Parents' Lounge / Coffee Corner - General Chat / Re: child abuse video (dont watch with kids around).
on: October 22, 2009, 08:02:58 PM
Oh Sweet Briana
My eyes are filled with tears as I recall the pictures I just saw of you. Sweet sweet Briana, I am so sorry that we as a society have failed you. I am so sorry that you had to experience this horrific pain. I am so sorry that you did not enjoy the love that a family is supposed to bring. Tears are rushing down my face as I think about how God's heart ached as you were mistreated. Precious Briana. Precious little one. I am sorry. I am sorry that the adults in your life did not protect you. I am sorry for all the other children in this world who are also being abused and are not being helped. I will pray that your beautiful little face is etched on the minds of all those who see it and that we will do what we can to stop this madness. I will pray that God will give us ears to hear and eyes to see who we are to protect and help. Briana, may your life not be in vain.
EARLY LEARNING / Early Learning - General Discussions / Re: sharing our home-made learning dvds
on: October 20, 2009, 07:44:59 PM
Hi Nikita, Thank you again for your hard work in compiling these resources. I have a question for you. This is NOT A CHALLENGE. I respect you and what you are doing for us, but I sincerely want to know how you filter through the different language videos to determine what to include and what not to. I like to know what I'm showing my son but I only speak one language and understand a bit from two others...Chinese or Japanese are neither of the two. I watched a few of the videos in the previous lists and there's one of a group of girls dancing around singing. I'm sure I can trust you, but if you don't know the language either, how do you know if it is appropriate? I'm curious as to what they're saying - how do I find that out? I don't want to just delete these from my playlists, but I do want to be responsible and "feed" my son information that I know will be good for him. Again, this is not meant as a challenge to you, rather as a plea for insight Thank you, Kizudo
Parents' Lounge / General Parenting / Re: When did your toddler quit napping?
on: October 11, 2009, 02:10:52 AM
Thanks for your advice. It is now very cold where I live but I'm still trying to take him out for a walk regularly. I think the fresh air and activity helps to tire him out. What I will do in minus 40 celcius I don't know! He's napped two days in a row now
Parents' Lounge / General Parenting / When did your toddler quit napping?
on: October 08, 2009, 07:44:59 PM
So, "The Creature", as we fondly call him, has recently deemed afternoon naps passe. He's only 18 months and, quite honestly, I may need him to nap maybe more than he does. It's only been two days of no napping, but if there is any way possible for me to get him back into the rhythm of a 1:00 nap I'd like to try it...before this "all day awake" thing becomes a habit. Any advice?
EARLY LEARNING / Early Learning - General Discussions / Re: Teaching Baby New Vocabulary
on: October 08, 2009, 01:22:32 AM
As I wrote to one of my new friends on this forum, I am beginning to rue the day I taught my child the word "problem". It started with me innocently asking in response to his crying or whining "What's the problem?" or "Do you have a problem?" Unfortunately, he now knows that "pwoblem" will get him attention so, lately the mantra coming from his room at bedtime is "pwoblem, pwoblem, pwoblem, pwoblem, pwoblem..." You get the idea. Over and over and over I hear this word in his pathetic little baby boy voice... It was cute the first few times but now...oh no...not now...it is far beyond cute!
EARLY LEARNING / Early Learning - General Discussions / Re: Teaching Baby New Vocabulary
on: October 08, 2009, 12:36:54 AM
So...this isn't a "big" word but I thought it was funny. For the last few days on LR the term "old man" has come up as have other people words. Today, I flicked on the tv which is so very rare in our home that my 18 mo. son stopped dead in his tracks thinking that it was time for "learning" as he calls it...anyway, Dr. Phil was on the channel that came up and he emphatically pointed, shouting "OLD MAN! OLD MAN!" I'm sure Dr.Phil would love that!
EARLY LEARNING / Early Learning - General Discussions / Re: Teaching Baby New Vocabulary
on: October 07, 2009, 01:04:00 AM
When I was teaching kgtn I'd always try to bring "adult" words into the classroom. They thought they were being so sneaky by using these big words. I remember one fall I got a thank you note from a parent with a story attached. Apparently, they were outside in the heat and as the mom was reaching for a drink from their cooler she said "Boy, it sure is hot out here." and her 4 year old son emphatically replied "I completely concur!"
EARLY LEARNING / Early Learning - General Discussions / Re: sharing our home-made learning dvds
on: October 01, 2009, 02:55:26 AM
Hi Nikita, Thank you for all your work in regards to putting the playlists together...and your conversing and planning with Loren and Jakem. I know that it benefits you to do it personally but it is so nice of you to share them with us all.
You said that list 3 is almost done. When I scrolled up on this thread I only found List 1A and 1B. Did I miss list 2 or are you considering 1B as the second list? Also, we (in a PM) spoke about videos that had a Christian theme. Do you plan to share this list as well?
Thank you, Kizudo
EARLY LEARNING / Early Learning - General Discussions / Re: How to make flubber
on: September 30, 2009, 07:38:14 PM
This is SO MUCH FUN!!! We used to make it in the children's program I led...but we called it "Elephant Snot"...(it just adds to the "eww" factor!)
In response to KL asking about what you do with it...the answer is basically nothing. You just feel it wiggle and jiggle and change shape in your fingers. It's a neat thing when you're talking about chemical/physical reactions. You really should try it. Your kids will love it (we only did it with the Kgtn-gr5 group though as it's a definite "no eat" substance)