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EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Other Topics / Re: How do you teach geography?
on: January 12, 2012, 05:07:49 AM
Just a fun idea- when my DD was 2 mo, I was looking for an alternative to the old ''This Little Piggy' rhyme. (We are strict vegetarian!) I started making up geography versions for each continent: ex: " This little piggy went to London, This little piggy went to Berlin,This little Piggy went to Paris, This Little Piggy went to Rome. This little Piggy went wee, wee, wee, all the way home!". So now we have refined it and have versions with every US state, country, etc....I have had a blast finding places that rhyme with 'home' in each category, such as Gnome, Alaska and Rome, Georgia....she had a great time, and now that she is two she begs for new ones and insists on looking up every obscure place I can come up with...we use it at night before bed, after bath and massage, and she frequently wakes up remembering that she wants to "see" whatever '-ome' location I used the night before! If you would rather save the work, I am happy to upload some of her favorites... Happy Teaching!
Parents' Lounge / General Parenting / Re: Help with some advice re my eldest dd behaviour!!
on: January 07, 2012, 03:23:16 AM
I am sorry you are having a rough time of it. I have a very sting willed two year old and discovered vey quickly that punitive action, like taking things away that she loved, only made the behavior worse. I read a book called 'Happiest Toddler On The Block' by Dr. Harvey Karp, that really helped turn my daughter around. He has concepts like Feeding the Meter, where you give them small bits of undivided attention to prevent the outbursts, and ways of communicating with them. All hands on, practical, non-touchy feely theory that is difficult to implement. It is a quick read, and set up so that you can start Immediately! Especially for bright kids that need to be challenged, it really seems to work... I have no ties to this book other than I have highly recommended it to many friends and family members. I hope it helps, and good luck:)
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child to Read / Sight Word Bingo
on: January 07, 2012, 03:12:01 AM
My daughter is 24 months and has fallen in love with an app called Sight Word Bingo! Has different levels thAt reward them when they get a BINGO with some sort of cute little interactive bug, not sure what the allure is there! They have a junior version for colors, letters, and shapes, and a separate math version as well...if you are looking for something to keep them productive and occupied whilst waiting somewhere, check it out!
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child Math / Trying to decide on math program
on: January 07, 2012, 03:01:24 AM
My daughter just turned two and has completed the YBCR program. I don't even know what level she is reading at as we have yet to find a word she can't read. We also love Signing Time and she knows hundreds of signs...we finally had to find a babysitter that signs because she would get so frustrated if someone couldn't understand her! It hadn't really occurred to me to do much math until I started giving her a five minute warning when it was time to go and realized that she had figured out the concept of subtraction from this! So I found this site and am now playing catch-up, it would seem, to find something suitable. Does anyone ideas and/or experience starting with Two year olds that can count to thirty, love the concept ofZero, and a Million.? BTW, fantastic book called "how much is a million that is for young children, that shows pictures of ten, hundred, thousand, and penguin in the story is looking for a million. There is a huge foldout poster included with exactly one million stars on it! My husband actually takes it to show his university chemistry course! Thanks for any ideas...