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61  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Re: Basic guidelines when teaching Chinese to children under eight on: February 03, 2010, 10:01:40 AM
Dear PY,

Thank you very much for your kind enquiry. Yes indeed, you have a very valid concern. WINKtoLEARN: Speak & Read Chinese 6-DVDs set is focused on helping your child to learn Chinese systematically in a very organized manner. The key difference of our program is that this series of DVDs are based on flashcard-learning methods.

Apart from this, we also ensure that non-Chinese speaking families and parents have a very easy time learning from our DVDs. Why is it so?

1 - All the words and phrases taught within the DVDs are clearly represented and associated to a real-life picture or video. This means that parents would have no difficulties understanding the vocabulary.

2 - For all online orders, we will include a free parents' guide. This instructional book is very important as it contains the English translation for all the words/phrases and sentence taught within the DVDs.

3 - This parents' guide also include the phonics of all the Chinese words/phrases and sentences taught. This aids parents in better pronunciation.

I hope that these information is useful to you. Lastly, we are pleased to inform you that we ship worldwide free of charge regardless of order value. This is the current online promotion ongoing till mid-Feb.

62  Products Marketplace / Product Partners / WINK to LEARN Animal DVDs - In partnership with Singapore Zoo and Bird Park! on: January 25, 2010, 04:31:55 AM
Dear Brillkids members,

WINKtoLEARN is pleased to announce the launch of her WINKtoLEARN Animal Encyclopedic DVDs with the support from Singapore Zoo and Bird Park. These DVDs come in English and Mandarin and they help your child to further immerse in the fun language learning journey. On top of this, these DVDs help your child to learn more than 300 facts and 500 English/Chinese words/phrases through real life videos and pictures of animals.

Click here to view our free video previews:

What's up for Brillkids members? Enter coupon code "Brillkids" and enjoy a straight 5% discount for all animal DVDs via On top of this, we will include a set of 3 beautifully photographed baby animal flashcards. This is exclusively for Brillkids members alone! This special launch promotion will end on the 14th Feb. Grab the deal now!

Singapore Zoo is one of the world's best zoos by Forbes Traveller. Start your child on his discovery journey right now!

Meanwhile, please feel free to email us at [email protected] if you need any further assistance.
63  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Re: Anyone have Sing to Learn Chinese from wink to learn? on: October 04, 2009, 11:37:54 PM
We have the first volume of sing to learn chinese and we love it.  I just ordered the new voumes 2 and 3 and can't wait to watch them with the children.  My only problem is the song titles are in chinese and I can't read them.  We end up making up silly names for the songs based on what happens in the video.  Can anyone help me learn the correct names for the songs on each video?  Thanks.

Dear Heyblue41,

Thank you very much for your kind words. I am happy to inform you that the translations for both English and Pinyin had been posted on our website for your easy reference and printing purposes. Here is the weblink:

If you need any further assistance, please feel free to email us anytime.

Have a fabulous week ahead!
64  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Re: Basic guidelines when teaching Chinese to children under eight on: September 28, 2009, 07:43:27 AM
OMG  this is too much !!   thanks for spoinling us !!  thank you !!  thank you !!   thank you !!  thank you !!  thank you !!  thank you !!  thank you !!  thank you !!  thank you !! 

 big grin

It's indeed our pleasure to serve you, Gloria.  LOL

Please let us know if you need any further assistance from our end in the future!

Have a beautiful week ahead!
65  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Re: Basic guidelines when teaching Chinese to children under eight on: September 28, 2009, 02:21:10 AM
Thanks a million Hazel - Very much appreciatted.

Question : if it is not too much to ask - will it be possible that you could consider adding the pying in the future; this is the way I can look up words in the dictionary - I am teaching my daughter chinese symbols as well as the pying.

Will start trying to figure out the pying myself for now but in the past I run into the problem that when I try to find the meaning of one character I get many many meanings (also different meaning according to the tone which we can not pick up from the symbol itself) also If I type the english word i get the same thing many possibilities depending on the context; but if I type the pying there is typically just one meaning for that combination of letters.

I believe it is very important when teaching chinese to teach the pying as well, my daughter does not seem to get confused at all and I understand it is advisable and wise to do it this way.

Thanks for the translation - it looks great. I am very gratefull for that anyway and we will appreciate very much if you could consider adding the pying as well.



Dear Gloria,

Thank you very much for your kind suggestion. We definitely want to help more families with an easier start with learning Chinese. The pinyin translation for all the three volumes will be posted on our website by tomorrow or even earlier.

