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[03 Aug] Winners of the Little Reader Video Contest (Part 5)! (More...)

[25 Jul] Bianca's Story - What happens 10+ years after learning to read as a baby/toddler (More...)

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[22 Nov] Little Reader Touch now available in the App Store! (More...)

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[02 Sep] Little Reader Wins Another Two Awards! (Mom's Best Award & TNPC Seal of Approval) (More...)

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76  Products Marketplace / Product Partners / Re: How to train your child in speed reading? on: April 09, 2009, 04:19:07 AM
Can adults have the same effects?

Yes, indeed. There are 7 levels in Follow That Dot. The player will have to view more patterns level after level. It's also challenging for adults as our eyes muscles need to be conditioned too to aid speed reading.

Having said this, the most effective group is still children as they are still in a growing stage whereby eye muscles are easier to be conditioned and trained compared to adults.

You can view the free demonstration video via this weblink:

Best Regards,
Email: [email protected]
77  Products Marketplace / Product Partners / Way to super memory : Sequential memory linking technique on: April 09, 2009, 04:13:13 AM
This is a 3000-years-old technique traced all the way back to the early Greeks. Back then, public speakers had the ability to remember tremendous quantities of information and relay it to the waiting crowds. How did they do it? They did it by linking their stories together with the help of visual metaphors.
Today, experts in child development and accelerated learning call this technique, "Image Memory Training", "Memory Linking" or "Clustering." Today, it's used in hundreds of schools throughout Asia with tremendous success. (Throughout this topic, we'll refer to it as "Memory Linking.") Using this method develops the imaging power of the right brain mind, helping you naturally gain access to the same creative resources that some call a "flash of genius".

As odd as it may sound, the memory linking technique also helps children become accustomed to thinking habits that go beyond common sense logic. According to experts, developing "out-of-the-box" thought processes accesses right brain imaging power and ignites abilities that can lead to great discoveries or unique solutions to problems that defy logical reasoning.

One way to utilize this method is explained by Dr. Shichida, Director of over 400 Child Academies in Japan: "In our classrooms," he says, "the teacher places 10 different pictographic cards on a whiteboard. The student starts to connect the cards to each other with a story, which creates a picture in the mind facilitating memorization." He says with practice, "Students no longer need the verbal connections. They can easily remember 40 to 50 images. For many kids even 100 cards aren't a problem."

Don Campbell, in his book, Rhythms of Learning, says of Memory Linking: "While short-term memories can be stored as images, they are often stored by sound, especially in the recall of words and letters. In general, short-term memory has the ability to hold about seven bits of information. When related groups of information are bonded together, they may be remembered as one bit of information, and the volume that can be stored increases."

In our research, we found that when humor or silliness are utilized with this method, almost anyone can remember 100 or more objects in perfect sequential order and usually very quickly. That's when we came up with the game, Silly Story. We found that telling children funny nonsensical stories to tie images together proved a very effective way of teaching anyone (even the very young) to accurately remember large amounts of information in sequential order.

Games to improve your memory like this use an ancient but simple concept. Yet in practice it can net very positive results in children and adults when used according to recommendations.

Feel free to come online to find out more and also view our free demonstration videos @

Best Regards,
Email: [email protected]
Helpline:+65 68750889
78  Products Marketplace / Product Partners / How to train your child in speed reading? on: April 09, 2009, 04:07:28 AM
The best speed reading courses contain eye-tracking exercises and games that activate right brain function such as imaging and mass memory acquisition. In Makato Shichida's Child Academies, we'll find young children flipping through books at high speed, taking tests on the book's subject matter, and getting high test scores. Traditionally, such exercises are conducted in a classroom environment.

Stephen Christman’s, a pschologist at the University of Toledo, research has independently shown that such eye movements improve recall memory.

Christman said that he first came up with the idea to look at the effects of eye movements on memory after learning that leftward eye movements activate the right brain hemisphere and that rightward movements activate the left hemisphere. He thought that horizontal eye movements might, therefore, improve memory by helping the hemispheres interact.

Memory Magic: Follow That Dot computer game helps to strengthen eye-tracking, stimulate and activate right brain function such as imaging and mass memory acquisition. They also create strong connections between the right brain and the left brain's conscious recall function.

