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EARLY LEARNING / Homeschooling / Re: Next Week's Learning Goals
on: January 18, 2011, 03:11:10 AM
Thanks Sarahjean! I forgot to add a few things to our list- it slipped my mind because it has almost become a routine and I have never really classified these things before: Other language: Marathi- will show him 5 words- I tried doing this about 8 months ago, but I wasn't very consistent. Music: will continue with Vivaldi. I like the 'sticker on the keyboard' idea- will try that. Art: Rembrandt. He can recognize works of Leonardo da vinci, Monet and Van Gogh. Reading: We are doing couplets on LR. We have done Doman cards with him for a long time, but now I feel I should focus more on phonics and he is showing interest in it. I'll still continue with couplets- can't hurt. We love reading the 'Child's book of poems' together. Physical education: we just jump around and run while saying our numbers forwards and backwards Do you have any good ideas? We will start swimming in 4 months. Religion: I tell him stories related to Hinduism. I feel better after writing all this- the situation is not bad as I thought Hopefully, we'll stick to this plan. I anticipate fewer goals for the week after since I will be working.
EARLY LEARNING / Homeschooling / Re: Next Week's Learning Goals
on: January 17, 2011, 10:57:36 PM
Wow Sarahjean! I agree with kizudo, your list is both impressive and depressive ...but it is kinda encouraging too- we all need a little push sometimes....I stopped making lists some time ago so here's what I think we will do: Math- Just got Jones Genius kit - will do numbers 0-4 Reading- phonics letters a,a,b,c,c and d sight words- 5 or more Geography- learn to recognize 5 countries and their flags EK- can't plan this one, I choose this based on what my DS takes a liking to. will also do a sanskrit shloka with him. will keep you updated. Wish me luck
EARLY LEARNING / Homeschooling / Need advice-Combining curricula- reading and math
on: December 30, 2010, 07:34:44 PM
Hi everyone, Thank you for the detailed descriptions of the different curricula. I have a 2 year old that I have not started a math curriculum with yet. We did Doman dots when he was a baby and after that it has just been counting with props at home. He can count to 20 and knows his shapes and colors. He will start going to a Montessori 3 days a week. Which math curriculum will best go with the Montessori math? I liked the Singapore math and Jones genius so far. I wanted to do these on days when he doesn't go to Montessori. Will combining many curricula confuse him? For reading: we have been doing Doman cards and LR. He hasn't 'read' any words yet and I am not testing him. Will the Jones genius curriculum help with the phonics or should I try some other curriculum. Which one will best supplement Doman and LR? For EK- just the LR. Sometimes I feel like he knows more than he should I would really appreciate it if you could give me some advice. There is so much information out there, seems like the more you read about it, the more confusing it becomes Thanks, Shaman
EARLY LEARNING / Homeschooling / Re: my daily home school schedule
on: November 22, 2010, 04:50:11 PM
Hi Tatiana,
Thank you for all the information. Karma to you!
I was doing Doman and LR with my son since he was 4-5 months old and we were doing wonderfully until the time I had to start working full time. After that I wasn't able to spend as much time with my son as I'd like, so we didn't do much for 9 months and I feel like we missed out a lot. I stopped working to spend more time with him. I am really wanting to make up for the time I didn't spend with him and as a result am going through all the educational resources to come up with a good schedule but am getting overwhelmed! Would you be able to give me some suggestions?
He is an auditory learner.
I did math dots with him when he was a baby. what is a good method for math at his age? miqoun or singapore?
we are doing EK with LR twice a day, he loves to see a new set everyday so it is a little tricky for me.
I tried Doman for reading earlier and was doing LR now, but he doesn't show much interest in just words, loves multisensory things- he loves 'animal tracks and sounds'. when and how should I start phonics with him. Are the phonics in LR enough or do I need the read, sing and write package?
I would really appreciate your input.
Take care,
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child to Read / Re: Baby is Happy
on: November 05, 2009, 04:41:12 PM
Hi Khatty,
That is wonderful!
I like your idea of posting sentences on the wall- I will try that with my son. He identifies a lot of words but I have not tried doing sentences with him.
Warm wishes, M
EARLY LEARNING / Early Learning - General Discussions / Re: How can you tell your baby knows?
on: November 04, 2009, 05:05:03 PM
I tested my baby first when he was 7 months old. I would just hold up the cards and he would pull the right one off my hands or just touch it. I wanted to make sure there was no pattern in picking the cards (right first then left, then right again), so I would randomize that and he would still show me the right card. To make sure it is not by luck/ chance, I started keeping 3 word cards and asked him to pick the right one- he got it all right. Now he picks the correct flag from 4-5 flags. He has just started walking and is thoroughly enjoying it, so I ask him to walk towards a word/ object that I keep at a distance and watch him go for it On some occasions, even I have noticed that he doesn't want to pick the right color etc, but that is probably because he doesn't want to, not because he doesn't know. So trust your child and continue doing what you are doing....he probably knows everything and he will definitely show it to you later (when you least expect it) Good luck!
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child to Read / What should I change in my teaching method?
on: October 31, 2009, 05:33:20 PM
Hi everyone,
My DS (11 and a half months) is doing well with his curriculum. He picks the right word all the time and points out to objects correctly (knows 100+ words/objects). However, he does not point out to the object when I show him the card. Eg. He picks the word 'book' (card) from 3 other word cards shown to him and will show me books when I ask him to, but he doesn't point to books when he reads the word on the card. Should I change something while teaching him?
Thanks in advance,
EARLY LEARNING / Early Learning - General Discussions / Re: could she really recognize words at 6months????
on: July 07, 2009, 03:39:00 PM
That's great Zoe! Congratulations!
It is indeed possible. At 7 months and 6 days, my son could recognize colors, numbers (1-20) and words. I am sure he would have been able to do this earlier if I had tested him then (I resisted testing him when he was 6 months old and in retrospect, from his behavior when we did cards, I feel that he would have identified a few things at that time)
You are doing great- keep up the good work!
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child to Read / Re: Let's brag about our babies!!
on: July 07, 2009, 03:31:59 PM
At 7 months, my baby can recognize colors, numbers 1-20 dots (his mom did'nt teach him 0 yet ), and 10-15 words at least (haven't tried all of them). He also recognized Panda when I showed him picture cards....he hadn't seen this card before, I had just shown him the animal video's on LR. He crawls and doesn't want to sit in one place, so I have to crawl with him, show him the dot cards and ask him to recognize the number. He just pats on the right number and crawls away, leaving me amused and proud as ever He completes nursery rhymes- when I stop short of one word, he makes a sound and then I have to continue with the rhyme- that is really cute He enjoys music- sings and dances (sways his body and taps his left foot to music). Loves giving 'high fives'. He also says 'AUM' (has been saying it for 3 months now).