and I put in her reader log what she's actually is reading.
So that is where I am at. At this point of time I am certainly leaning towards homeschool but I still am torn. Sophia does seem to really enjoy school so at the moment I am letting it go. I still keep her ahead as much as possible at home. So we will see.
I will keep you updated.