In short, true speed reading is your ability to store the "image" of pages or blocks of text through your right brain mind, and later be able to recall the information from those pages through your conscious left brain mind.

Strengthening Our Eye Muscles

To strengthen our eye muscles, we want use their unique eye-tracking exercises and games. They strengthen and expand the muscles used for vertical, horizontal, diagonal, global and field of vision. When we strengthen our eye muscles in this way, we're able to image faster and store larger blocks of text at a time. And, by using these accelerated learning techniques, we form strong connections between our subconscious right brain function and conscious left brain function, which leads to speed reading.

In addition, using these particular exercises and games are great for young children, those with eye-tracking difficulties of any age or learning ability.

Feel free to find out more and view our free demonstration videos @

Best Regards,
Email: [email protected]
Helpline: +65-68750889

79  Products Marketplace / Product Partners / Help your child to remember things in a flash! on: April 09, 2009, 04:02:36 AM
Rapid Flashing: A Key To Unlocking Genius

Research into Rapid Flashing and Flash Card Games

According to research and work with thousands of children, researchers, such as Glenn Doman of The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential, proved that children, who did not have predestined inborn genius capabilities, were yet able to develop them by having clear, accurately rendered pictures and information presented to them with the greatest possible speed. They discovered that young children can be taught anything and everything if they are provided the right environment and techniques. We call this accelerated learning method: Rapid Flashing.

In addition, education experts in other parts of the world proved that extraordinary abilities can be developed in ordinary children by quickly displaying flash cards with one fact and picture at a time. They found abilities such as rapid calculating abilities and photographic memory emerge when both left and right brain function is properly stimulated and developed.

These natural abilities are possible because the right brain's mass-memory, automatic processing capability allows instant absorption of photographic images, tactile objects and sound bites. The left brain provides systematic, logical and orderly thought functions. When both are coupled together through strong neural networks, instant genius abilities can manifest as well as an increase of creativity.
Our Accelerated Learning Flash Card Games

The computer and printed rapid flash card games we carry on our site were carefully designed to help increase neurological stimulation and development between the left brain right brain hemispheres. They can enhance a child's natural abilities in early word/sound/object recognition, comprehension and vocabulary. They also can help unlock abilities such as rapid thought processes and photographic memory in those of any age and learning ability.

According to accelerated learning child education expert Dr. Makato Shichida, rapid flashing changes the neural networks of the brain. A huge quantity of input (right brain) creates positive changes in the quality of output (left brain). In effect, you can become a creative genius!

Find out more and view free demonstration videos @

Best Regards,
Email: [email protected]
Helpline: +65-6875 0889
80  Products Marketplace / Product Partners / WINKtoLEARN Flashcard DVDs - English & Chinese on: April 09, 2009, 03:57:06 AM
Dear Forum Members,

We had attached our product brochure for your easy review. We had delivered our products worldwide and all our customers are satisfied with the condition and delivery of our programs. 5 reasons to buy from

Reason 1 - Next-Business Day Shipping for all online purchases

Reason 2 - Free International Shipping by air for purchases more than US$20/S$30

Reason 3 - 100% Compatibility - our DVDs come in both PAL (Region-free) & NTSC (Region-free)

Reason 4 - Free 1-to-1 Replacement for any defective DVDs for ALL customers

Reason 5 - Free Gift-wrapping for ALL customers upon request

Come online now to view our free video lessons.

Best Regards,
Email: [email protected]
Helpline: +65-68750889
81  Products Marketplace / Product Partners / Re: New PRODUCT PARTNERS Board on: April 09, 2009, 03:46:17 AM
Thanks a million for running extra miles for partners like us. We are indeed honored to be part of this community. I also saw a thread mentioned They are the developer of Memory Magic games. In fact, is their official exclusive licensee in South Asia. smile  This is a small world.

I will post some information about the Shichida techniques used in the Memory Magic games. Alternatively forum members may like to come online to our website to view some free video demonstrations on their games. The url is

Three cheers!
82  Parents' Lounge / Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello Everyone! on: February 17, 2009, 07:15:21 AM
welcome all!

Yes, indeed. we are a bunch of parents who all believe in early education. A quote that keeps us inspired:

Learning is a reward, not a punishment.
Learning is a pleasure, not a chore.
Learning is a privilege, not denial.

Let our children know that they are the most fortunate ones in the world whereby their dads and mums spend time with them and giving them this gift of learning!