Have fun!
66  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Re: Basic guidelines when teaching Chinese to children under eight on: September 26, 2009, 03:57:45 PM
Dear Hazel  again Thank you for such fast reply and extended explanations to our questions!  it is a pleasure doing business with you! 

I can not wait for the songs translations as you well explained it, the translations help us (parents who do not speak the language) to make sure our kids get all the information accurately) - thanks for that.

One more time these are the features the separate you from any competition, but above anything thank you for listening and respecting your customers concerns! 

Good luck in your business !!



Dear Gloria,

I am very happy to inform you that the translation for SING to LEARN Chinese Vol. 1 is posted in our website for your kind printout. Here is the weblink for your easy reference:

Have a great weekend ahead!

Customer Service
67  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Re: Basic guidelines when teaching Chinese to children under eight on: September 26, 2009, 10:51:13 AM

Some questions on the Wink to Learn Chinese program:

1. What is the rational of the colour coded radicals?

2. Any plan to increase interactivity of the program?

No matter how gd a dvd, putting a child long hours in the front of the TV simply flashing a few hundreds of words and pictures do not guarantee the absorption of the materials. It would be another baby-sitting program which give the parents a piece of mind cos it boasts a huge volume of educational content.

3. Rapid flashing with distorted voices

Is this issue being tackled as well?

Dear Jinjl,

Thank you very much for your helpful queries on our programs. Indeed these are worthy questions to be addressed in the forum. Please permit me to help you through with the questions one at a time.

1. What is the rational of the colour coded radicals?

WINKtoLEARN adopts multiple color-coding and fuse this helpful learning technique into her flashcards. Colors are able to help our brain to tag and remember things better. In Singapore, some reputable schools use colors to aid students in remember mathematical equations a lot faster and better.

We are mindful during the process of color-coding. For English, we use color to help children to differentiate syllables or sub-words. For Chinese, the colors are prescribed to help children in differentiating the different radicals within each word. During the process of learning, the child's mind will pick up subtlely the similiarities between words esp. in terms of radicals or different segments within each word.

Chinese is indeed a lot more complicated compared to English as it consists more than 5000 strokes. Because of this, it's not possible for us to categorize each radical using different colors. Esp. in this case, we have a certain spectrum of colors prescribed by experts for us to follow.

2. Any plan to increase interactivity of the program?

Unfortunately WINKtoLEARN's flashcard DVD programs are not meant to be baby sitting programs for parents. We always informed our parents that these DVDs are effectively like real flashcard sessions. Meaning to say, we always encourage parents to prescribe only 1-2 lessons a day for their child. For all our online orders, we also give away a free parents' guide to inform parents' about the curriculum and usage pattern. For non-Chinese speaking parents, this parents' guide is a wonderful help to them as we had translated every single word/phrase and sentence to English. This way, they would be able to be 100% sure about the entire syllabus.

Because it's a flashcard DVD program, the child will not spend more than 10 - 15 mins a day watching our programs. The critical success factor is the consistency of playing the programs. We would need parents to play each level for 1 month and hence move on to the next. There are a total of 6 levels and we had also included revision lessons within each level to help the child to have a quick revision on those words/phrases/sentences that they are learnt previously.

3. Rapid flashing with distorted voices

Our normal DVD flashcard speed is 2 second for the normal lessons. Rapid flashing lessons is only one lesson per DVD and the speed is around 1 second per flash. We encourage our parents to play the normal lessons for their child for better results. The rapid flashing is a bonus lesson per DVD for some customers who are keen about higher speed.

As the rapid flashing lessons are only a total of 6 lessons for the entire 6-DVDs, our key focus is on the 48 normal lessons for both Chinese and English. We might be putting more resources in improving on these 6 lessons.

Last but not least, we are in the midst of creating a new series of DVDs for young minds. The limelight of these DVDs is wildlife/animals. Through them, we are able to reach out to children in English and Chinese language acquisition.

For those who are interested in our new series, please feel free to register yourselves with as members. Once the programs are launched, we will notify you immediately. Of course, there will be some benefits for online purchases as well.

With this, I wish you a wonderful weekend rest ahead!
Customer Service
68  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Re: Basic guidelines when teaching Chinese to children under eight on: September 26, 2009, 10:26:55 AM
Dear Hazel,

I know you are currently working at posting the translation or script for the Sing to Learn Chinese dvdS, any idea when will they be posted? 

Thanks a million


Dear Gloria,

We are happy to inform you that we had received the translation for SING to LEARN Chinese Vol. 1 today. It should be uploaded into our website on Monday. Once the file is posted in our website, we will notify you immediately.

