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BrillKids Software / Little Reader - General Discussion / Re: Discount Code for LR
on: February 14, 2011, 05:57:22 AM
so the box set is no value to me as i live in saudi arabia now and have no address in USA. is their any other way that i can get discounted LR Basic with no box set using my loyality point and activate it right away from my account ?? Thanks and waiting for yr replay Ru'a
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Re: any advise with exposing kids to non native languages
on: February 04, 2011, 07:53:51 AM
Dear aangeles, thank you for yr replay. I really likes the idea of having lunch with him, so i asked the school if I can do soo when I can and they were not the happiest about it bec the other kids will miss their mommies !!!!! Ahhh, nursery decision seems to be harder that marriage decision ;-P I think for now I will wait for the semester to end and will evaluate his progress and maybe I can have a better vision which will help me decide the best for him . Thanks dear again
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / any advise with exposing kids to non native languages
on: January 27, 2011, 09:45:45 AM
Help! I am a working mommy of an almost 2 year old and I am trying to raise him in three languages. My mother tongue is Arabic, but I speak with him in English about 80% of the time. He also is living in an Arabic-speaking country and speaks Arabic with his father on the weekends. I would like for him to have French as a third language. Therefore, I have enrolled him in a French immersion pre-school, which he attends 5 mornings a week.
My dilemna is that I want to ensure that his English is as close to native-speaker fluent as possible. I have been supplementing my speaking English with him with English language videos, songs, meeting with English-speaking friends and other extracurricular activities. I have thus been contemplating moving him to an English-speaking pre-school close to my office. Since he is young, it would allow me to be able to pop in from time to time to visit him in the school and maintain my bond with him. However, I would also like for him to acquire French as young as possible. Outside of the school, he would not be exposed to French speakers, but would only have video and audio aids to help him acquire the language.
Has anyone has success in actually having their child become fluent in a third language with resources that are similarly limited as described above or has the child had a mere superficial knowledge of the third language like only naming the objects ? do u recomment that i move him to the English preschool and postpond the french for later years as French extracuricular activity start for 3-4 years old kids. Thanks Ru'a