Hazel (A proud member of - the place whereby your child makes friends with words!)

83  Parents' Lounge / Introduce Yourself / Re: Hazel from on: February 17, 2009, 07:00:59 AM
It's OK I was there to visit Kiddy Palace too.

Many thanks! Will come back to you tomorrow after confirmation with the distributor. Good night!

Hi, my distributor has confirmed with us that only Isetan Scotts has a DVD counter. We will update this in our website. So sorry for the inconveniences caused.

Take care!
84  Parents' Lounge / Introduce Yourself / Re: Hazel from on: February 17, 2009, 06:59:11 AM
Excel home videos promots my baby can talk videos in India

phone no + 22 40500700 e-mail [email protected]

Hope they will be available here soon.

Thanks and regards

Thanks a million, Anne. Will contact them and see if they are keen with our programs.

Have a good day!
85  Parents' Lounge / Introduce Yourself / Re: Hazel from on: February 15, 2009, 02:14:18 PM
It's OK I was there to visit Kiddy Palace too.

Many thanks! Will come back to you tomorrow after confirmation with the distributor. Good night!
86  Parents' Lounge / Introduce Yourself / Re: Hazel from on: February 15, 2009, 12:46:23 PM
Are your dvd's available in India?

Hi Anne,

thanks for your enquiry. we are looking forward suitable partners in India. meantime, we ship individual packages to India free of charge.

if you have anyone suitable in mind, feel free to let me know.

87  Parents' Lounge / Introduce Yourself / Re: Hazel from on: February 15, 2009, 12:24:46 AM
I went to Isetan Tampines Mall but they said no DVDS sold here ??
Which part is it at?

Thanks a lot for the note. We distribute our DVDs via a distribution company and according to them, these are the department stores that they had placed our programs. We will confirm with them on Monday. I am so sorry about your unfruitful trip to the mall.  Sad
88  Parents' Lounge / Introduce Yourself / Re: Hazel from on: February 14, 2009, 01:44:46 PM


Thank you very much! You can view our free videos via our website. In december 2008, we had launched our English flashcard series (  and SING to LEARN Chinese DVD ( It's well received so far and we are all excited about these newly developed programs!

Enjoy your weekend!
89  Parents' Lounge / Introduce Yourself / Re: Hazel from on: February 14, 2009, 02:13:48 AM
Hi Hazel
What retail shops in S'pore sells the WINKtoLEARN DVDs

Hi hi! I had pasted the listing below. Alternative you might want to visit our weblink to have regular updates @ Good news! has decided to carry our programs and introduce to more families in USA!  smile

Isetan - Parkway Parade
Isetan - Tampines Mall

Bras Basah (City Hall MRT Station): Maha Yu Yi (友谊书局) - Level 3
Raffles Place MRT - Basement Mall: Embrio - near OUB Centre Basement 1 Exit
Robinsons - Raffles City
Suntec City: My Learning Kingdom @ Level 3 (Happy Kidz Zone)

Forum Shopping Mall (Orchard MRT Station): Twinkle Thinkers - Basement 1
Robinsons - Centrepoint
Takashimaya Shopping Centre (Orchard MRT Station): Children and Toddler Department (Near cashier counter)
Isetan - Scotts (Opposite Wheelock Place)
Isetan - Wisma Atria

Thomson Plaza: Discovery Corner @ Level 1(Opposite POSB Bank)
United Square (Novena MRT Station): My Learning Kingdom @ Level 1
90  Products Marketplace / Product Partners / Re: Wink to learn chinese, any advice? on: February 12, 2009, 12:14:21 AM
Wow this products sounds really good. It is suitable to start at which age for this product?

where to buy it?

Hi Rainmatrix,

Our pedagogy principles of our programs are inspired by Glenn Doman and Shichida. Such methods are highly effective for children from 6 months to 7 years. Some parents are so thrilled about their children's progress that they sent our home videos of themselves and their children. Nothing beats seeing satisfied mummies and happy kids who enjoyed our programs. smile   Click her for their testimonial videos:

Hanna - Age 2:
Cadence - Age 17 months:
Cecelia from New York:
Jo - Age 4:

You can buy it from directly as we take care of shipping costs regardless of your country. Besides, we are also running a number of promotions which saves more monies for you. smile

Take care!
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