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Parents' Lounge / General Parenting / Re: What do you do at bath time?
on: April 02, 2010, 01:10:02 AM
We have a boat with sea animals. The octupus has holes, so she likes how the water comes through the holes. The fish sucks the water in and then goes after her, getting her wet, she can scoop water with the crab and at the end she gets to put them away in the boat. This way to re-inforce to pick up her toys when she is done. we have the foam letters but have not used then because she used to put them in her mouth, but she may be old enough to get them out and have fun. She loves letters!
Regarding the soap, we use a liquid soap by Aquaphor that doesn't hurt her eyes or her skin. We lve it!
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Re: Wanted - More Spanish LR Files
on: March 29, 2010, 12:47:01 AM
Hi all This sounds amazing!!! We are just starting out with our Spanish and I'd love to have some more resources. Is there any possibility for sharing the files more widely? Thanks!!! LZP
Unfortunately at this point KL doesn't want us to share the files widely because they are planning on coming up with a curriculum in Spanish and we are using the current curriculum as a based (he authorized this). Just PM with your e-mail address and I'll send you a copy of the files I have.
Local Support Groups / Español / Re: Adaptación al currículum español
on: March 25, 2010, 07:16:25 PM
Hola Saunier! No te preocupes yo se como uno se ocupa en muchas cosas y se pasa el tiempo. De lo del instituto, mira no estoy 100% segura, pero a mi me parece que cuando yo empece con todo esto yo les mande varios e-mails y me parece que en uno de ellos, ellos confirmaban que recomendaban incluir el articulo. LA verdad ellos estan muy involucrados en todo lo relacionado con idiomas, ellos tienen sus propios CD's que incluyen varios idiomas, solo que no estan disenados para vista y es lo que yo tengo, entocnes estoy segura que si lo han estudiado. Lo que te sugeriria es que les mandes un mesnaje y les preguntes, ellos se demoran un poco en contestar, pero contestan. La pagina de ellos por si no la tienes es las veces que me contestaron mas rapido fue cuando les mande un mensaje por "mother's helpline" en contact us. De lo del link the Tweedle Wink, ellos tienen un video en youtube de las lecciones regulares pero no la de idiomas, entonces no te puedo realmente dar un link, lo siento. Te acabo de mandar las traducciones que he hecho, no son muchas, pero de algo ayuda. Me dejas saber si tienes alguna otra pregunta. Que tengas un lindo dia!
Parents' Lounge / Coffee Shop - Chat Place / Re: How to select a name?
on: March 24, 2010, 05:32:59 AM
We used to talk about baby names here and there and one day I asked my husband what he thought about Valerie and he really liked it. Then we picked a short middle name "Ann" which happens to be the middle name of all the oldest girls on my mother-in-law's family. So it worked out great! we had also picked a name for boys in cse it was a boy, but now I'm not so sure in case we have a boy the second time around. We would see...
Parents' Lounge / General Pregnancy / Re: Baby Shower Themes, Games and Favors
on: March 22, 2010, 08:16:19 PM
For my babyshower my friends had a tray with all kinds of baby products and just went in front of all the guests very quickly. Each person had a piece of paper and a pen and the person that had the most number of items written down won. Of course, back then I didn't have a clue of half of the stuff that was on the tray.
Parents' Lounge / Coffee Shop - Chat Place / Re: what would be the best gift for a baby
on: March 22, 2010, 08:13:07 PM
My neighbor gave us a basket with stuff she thought were a must with a new born. Cloth diapers to use as a burp cloth, diapers, bud paste, wipes and baby powder (which we didn't use, since it is not recommened anymore, her girls are older ). I thought it ws very thoughful of her to do that (even more becuase we had just moved in and I really didn't know her then ) So just think of what stuff you couldn't be without with your baby and make a basket with it. One good thing to include if she is breastfeeding is either lanoli or conmfort gel pads.
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child to Read / Re: Teaching tips
on: March 22, 2010, 04:03:01 AM
We have been writing down all the new words she is saying and keep it up on the refrigerator. We review the words very often and sometimes she just points at them.
Now, I want to start the mailbox idea, I'm just not sure what to write. Can the people that have done it share what phrases or words they have include in their "letters"?
Parents' Lounge / Coffee Shop - Chat Place / Re: what do you do for fun?
on: March 16, 2010, 02:41:55 AM
I'm lucky because my mom lives about three hours away and we go visit her to the "big city" about three times a month, so when we are in town she helps us watch Valerie so we can have a nice dinner (I love to try new restaurants), watch a movie or spend some time with friends. I love hanging out with other people.