As for Vol. 2 and 3, the translations will be submitted to us in the next two weeks. Once ready, we will post it in our website as well.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend ahead!
Customer Service
69  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Re: Basic guidelines when teaching Chinese to children under eight on: September 23, 2009, 03:48:03 PM
OK, so as a complete moron when it comes to Chinese, should I have my kids learn simplified Chinese, as I'm told that's what they use in China. Is simplified chinese simplified characters or spoken words or both? And what is BO PO MO?

Dear Nikita,

This is a good question. It has been a long debate over traditional Chinese or simplified Chinese. Traditional Chinese is primarily used in Hongkong and Taiwan. The whole of China and South East Asia is generally using simplified Chinese. At the end of the day, there is no clear answer to your choice.

My suggestion is simple. If you want to prepare your child for China immersion, then simplified Chinese is sufficient. However, if you are more inclined towards Hongkong or Taiwan, I would suggest you to take up traditional Chinese instead. What we are discussing here is purely the font type. When it comes to pronunciation, both Chinese versions share the same pronunciation in general.

Bo Po Mo is the traditional Chinese way of input. Simplified Chinese uses mainly Hanyu Pinyin phonetic input.

I strongly encourage you to start your child on this language at early age. So much research has proven that young children's brains are a lot more plastic and absorbent compared to adults'. Linguistic abilities is a right-brain function whereby a young child's right brain is typically stronger and more open compared to his/her left brain. However, over time, the right brain will start to decline and submit to the left brain. This is why adults have more difficulties learning new languages compared to kids. This is what Dr. Makata Shichida has researched into over his life-time.

Customer Service

70  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Re: Basic guidelines when teaching Chinese to children under eight on: September 23, 2009, 03:38:52 PM
Dear friends from the forum,

Thank you very much for your kind feedback about our Speak & Read Chinese 6-DVDs program. We had noted that some of the customers are unhappy with the children's pronunciation in some of the lessons in Level 5 & 6. Rest assured that we are reviewing this matter seriously and will include these corrections in the new version up and coming. At the same time, we had submitted our SING to LEARN Chinese DVDs for external review as well. The pronunciations of the words and songs are very accurate and we are very happy to inform you about it.

However, rest assured that the adult pronunciation which is the key voice-over for the entire program (more than 95%) is extremely accurate. The speaker that we had engaged is a Chinese teacher, from a reputable school in Singapore, is trained and specialized in Beijing pronunciation. This is why we do have a number of Chinese school teachers in Singapore feedback to us that they thought that the voice-over was done by a teacher from Beijing.

Again, I thank you so much for your kind feedback. Without your precious feedback, we are unable to perfect our programs to help more young children in learning English and Chinese from young.

Last but not least, we do like to offer you a free upgrade to our revised version to be launched at the end of the year in the event that you decide to purchase the Speak & Read Chinese 6-DVDs program earlier.

Your sincerely,

Dear Hazel,

Do you have any plans to release a Traditional Chinese version of Wink to Learn?

Dear Aangeles,

Thank you very much for your enquiry.  smile

I am very happy to inform you that we are launching our traditional Chinese version by the end of 2009. Please register your kind self as a member as we will notify to all our members once the new program is ready for the market.

Best Regards,
Customer Service
71  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Re: Basic guidelines when teaching Chinese to children under eight on: September 21, 2009, 03:46:00 AM
Dear friends from the forum,

Thank you very much for your kind feedback about our Speak & Read Chinese 6-DVDs program. We had noted that some of the customers are unhappy with the children's pronunciation in some of the lessons in Level 5 & 6. Rest assured that we are reviewing this matter seriously and will include these corrections in the new version up and coming. At the same time, we had submitted our SING to LEARN Chinese DVDs for external review as well. The pronunciations of the words and songs are very accurate and we are very happy to inform you about it.

However, rest assured that the adult pronunciation which is the key voice-over for the entire program (more than 95%) is extremely accurate. The speaker that we had engaged is a Chinese teacher, from a reputable school in Singapore, is trained and specialized in Beijing pronunciation. This is why we do have a number of Chinese school teachers in Singapore feedback to us that they thought that the voice-over was done by a teacher from Beijing.

Again, I thank you so much for your kind feedback. Without your precious feedback, we are unable to perfect our programs to help more young children in learning English and Chinese from young.

Last but not least, we do like to offer you a free upgrade to our revised version to be launched at the end of the year in the event that you decide to purchase the Speak & Read Chinese 6-DVDs program earlier.

Your sincerely,

Hello Hazel,
I have recently purchased the WinktoLearn DVD's.  How will you be notifying us when the free upgrade is available.  This certainly gives me more confidence in my purchase.  Thank you.

Dear Tobias8,

Thank you very much for your kind revert. I am happy to inform you that the free upgrade procedure starts from being a member in With your details within our database, we will notify you via email once the improved version is ready. Please reply us using the same email for further details on the free upgrade and we will guide you from thereon.

Thanks again for your kind accomodation and support for our programs. We hope to hear from you again!

Best Regards,
Customer Service
72  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Re: Basic guidelines when teaching Chinese to children under eight on: September 21, 2009, 02:09:28 AM
Dear friends from the forum,

Thank you very much for your kind feedback about our Speak & Read Chinese 6-DVDs program. We had noted that some of the customers are unhappy with the children's pronunciation in some of the lessons in Level 5 & 6. Rest assured that we are reviewing this matter seriously and will include these corrections in the new version up and coming. At the same time, we had submitted our SING to LEARN Chinese DVDs for external review as well. The pronunciations of the words and songs are very accurate and we are very happy to inform you about it.

However, rest assured that the adult pronunciation which is the key voice-over for the entire program (more than 95%) is extremely accurate. The speaker that we had engaged is a Chinese teacher, from a reputable school in Singapore, is trained and specialized in Beijing pronunciation. This is why we do have a number of Chinese school teachers in Singapore feedback to us that they thought that the voice-over was done by a teacher from Beijing.

Again, I thank you so much for your kind feedback. Without your precious feedback, we are unable to perfect our programs to help more young children in learning English and Chinese from young.

Last but not least, we do like to offer you a free upgrade to our revised version to be launched at the end of the year in the event that you decide to purchase the Speak & Read Chinese 6-DVDs program earlier.

Your sincerely,
73  Products Marketplace / Product Partners / Re: Wink to Learn - It looks fantastic! on: July 31, 2009, 11:35:22 PM
Dear mtb999,

Thank you very much for your kind feedback. Yes, indeed. We will take your suggestion seriously about the randomisation of the latter revision lessons.

Indeed, many families and children had benefitted from our programs. Recently we had stocked up our programs for Mothercare in Singapore. I would like to show you two weblinks of two kids (Jacob and Hanna). They are both WINKtoLEARN kids. Parents were so happy with their progress that they forwarded us their home videos.

; look at the second video which was taken after a few months of watching WINKtoLEARN


Consistency is key to early learning. You would be surprised by the effects.

Keep up the good work!
Customer Service

74  Products Marketplace / Product Partners / Re: Way to super memory : Sequential memory linking technique on: April 09, 2009, 02:57:11 PM
thanks for coming here!

My question is - how much there is in one disc?
I mean, is there one game or several games, or something to watch for some hours? If my child will get it - will she get fun and education for few weeks? Or it is something to work for several months or years?

and thanks Kimba for your question, now I know that I am not in a hurry for this type of products smile

Thanks for your questions, Frukc.

There are two titles under Memory Magic brand. 1st - Silly Story & Follow That Dot and 2nd - Super Flash.

Silly Story - based on sequential memory linking technique
Follow That Dot - focuses on eye tracking exercises which is also very helpful for younger children
Super Flash - uses rapid flashing to activate the right brain.

Within every game, there are several levels of categories or difficulties. It's fun and challenging even for adults. Great educational game for parents and child to bond together. You don't need to months to master these. We have a mummy came back to us telling us that her kids were so thrilled by the sequential linking technique taught by Silly Story and they started remembering things with ease. smile

Feel free to click for more information and free demonstration videos :
75  Products Marketplace / Product Partners / Re: Way to super memory : Sequential memory linking technique on: April 09, 2009, 10:58:12 AM
How young can you start your child on memory magic and do you have any long term studies on students who have used memory magic?

Hi Kimba15,

Thanks for your enquiry. It's a well-thought one.

For a child to begin meaningfully on Memory Magic computer games, he/she would need to be able to move and click on the mouse. Some kids as young as 3 are pretty good with this.

Memory Magic computer games are inspired by Dr. Makato Shichida. The founder of the games was a believer in these techniques to the extent that he created these series of games based on the fundamentals of Dr. Shichida. Therefore the long term studies on linking memory technique, rapid flashing technique and also eye-tracking technique are resting on Dr. Shichida's findings. This is why today we are able to collate many testimonials in Youtube and so forth about amazing children with amazing abilities. The responsibility of parents is to be by their side to encourage, motivate them to love learning.

There is a thread within which has a good bit of information about linking memory technique. I thought it might be good to share with everyone:

I look forward to help out with more questions.

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